
Thank you, Dean Treanor, for the invitation to speak here today.

感谢 Treanor 院长邀请我今天在此发表演讲。

I am very sorry that circumstances prevent me from joining you in person.


I will start by acknowledging the parents, spouses, partners, other family members and mentors who are here.


Without your support, sacrifice, and encouragement, we would not have so much to celebrate today.


And to the class of 2024-congratulations on earning your law degree.

祝贺 2024 届的毕业生获得法学学位。

You are the most selective class in Georgetown history, chosen from 14,000 applicants, and the most well qualified as well.

你们是从 14,000 名申请者中选拔出来的,是乔治城大学历史上最优秀的一届,也是最有资格的。

Among you are Fulbright scholars, military veterans, Peace Corps, AmeriCorps and Teach for America alumni, student athletes, accomplished musicians and even a medical doctor.


An impressive group.


This is also the most diverse class in the 154-year history of the school.


I am especially proud today to say that there is a lot of Georgetown in my family tree.


My father graduated from the College in 1943 before serving in the U.S. Army in World War II.

我的父亲于 1943 年从该学院毕业,之后参加了第二次世界大战并在美国陆军服役。

After the war, he received his law degree here and practiced law in Washington, D.C. I am fortunate to have two wonderful daughters; one graduated from the College in 2012; the other is a member of the Class of 2026 at the Law Center.

战后,他在这里获得了法学学位, 并在华盛顿特区从事法律工作。 我很幸运有两个可爱的女儿,一个于 2012 年毕业于该学院,另一个是法学院 2026 届的学生。

It seems like yesterday that I was in your shoes, receiving my degree, looking forward with optimism and excitement, and wondering what lay ahead.

仿佛昨天我还和你一样,拿到学位, 满怀乐观和兴奋地期待着,想知道未来会发生什么。

I cannot help but think fondly of my time here.


For many years, friends from law school have gathered annually for a weekend to refresh our ties and laugh about times gone by.


These gatherings are referred to as "Big Chill,

这些聚会被称为“Big Chill”,

" a reference to a 1983 movie that revolved around a mid-life reunion of college friends.

“这是一部 1983 年的电影,讲述的是大学朋友中年重聚的故事。

I made lifelong friendships here that I keep to this day, and I hope it will be the same for you.


Along with all the hard work, I also remember the fun.


A favorite tradition was to attend Saturday midnight showings of The Rocky Horror Picture Show at the Key Theater on Wisconsin Avenue in Georgetown.

一个最受欢迎的传统是参加乔治城威斯康星大道 Key 剧院周六午夜放映的《洛基恐怖秀》。

Now, if you have led a culturally deprived life and are tragically unfamiliar with the movie, it is a raucous musical starring a young Tim Curry.

现在, 如果你过着文化匮乏的生活, 并且对这部电影不熟悉,这是一部由年轻的蒂姆·克里主演的喧闹的音乐剧。

Everyone in the theater would sing along, shout out the lines, and throw popcorn at the screen; many would dress up like the characters.


Now, I didn't dress up-sorry to disappoint you-but no party was complete until all of us danced "The Time Warp" to the movie's famous song.


As it happens, I still remember the steps, and I had intended to demonstrate the Time Warp for you, but that will not be possible today.

碰巧的是, 我仍然记得这些步骤,我本来打算向你们演示一下时间扭曲,但今天不可能了。

Instead, I will offer a few thoughts that I might have benefited from hearing when I was sitting in your chairs a mere 45 years ago.


The years since my graduation have brought waves of fundamental change to the workplace and to society at large, much of it driven by technology.

我毕业后的这些年, 职场和整个社会经历了一波又一波的根本性变革,其中很大一部分是由技术推动的。

Imagine a world with no internet, no email or texting, no personal computers or cell phones, no social media.


Some of you parents are no doubt thinking: I would be fine with that world!


The pace of change will likely continue to be very fast.


Be alert to the ways your working life may change.


Think about how you can be prepared for those changes and to turn them to your advantage, and to society's advantage.

想想你如何为这些变化做好准备, 并将它们转化为你的优势,以及社会的优势。

The practice of law has been transformed over the years; if you do choose the path of a practicing lawyer, I would think about what practicing law could look like in 10 or 20 years.

多年来, 法律实践已经发生了翻天覆地的变化;如果你选择执业律师的道路,我会考虑 10 年或 20 年后执业律师会是什么样子。

In a world that will continue to evolve quickly and in unexpected ways, you will need to be agile.


Embracing change and taking risks can be an important part of your development as a professional and as a person.


Your formal education may end today, but you are not done learning.


Many of the important things you will need to know can only be learned through experience.


And experience can be a hard but irreplaceable teacher.


As an example, near the end of my second year here, it was time to select the next editor in chief of the Georgetown Law Journal.

例如, 在我在这里的第二年快结束的时候,是时候选择《乔治城法律杂志》的下一任主编了。

I thought that there were plenty of colleagues who were better qualified, but who simply did not want the job.


So, with much trepidation, I put my name in.


I was secretly, but utterly, terrified that I might be chosen.


And amazingly enough, I was.


What now?


It turned out that, as I feared, I was not well prepared for that responsibility.


I had to keep people interested and motivated enough to work on the Journal when many things competed for their attention.


I had to have a plan for the organization and not just for myself.


I had to do this while exhibiting confidence that I did not feel.


My main memory of that time is thinking, "This is harder and far different from what I had expected!" What I now know is that almost no one is ready for their first leadership roles.

我当时的主要记忆是:“这比我想象的要难得多,而且大不相同! ” 我现在知道的是, 几乎没有人已经为他们的第一个领导角色做好了准备。

When you step into a leadership role, it is very common to doubt yourself.


If I could tell my younger self something, it would be to believe in yourself and put yourself in situations in which you will be seriously challenged to do new things.

如果我能告诉我年轻的自己一些事情,那就是相信自己, 把自己置于你将面临严重挑战去做新事物的境地。

Assume that you will make mistakes.


Learn from those mistakes; do not dwell excessively upon them in regret.


You will fall down.


Get up.


Repeat cycle.


The more you do that, the more you will learn and the faster you will develop as a person and as a leader.


Know also that, in my experience, there is no single model of a successful leader.


Each of you has it in you to lead successfully.


One of the great things about your legal education is it sets you up for success on a wide variety of potential paths.


I left the practice of law a few years after I left this school.


But my legal education has benefited me all along the way.


Studying law teaches you to think clearly, analyze thoroughly, and understand all sides of an argument.


The possibilities that lie ahead of you are extremely broad.


You may work for a single law firm for your entire career.


Or you may leave the law fairly soon, as I did, and never look back.


You will always benefit from what you learned here.


The fact is, I do keep a copy of the Federal Reserve Act that I consult often.


Like many of you, I imagine, I knew that I wanted to do public service.


As I left law school, I remember thinking about people like George Shultz and Cyrus Vance, prominent figures of the day who had successful private-sector careers and served periodically in government.

当我离开法学院时, 我记得想到过乔治·舒尔茨和赛勒斯·万斯这样的人,他们是当时的杰出人物, 在私营部门拥有成功的职业生涯, 并定期在政府任职。

The head of the investment bank in New York where I worked as a young man was Nicholas F. Brady, who had an extraordinary career in investment banking and had served as a U.S. senator from New Jersey as well.


I was the most junior of employees, but I wanted to introduce myself and tell him about my own aspirations.


But approaching him was daunting.


Maybe he would decline to meet with me.


Maybe he would think I was not committed to the firm if I told him I was interested in public service.


I finally summoned the courage to present myself at his office.


I told him that I grew up in Washington, had been a federal law clerk and a congressional staffer, and wanted to do public service along the way.

我告诉他, 我在华盛顿长大,曾是一名联邦法律助理和国会工作人员,并想在此过程中从事公共服务。

I said that if you need someone to staff you on anything you do in Washington, I'm your guy.


He said something along the lines of, "Great, thanks." I then crept back down the stairs to my broom closet of an office wondering whether that was going to matter.

他说了类似这样的话:“太好了, 谢谢。” 然后我蹑手蹑脚地走下楼梯, 回到我的办公室, 心里想着这是否有什么关系。

A few months later, I got a call from his secretary.


I can still hear her gravelly voice.


"Can you come up and see Mr. Brady?" When I got there, he said, "I need you to help me out with this thing." This thing was defending an oil company from a hostile takeover attempt by a colorful corporate raider of that era named T. Boone Pickens.

“你能来见 Brady 先生吗? ” 我到那里后,他说:“我需要你帮我处理这件事。 ” 这件事是保护一家石油公司免遭恶意收购, 收购者是当时一位名叫 T. Boone Pickens 的著名企业掠夺者。

I ended up spending months going back and forth from New York to Washington with Nick.


A few years later, Nick Brady became the Treasury Secretary.


Nick asked me to join him at Treasury, which opened the door for me to higher levels of public service.


The point is this: if I had not forced myself to get up from my desk, taken the stairs up to the 15th floor, and presented myself to his office that day, the rest of my life would have been very different, and I would not be standing here today.

重点是:如果那天我没有强迫自己从办公桌前站起来,爬上 15 楼,来到他的办公室,我的余生就会截然不同,我今天也不会站在这里。

Mustering that little bit of initiative changed my life.


A little initiative can make all the difference in anyone's career.


I will conclude by encouraging you to think beyond yourselves.


Each of you has the capability to achieve success in any field you choose; it is important that you also consider how to give back and use your gifts to make a difference.

你们每个人都有能力在自己选择的任何领域取得成功;重要的是, 你们也要考虑如何回馈社会, 并利用自己的天赋来发挥作用。

Reflect on the motto of this school: "law is but the means; justice is the end." Many of you have served at law clinics where you stood up for underrepresented individuals and organizations.

思考一下这所学校的座右铭:“法律只是手段,正义才是目的。 ” 你们中的许多人都曾在法律诊所工作, 为弱势个人和组织挺身而出。

And many of you will play important roles in the military, at nonprofits, and in governments around the world.


Each generation has an obligation to move us closer to the ideal, as embodied by the famous image of blindfolded Lady Justice holding the scales.


You should count yourselves among the luckiest in all our society to graduate from this institution, to have the support of loved ones through three grueling years, and the health and other good fortune not to get tripped up along the way.

你们应该认为自己是全社会最幸运的人之一, 能够从这所学校毕业,在艰苦的三年里得到亲人的支持,并且身体健康, 一路走好,没有遇到任何挫折。

Several years ago, one of my predecessors, Ben Bernanke, said, "Those who are the luckiest ... also have the greatest responsibility to work hard, to contribute to the betterment of the world, and to share their luck with others." I cannot improve upon that.

几年前,我的前任之一本·伯南克曾说过:“最幸运的人……也肩负着最大的责任, 要努力工作,为改善世界做出贡献,并与他人分享自己的好运。 ” 我无法超越这句话。

I thank you for having me.


Georgetown will always hold a special place in my heart.


Thank you again to Dean Treanor and all the faculty, and the hardiest of congratulations to the Class of 2024.

再次感谢 Treanor 院长和全体教职员工,并向 2024 届毕业生致以最热烈的祝贺。



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