表面等离子共振技术(Surface plasmon resonance, SPR)
技术原理:基于表面等离子共振原理,分子结合和解离过程中传感芯片表面分子质量发生变化,共振角(即 SPR 角)就会随之发生变化,通过检测共振角的变化就可以检测分子间结合过程并计算出结合的亲和力。为了研究两个分子之间的相互作用,其中一个分子被固定到芯片表面上(Ligand),而另一个分子(Analyte)以溶液的形式连续流过芯片表面,检测器能实时检测溶液中的分子与芯片表面的分子结合、解离过程,并以 SPR 响应值(RU)的形式显示。SPR 的方法不仅可以检测是否有特异性的结合,还可以通过数据分析软件获得分子间的结合速率常数 (association rate constant,ka)、解离速率常数(dissociation rate constant,kd)、平衡解离常数 (dissociation equilibrium constant,KD)等参数。
表面等离子共振技术(Surface plasmon resonance, SPR)作为写入中国、美国、日本药典中的生物分子互作验证技术,在小分子化合物、中药单体与靶蛋白结合亲和力测定及验证中被广泛应用。利用 Biacore 系统的单浓度筛选技术,可以快速对大量化合物单体进行筛选及亲和力排序;利用 Biacore 系统的配体垂钓技术可以从中草药提取物中“垂钓”能与靶蛋白结合的单体。
图1 表面等离子共振技术 (SPR) 技术原理

案例一 SPR和TSA 验证 LONP1 是青蒿素的直接作用靶点

2024年6月,复旦大学汤其群团队在 Science 上发表的题为
“Artemisinins ameliorate polycystic ovarian syndrome by mediating LONP1-CYP11A1 interaction”
的文章。作者主要研究了青蒿素类化合物通过调节 LONP1-CYP11A1 的相互作用来改善多囊卵巢综合征 (PCOS) 的疗效,并揭示青蒿素类药物在治疗 PCOS 方面的潜力,并为针对 LONP1-CYP11A1 相互作用的 PCOS 干预提供了新的途径[1]。

LONP1 是青蒿素的直接作用靶点-研究思路:

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图2 LONP1 是青蒿素的直接靶点
到青蒿琥酯 (ATS) 上,合成 bio- ATS(图2A)。通过
小分子 Pull-Down实验
证实:ATS(青蒿琥酯)与 LONP1 直接结合,用游离 ATS、ATM(青蒿素衍生物,一种青蒿素)或 SM934(青蒿素类似物)预孵育占据了 LONP1 蛋白位点,破坏了 bio-ATS 和 LONP1 之间的相互作用(图2B)。同时
也证明 ATM、SM934 可增加 LONP1 蛋白稳定性(图2C)。
结果显示青蒿素结合口袋位于 LONP1 的蛋白水解结构域内(图2D)。
测定了青蒿素与该结构域的结合亲和力。将 LONP1 的结构域直接偶联在 CM5 芯片上,ATM、SM934 和 ATS 作为分析物以流动相的形式依次流过 LONP1 蛋白结构域。
表面等离子共振技术 (SPR)
结果显示,ATM 与 LONP1 蛋白水解结构域结合的亲和力(KD)为3.11±0.358 µM(图2E),SM934 与 LONP1 蛋白水解结构域的 KD 为8.69±0.749 µM(图2F),ATS 与 LONP1 蛋白水解结构域的 KD 为0.261±0.029 µM (图2G)。
证明:青蒿素类似物 SM934 可增强 LONP1 蛋白水解结构域与 CYP11A1 之间的相互作用(图2H)。随后,作者构建缺失 G847到D852残基的 (ΔGATPKD) LONP1 HEK293T 稳转细胞株。
结果表明:突变后的ΔGATPKD LONP1 蛋白保留了与 CYP11A1 相互作用的能力。但是,青蒿素类药物 SM934 未能增强
DGATPKD LONP1 与 CYP11A1 的相互作用 (图2i),这可能主要是由于突变 LONP1 无法与青蒿素结合导致的。
综上实验数据表明,青蒿素降低 CYP11A1 水平的效果主要依赖于其与 LONP1 蛋白水解域的结合,为
LONP1 是青蒿素的直接靶点提供了有力证据。

Surface plasmon resonance (SPR) assay

SPR experiments were performed using a Biacore 8K instrument (GE Healthcare). The
recombinant mouse LONP1 proteolytic domain was immobilized onto the CM5 sensor surface following the standard amine-coupling procedure according to the manufacturer’s instructions. HBS-N buffer (10 mM HEPES pH 7.4 and 150 mM NaCl) supplemented with 0.05% Tween-20 was used as the running buffer for immobilization. The binding affinity assay was performed at 25°C in the buffer containing 25 mM HEPES, pH 7.4, 150 mM NaCl, 0.1% Tween 20, and 2% DMSO. The analyte was measured using a two-fold serial dilution ranging in concentrations from 25 to 0.39 μM and injected for 120 s at a flow rate of 30 μL/min, followed by 150 s dissociation time. Solvent correction was made with slight variations in DMSO concentration between samples; four solvent samples ranging from 1.5 to 3% DMSO were injected at the beginning and end of the analysis. SPR data for each analyte concentration were collected and fitted to a 1:1 binding kinetics model to calculate the on-rate (ka), the
off-rate (kd), and the equilibrium dissociation constant (KD = kd/ka) using Biacore Evaluation Software (GE Healthcare). Each experiment was performed three times.

Thermal shift assays

HEK293T cells were transfected with pcdna3.1-LONP1-Myc or pcdna3.1-CYP11A1-Flag plasmids. After 36 hours of transfection, the cells were collected, suspended in PBS and flashfrozen with liquid nitrogen. The cells under went lysis through three cycles of freezing and thawing. The resulting cell lysates were incubated with artemisinins for 30 min on ice, then heated at various temperature for 10 min. Next, the lysates were boiled for 10 min in loading buffer and subjected to Western blot analysis using Myc or Flag antibodies.

案例二 SPR和MST、分子对接 在小分子天然抑制剂筛选中的应用

Advanced Science
“Inhibition of METTL3 alleviates NLRP3 inflammasome activation via increasing ubiquitination of NEK7”
通过 NEK7 调控 NLRP3 炎性小体活化影响牙周炎进展的重要机制,并筛选了针对 METTL3 的天然小分子抑制剂,并揭示 METTL3 介导的 m6A 修饰在牙周炎中的致病机制。为该疾病的治疗提供了潜在的药物,具有重要的研究意义和临床价值[2]。

METTL3 抑制剂盐酸黄连碱的发现-研究思路:

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图3 盐酸黄连碱 (COP) 抑制 METTL3 的甲基转移酶功能
1) METTL3 是依赖 SAM 的甲基转移酶;
2) N6-甲基腺苷(m6A)甲基化修饰是 mRNA 中最常见的内部修饰。METTL3 和 METTL14 形成异二聚体复合物催化 m6A 修饰,METTL3 是结合共底物S-腺苷蛋氨酸(SAM)的催化亚基,而 METTL14 则参与 mRNA 的结合。RNA 的 m6A 修饰在基因表达调控中起着重要作用,RNA 的剪接、加工、核输出、翻译、衰变等方面都受到 m6A 修饰的影响。
作者对商业化合物库 Vitas-M(约1.5M化合物)和内部化合物库 (35000种化合物)进行了
结果表明:天然产物盐酸小檗碱(BER)的 ΔTm 最高,稳定性最好。作者通过从 Target Molecule Corp 提供的商业天然产物库(约1500种化合物)中检索到 BER 的六种类似物,
差示扫描荧光法 (DSF)和 FRET 结果
显示:盐酸黄连碱(COP)与 METTL3 的 ΔTm 最高(图3G),并且 COP 对 METTL3 的抑制效果最好(图3B,3G,3H)。
COP 与 METTL3 结合的亲和力 (Kd) 为6.94 μM(图3C),而 SAM 的 Kd 为15.2 µM(图3I)。
微量热泳动技术 (MST)
进一步证明了 COP 与 METTL3 的相互作用,亲和力(Kd) 为0.244 μM(图3D)。动力学实验显示:COP 的 IC50 值随着 SAM 浓度的增加而增加,但不随 RNA 寡核苷酸浓度的变化而变化(图3E),表明 COP 是 SAM 竞争性抑制剂。细胞实验发现 COP 处理导致 mRNA 的 m6A 水平呈剂量依赖性下降,表明了 COP 的抑制活性(图3F)。
COP 占据 SAM 结合口袋。COP 与 METTL3 之间形成3个氢键(图3J,3K)。
最后,作者通过高通量筛选发现天然小分子盐酸黄连碱(coptisine chloride, COP)可特异结合 METTL3 的 SAM-binding pocket,抑制其甲基转移酶功能。体内验证提示 COP 局部给药有效缓解小鼠牙周炎骨吸收,敲除 METTL3 通过抑制 NLRP3 炎症小体介导的细胞焦亡减轻牙周破坏,并发现盐酸黄连碱是一种新型 METTL3 抑制剂。该研究揭示了先前未知的牙周炎致病机制,并表明 METTL3 是一个潜在的治疗靶点,为炎症性疾病的临床治疗提供新的思路。

Surface Plasmon Resonance (SPR) Assays

SPR technology-based binding assays were carried out using a Biacore X100 instrument (GE Healthcare). The immoblilized METTL3 proteins on a CM5 sensor chip using a standard amide coupling procedure within 10 mM sodium acetate buffer (pH 4.5). Protein solution of 100 µg ml−1 were added to react with the activated surface. The chip was equilibrated with 1.05x PBS buffer at room temperature for 4 h. Compounds were serially diluted and injected for 60 s (contact phase) at a flow rate of 30 µL min−1, followed by 120 s of buffer flow (dissociation phase). The KD values were evaluated by BIA evaluation software (GE Healthcare).

Microscale Thermophoresis (MST) Assays

MST assays were performed by HJ Century Biopharmaceatical Inc (Wuhan, China). Briefly, METTL3 was labeled with NT647 dye (NanoTemper Technologies) and applied at a final concentration of 340.43 nM in 20 mM HEPES, PH 8.0, and 150 mM NaCl. Twofold diluted Coptisine chloride (COP) in assay buffer was mixed with METTL3 solutions to generate a final compound concentration ranging from 2 mM to 0.83 nM. After 10-min incubation at room temperature, samples were filled into standard treated capillaries (NanoTemper Technologies), and MST measurements were performed on a Monolith NT.115 (NanoTemper Technologies) using 100% LED and 20% or 40% IR-laser power. Laser on and off times were respectively set at 30 and 5 s.


[1] Liu, Yang, et al. "Artemisinins ameliorate polycystic ovarian syndrome by mediating LONP1-CYP11A1 interaction." Science 384.6701 (2024): eadk5382.
[2] Zhou X, Yang X, Huang S, et al. Inhibition of METTL3 Alleviates NLRP3 Inflammasome Activation via Increasing Ubiquitination of NEK7[J]. Advanced Science, 2024: 2308786.


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