说到漱口呢,估计大家一下子就想到了wash mouth,但是在英语中,“漱口”还真就不能这么表达,我们一起来看看吧~


在英语中表示“漱口”的话,经常会用到 rinse 这个词汇。
"rinse" 源自古英语词语 "rinsian",意为"清洗、漂洗"。在现代英语中,"rinse" 意为用水或液体冲洗、漂洗或清洁。

1. She rinsed the dishes under running water before placing them in the dishwasher.


2. After shampooing her hair, she carefully rinsed out all the suds with warm water.


3. The dentist instructed the patient to rinse their mouth with mouthwash after the procedure.


动词词组rinse sth out的意思是“冲洗,涮洗…的内部”,而漱口正是清理口腔的内部,所以,rinses your mouth out就是“漱口”的意思

1. After eating garlic, she rinsed her mouth out with mouthwash to get rid of the strong smell.


2. The dentist recommended that he rinse his mouth out with salt water to help heal the gum inflammation.


3. If you accidentally swallow toothpaste, make sure to rinse your mouth out with water thoroughly.


而除了rinse以外,在英文中还有一个单词也能表示“漱口,漱喉,含漱”的意思:gargle,动词 "gargle" 源自法语单词 "gargouiller",意为"发出喉咙声音"。在英语中,"gargle" 意为用液体漱口或喉咙漱口,通常是为了清洁喉咙或口腔,或者减轻喉咙不适。

1. She gargled with warm salt water to soothe her sore throat.


2. The singer gargled with honey and lemon to clear her throat before the performance.


3. It is recommended to gargle with antiseptic mouthwash to reduce bacteria in the mouth.


既然提到了漱口,自然少不了口腔卫生用品,我们常用的“漱口剂,洗口液”叫做mouthwash,“用漱口水漱口”就是rinse with mouthwash

“牙线”的英文是dental floss,有时也会省略dental直接说是floss,不过呢,floss同时也是个动词,意思是“用牙线清洁”。

牙线(dental floss)源自19世纪,最初是由早期的牙科医生Levi Spear Parmly发明的。他使用了一种由丝线和蜜蜡制成的原始版本。随着时间的推移,牙线得到改进和发展,成为现代牙科卫生中不可或缺的工具之一。

1. She uses dental floss every night before brushing her teeth to ensure thorough cleaning between her teeth.


2. The dentist recommended that he floss at least once a day to prevent gum disease.


3. Using dental floss is an important part of a good oral hygiene routine along with brushing and regular dental check-ups.


wash your mouth out (with soap/soapy water)意思是让说脏话者“净嘴,嘴巴放干净点”。

意思相近的还有英语口语watch your mouth,不过不同的是,watch your mouth除了让人“嘴放干净”,避免说出冒犯性的话或脏话,也有提醒某人对所说的话保持谨慎,“说话注意点”

  • Watch your mouth when you're talking to your elders.(和长辈说话时要注意你的言辞。)

  • He was told to watch his mouth after making an inappropriate comment at the meeting.(在会议上发表不当言论后,他被告知要注意言辞。)

  • The teacher reminded the students to watch their mouths and speak respectfully to each other.(老师提醒学生要注意言辞,彼此尊重地交谈。)


英语中“拔牙”的说法还不少,比如have a tooth out,或者是pull a tooth,再或者是remove a tooth

除上面三种说法之外,tooth extraction,或者extraction of tooth不只有拔牙的意思,还可以指“拔牙术;牙拔除术”。

另外, “根管治疗”叫做root canal;而“智齿”当然就是wisdom tooth,所以你的智齿拔了吗?

根管治疗(root canal treatment)是一种牙齿治疗方法,用于治疗牙髓(牙髓是牙齿内部的组织,包括神经和血管)受损或感染的情况。根管治疗的历史可以追溯到19世纪,当时牙科医生开始使用这种方法来拯救受损的牙齿。

1. The dentist recommended a root canal treatment to save the infected tooth.


2. After the root canal procedure, the patient experienced relief from the severe toothache.


3. Proper oral hygiene can help prevent the need for root canal treatments by reducing the risk of tooth decay and infection.







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