for” 是一个多功能的介词,可以表示时间、目的、原因、利益等。它的一些常见用法包括:

1. 表示时间段: 用于表示时间、距离、数量等的长短。


He ran for 10 kilometers.(他跑了10公里。)

She studied for five hours yesterday.(她昨天学习了五个小时。)

They waited for two days for the package to arrive.(他们等了两天才收到包裹。)

He worked for three months on that project.(他在那个项目上工作了三个月。)

The river flows for 300 kilometers before reaching the sea.(这条河流经过300公里才到达大海。)

She saved for a year to buy her dream car.(她存了一年的钱买了她梦寐以求的车。)

I will be on vacation for two weeks.(我将度假两周。)

1.1. 有些情况下,当表示时间或距离的长度时,特别是在口语中紧跟再动词之后时,有时可以省略 for。这种情况下,动词之后直接接时间或距离长度。


I ran 5 miles.(我跑了5英里。)

She studied three hours.(她学习了三个小时。)

They waited two days for the package.(他们等了两天才收到包裹。)

在口语或非正式场合中,这种省略更为常见,但在书面语或正式场合中,建议保留 for,以保持语句的完整和清晰。

1.2. 当 for 短语位于句首或在否定句中时,通常不建议省略 for。这有助于提供更清晰的句子结构和语境。


句首:For three hours, he practiced the piano.(三个小时,他一直在练钢琴。)

否定句:She didn't study for the exam.(她没有为考试而学习。)

在这些情况下,保留 for 有助于更明确地指出时间或距离的长度,并且使句子更易理解。

2. 表示目的: 用于表达做某事的原因或目的。


She went to the store for some groceries.(她去商店买了些杂货。)

She bought a new dress for the party. (她为了聚会买了一件新裙子。)

They practiced daily for the upcoming competition. (他们为即将到来的比赛每天都练习。)

He made a cake for his friend's birthday. (他为了朋友的生日做了一个蛋糕。)

They saved money for a trip around the world. (他们为了环游世界而省钱。)

He learned Spanish for his job. (他为了工作学习了西班牙语。)

She woke up early for a morning jog. (她为了晨跑早早起床了。)

2.1. 表示目的时,如果这个目的要用到动词来表示,则应该用动词不定式来表示;除非是一个已经名词化的动名词,也可用于作为for的宾语表示目的,

而此时用不定式与for短语意思上略有区别,不定式更倾向于具体的行为动作,而for 短语更倾向于泛指的目的。



She went to the store to buy groceries.(她去商店买食品。)

He took the train to visit his grandmother.(他乘火车去看望奶奶。)

They went to the park to play basketball.(他们去公园打篮球。)


He follows various chefs on social media for cooking.(他在社交媒体上关注各种厨师来学做菜。)

比较:He follows various chefs on social media for cooking.与He follows various chefs on social media to cook.



He has been out for swimming.(他为了游泳出去了。)

She carved out time every evening for reading.(她每天晚上抽出时间来阅读。)

He purchased a new journal for writing.(他购买了一本新的日记本用于写作。)

She invested in high-quality running shoes for running.(她买了一双高品质的跑鞋用于跑步。)

He joined a local choir for singing.(他加入了当地的合唱团来唱歌。)

They enrolled in a dance class for dancing.(他们报名参加了舞蹈班来跳舞。)

She chose scenic routes for walking.(她选择了风景优美的路线来散步。)

He practiced in front of a mirror for speaking.(他在镜子前练习演讲。)

They planned a bike trip for cycling.(他们计划了一次自行车旅行。)

3. 为了......(的利益)


we made a difficult decision for the team.(为了团队,我们做出了艰难的决定。)

She volunteered at the shelter for homeless animals. (她为了无家可归的动物的利益在收容所做义工。)

The team organized a clean-up campaign for the neighborhood. (这个团队为社区组织了一场清洁活动。)

3.1. 这种情况下,通常可以使用for the sake of或for the benefit of来表达。

She volunteered for the sake of helping the homeless in her community.(为了帮助社区无家可归的人,她自愿提供服务。)

He sacrificed his time for the benefit of the team's success.(他牺牲了自己的时间,以期团队取得成功。)

3.2. 有些后接双宾语的动词(如 buy, choose, cook, fetch,bring, build, create, find, get, order, prepare, design, leave, make, offer, show, teach, tell, sing, spare 等),当双宾语易位时,通常用 for 来引出间接宾语,表示间接宾语为受益者。


He fetched a glass of water for his sister. (他给他妹妹拿了一杯水。)

She brought a cup of tea for her mother. (她给她妈妈端来了一杯茶。)

They built a treehouse for their children. (他们为孩子们建了一个树屋。)

The artist created a beautiful painting for her friend. (艺术家为她的朋友创作了一幅美丽的画作。)

He found a good book for his friend. (他给他的朋友找到了一本好书。)

She got a present for her brother's birthday. (她为她哥哥的生日买了一份礼物。)

4. 支持,赞成。表达支持、赞成的意思时,通常是指在某个问题、观点或立场上表示支持或认同。


I am for promoting renewable energy to combat climate change.(我支持推广可再生能源以应对气候变化。)

The majority of the committee members are for implementing new policies.(大多数委员会成员支持实施新政策。)

She's for equal opportunities for everyone in the workplace.(她支持工作场所中每个人都有平等的机会。)

The team captain stated he was for a more aggressive strategy in the upcoming match.(队长表示他支持在即将到来的比赛中采取更积极的策略。)

5. 表示适合: 表示适合某人或某事。用于描述某物或某事与特定情境或需要的匹配程度。


This jacket is perfect for cold weather.(这件夹克非常适合寒冷的天气。)

These shoes are designed for running.(这些鞋子专门用于跑步。)

This room is too small for a big party.(这个房间太小了,不适合开大派对。)

This tool is not suitable for that task.(这个工具不适合那个任务。)

This book is for children.(这本书适合儿童。)

6. 因为,用于表示原因。


She was late for the traffic jam.(她迟到了,因为堵车了。)

He apologized for the misunderstanding.(他为误会道歉。)

They canceled the event for the bad weather.(他们因为天气不好取消了活动。)

7. 表示用途: 用于描述某物的用途或目的。


This tool are used for slicing vegetables.(这个工具是用来切蔬菜的。)

This pen is designed for writing.(这支笔是用于写作的。)

This tool is made for tightening screws.(这个工具是用于拧紧螺丝的。)

This software is for editing images.(这个软件是用于编辑图片的。)

The doctor gave her some medication for her stomachache.(医生给她一些药物用于她的胃痛。)



He stood in line for the tickets.(他排队是为了买票。)

She applied for the scholarship.(她申请奖学金。)

They competed for the prize.(他们为了奖品而竞争。)

Would you like to meet up later for some coffee?(你想稍后见面喝杯咖啡吗?)

9. 给/供(某人)用, 表示提供某物或服务以满足某人的需要或目的。


She prepared a room for her guests.(她为客人准备了一间房间。)

He bought a present for his sister.(他给他妹妹买了份礼物。)

The chef cooked a meal for the family.(厨师为家人做了一顿饭。)



We are heading for the mountains.(我们正在去往山区。)

Is this train for Paris?(这趟火车开往巴黎吗?)

The package is destined for Canada.(这个包裹要寄往加拿大。)

The signpost is for the beach.(这个路标指向海滩。)

10.1. 当涉及到表示目的地时,for 和 to 在使用上有差别:

To 更直接地指示方向或目的地(到某地,到达某地)。

例如:He is going to the store.(他去商店。)

For 在描述目的地时可能更多地强调目的、目标(为了去某地)。

例如:We set out for London early in the morning(我们一大早就动身前往伦敦。)


在某些情境下,两者是可以替换使用的。例如,I am going to the library” 和 I am going for the library” 在意思上基本相同,都表示我要去图书馆。但通常来说,to 更加直接地表示方向或目的地,而 for 则更侧重于行动的目的或目标。

一般来说,for 更常用于表示离开某地或朝着目的地出发的动词,如 leave for, start for, set out for, set off for, head for, depart for, be bound for, be destined for 等。而 to 更常用于表示朝向某地前进或移动的动词,如 come to, drive to, fly to, get to, go to, lead to, march to, move to, return to, ride to, run to, travel to, walk to 等。

11. 交换,表示某物或某事物与另一物品、行为或情况的交换关系。


He traded his bicycle for her skateboard.(他用他的自行车换了她的滑板。)

She exchanged her dollars for euros at the bank.(她在银行把美元换成了欧元。)

They swapped their seats for better ones at the concert.(他们在音乐会上把座位换成了更好的。)

这种用法的 for 指明了交换关系,表示一种物品、行为或情况被用来获得另一种东西。

12. 作为,当作,表达将某物或某人误认为或当作另一物或另一种状态。它多表示错误的推断、误认,或是基于某种假设或假定。这种用法突出了对某物或某人的错误理解或归类,或是对某种情况的误判


She mistook his kindness for weakness.(她把他的善良误认为软弱。)

They took her silence for consent.(他们把她的沉默当作同意。)

Don’t confuse his shyness for aloofness.(不要把他的害羞误以为是冷漠。)

The teacher mistook his absence for laziness.(老师把他的缺席误认为懒惰。)

I'm sorry, I mistook you for someone else.(对不起,我把你误认为别人了。)

His repeated failures in business led many to give him up for a lost cause, but he eventually succeeded.(他在商业上屡屡失败让很多人认为他已经是个无望者了,但最终他成功了。)

He recognized/know/believe that for a fact.(他认识到/直到/相信那是个事实。)

12.1. for 在表示被假定或被当作时,有时可以与 as, to be, as being,as to be 相对应。例如:


The building was built as a school.(这栋建筑是作为一所学校建造的。)+

The building was built for a school.(这栋建筑是作为一所学校建造的。)

to be:

I took her for a doctor.(我把她认成了医生。)

I took her to be a doctor.(我把她认成了医生。)

虽然按照传统的语法规则,take...for...”通常用来表示错误地认为某物是另一种物体或状态,而 be/as [to be]...”通常表示正确地将某人或某物视为特定的身份或状态。


12.2. 在与 mistake 这个动词连用时,通常使用 for 来表示误认为或错误地将某物或某人当作另一物或另一种状态。

I mistook salt for sugar while baking the cake.(在烘焙蛋糕时,我把盐误以为是糖。)

13. 作为......而言,表示基准或作为某人或某物的背景或身份。


She speaks fluently for a non-native speaker.(作为非母语者,她说得很流利。)

He did an excellent job for someone with limited experience.(就有限经验而言,他做得非常出色。)

That movie was impressive for a low-budget production.(就低成本制作而言,那部电影令人印象深刻。)

For a young company, they've achieved remarkable success.(就年轻公司来说,他们取得了显著的成功。)

She's incredibly skilled for her age.(以她的年龄来说,她的技能令人难以置信。)


14. 每…就… ,表示一个相对的比例或比率关系,通常用于描述两个事物之间的对应或相关。


Every two months for maintenance.(每两个月就进行一次维护。)

Take a break every three hours.(每三小时就休息一次。)

One teacher for every ten students.(每十名学生就有一名老师负责。)

这种用法通常与 each, every, 或数词连用。

15. (时间)在,于,用于表示安排的时间或某事发生的时间。


We're planning a large seminar for next year.(我们预计明年会进行大型的研讨会。)

They scheduled a meeting for Friday evening.(他们安排在周五晚上开会。)

We're planning a picnic for next month.(我们计划在下个月进行野餐。)

用于此义时,for 主要指安排或约定的时间,在表示动作或事件发生的具体时间点、月份、年份等时,at, in, 或 on 是更常用的介词。而在这些情况下,通常不能用 for。所以,He gets up at six every day. 和 He was born in September, 1988. 中的介词无法用 for 替换。

16. 尽管,虽然。表达让步。


For all his efforts, he couldn't finish the project on time.(尽管他付出了很多努力,但还是没能按时完成项目。)

For all its faults, the car still runs smoothly.(尽管它有缺陷,这辆车仍然跑得很顺畅。)

For all her experience, she still faced challenges in the new job.(尽管她经验丰富,但在新工作中仍面临挑战。)

The restaurant lacked quality service,for all its fame.(尽管这家餐厅很出名,但缺乏优质的服务。)

For all his wealth, he remained humble and down-to-earth.(尽管他很富有,但仍然保持谦逊和脚踏实地。)

for 在表达让步时通常与 all 连用。

17. 表示代表: 表示代表某人或某物。


The lawyer will act for the defendant in court.(律师将在法庭上代表被告。)

She spoke for the team during the meeting.(她在会议上代表团队发言。)

She'll sign the contract for the company as its authorized representative.(作为公司的授权代表,她将签署合同。)

He'll act for his sister in selling the property.(他将代表他的姐姐出售这份财产。)

18. 当 for 与不定式连用时,它可以引出一个逻辑上的主语,说明动作的发出者或行为的执行者。


She is to blame for the mess in the kitchen.(她应该对厨房里的混乱负责。)

They were arrested for attempting to break into the building.(他们因试图闯入建筑物而被逮捕。)

He was praised for his outstanding performance.(他因出色的表现而受到了赞扬。)

19. 以...价格,用于表示某物的价值或金额。


He bought the painting for $500.(他用500美元买了这幅画。)

He sold his car for a good price.(他以一个好价钱卖掉了他的车。)

They purchased the house for a reasonable sum.(他们以合理的价格购买了这栋房子。)



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