🐰 轻松攻破的英语语法重难点
Best seller:
最好的销售 ×
最卖座的(书本) √
"Best seller" 是一个英语短语,指畅销书或畅销产品。"Best" 表示最好的、最佳的,"seller" 表示销售者或销售物品。这个短语通常用来描述那些销售量高、受欢迎的产品或作品。
1. **"The novel quickly became a best seller, topping the charts for several weeks."**
2. **"The new video game release is expected to be a best seller this holiday season, with pre-orders already breaking records."**
3. **"The author's latest cookbook has become a best seller, with readers praising its innovative recipes and beautiful photography."**
Better half:
不错的另一半 ×
妻子或丈夫 √
"Better half" 是一个英语短语,通常用来指代某人的配偶或伴侣,暗示对方是自己的更好的一半。这个短语起源于中世纪,当时人们相信每个人的灵魂被分成两半,而他们的伴侣就是他们的另一半。
1. **"I can't wait to introduce you to my better half at the party tonight. She's the love of my life."**
2. **"My better half always knows how to make me feel better after a long day at work."**
3. **"He considers his wife to be his better half, his partner in every aspect of life."**
Take somebody Through something:
① 带领某人做某事 √
② 讲明白某事 √
1. **"Let me take you through the new software features step by step so you can understand how it works."**
2. **"The teacher took the students through the experiment procedure to ensure they understood each step."**
3. **"The manager took the new employee through the company's policies and procedures during the orientation session."**