get it 和 got it 两个词区别很小,但表达的意思却不同,真的是一不小心,就暴露了英语水平,说不定已经被偷偷嘲笑好多回了,哈哈哈哈!
有关于get it和got it的用法,在不同语境中表达的意思是不一样的。
It is most often used when you want to let someone know that you understand what they are saying.
当你想让对方知道,你明白他的意思了,你就可以说I get it。
比如,当你的英语老师给你很清楚的解释了一件事情,你听明白后,你就可以说,Ok, I get it now, thanks!哦,我现在明白了,谢谢!
OK / Alright / Sure. 好的/知道了/没问题。
Fair enough / That makes sense. 说的对/有道理。
I know what you mean. 我明白你的意思。
I don't like to disagree with you, but... 我不喜欢反对你,但…
All right, but don't you think… 好吧,但你不觉得…
But what about...? 但关于…方面呢?
What do you think about? 你觉得怎样?
How do you see it? 你怎么看?
What's your view on the matter? 这件事你的看法如何?
What's your opinion? 你的意见呢?
Basically we're in agreement.基本上我们有共识。
We have agreements and disagreements.我想我们有相同点与不同点。