

Emigrant,a person who leaves their country to live in another 移居外国的人;移民。如其因战争、政治迫害等而被迫离开,则称为émigré,流亡者、逃亡者。

• emigrant workers 移居国外的工人

• emigrants to Canada 移居加拿大的人

Immigrant,a person who has come to live permanently in a country that is not their own (外来)移民;外侨。指从他国移居本国居住者。

• immigrant communities/families/workers 侨民社区╱家庭╱劳工

• illegal immigrants 非法移民

Migrant, person who moves from one place to another, especially in order to find work (为工作)移居者;移民。无方向性区分,既可指移居外国,也可指从国外移居国内。也可指候鸟;迁徙动物。

• migrant workers 流动工人

• migrant labor 流动劳力;外来劳动力

• Quality Migrant Admission Scheme 优秀人才入境计划


With regard to the human rights violations suffered by migrants returning to DPRK, he wished to know whether the Special Rapporteur had been able, since 2008, to engage with receiving States or with the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees on that issue, to urge that DPRK emigrants who qualified for refugee status be treated in accordance with international law and the principle of non-refoulement applied.


The Organization was concerned at the methods used by the Government to deal with minority issues, especially in relation to Muslims, and requested the Government to take all necessary measures to eliminate discrimination faced by persons belonging to racial, religious or ethnic minorities, as well as persons with an immigrant background, in particular in the context of counter-terrorism measures.


The implementation of resolution 1373 (2001) in Central Asia is hampered by several factors: proximity to the conflict in Afghanistan (where drug production feeds terrorist activities and has generated a dynamic arms-for-drugs trade); the illicit activities of transborder cash couriers (a potential source of terrorism financing); the circulation of surplus arms (owing to political and civil unrest in the region); remote and underprotected borders, coupled with the lack of human and material resources to ensure effective border control; and the large number of migrant workers (which in turn increases the use of informal remittance systems, a potential source of terrorism financing).


We are also pleased to see certain issues brought into the main stream of our deliberations —issues that had been insufficiently elaborated on in previous reports, such as the limited access to humanitarian assistance by people in need of food, water and medical supplies; attacks on humanitarian personnel, health centres and ambulances transporting the wounded to such centres; the kidnapping of humanitarian workers; the difficult situation faced by migrant workers and their families in situations of conflict; and the theft of equipment and provisions intended to be used for humanitarian assistance.




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