乐队:Two Steps From Hell

曲名:Star Sky 星空


Here we are 我们在此

Riding the sky 翱翔天际

Painting the night with sun 携曦霞渲亮夜空

You and I mirrors of light 你和我,相映成辉

Twin flames of fire 双焰交织

Lit in another time and place 照进另一时空

I knew your name 我知你名

I knew your face 也晓你容

Your love and grace 更懂你的爱与慈

Past and present now embrace 今昔过往,纷至沓来

Worlds collide in inner space 内心世界,澎湃激荡

Unstoppable the song we play 共鸣之曲,永不停息


Burn the page for me 忘记我的过去

I cannot erase the time of sleep 我不能抹去沉睡时光

I cannot be loved so set me free 我无法被爱,故纵我自由

I cannot deliver your love 我不能回馈你的爱

Or caress your soul so 也无法抚慰你心灵,故

Turn that page for me 忘记我的过去

I cannot embrace the touch that you give 我不能与你相拥

I cannot find solace in your words 也无以慰言相藉

I cannot deliver you your love 我不能回馈你的爱

Or caress your soul 也无法抚慰你心灵


Age to age 年复一年

I feel the call 感应召唤

Memory of future dreams 未来梦境,记忆犹新

You and I riding the sky 你和我,比翼双飞

Keeping the fire bright 让焰火永不熄

From another time and place 于另一时空

I knew your name 我知你名

I knew your face 也晓你容

Your touch and grace 更懂你的怀与仁

All of time can not erase 时光铭记,无法抹去

What our hearts remember stays,Forever on a song we play



Burn the page for me 忘记我的过去

I cannot erase the time of sleep 我不能抹去沉睡时光

I cannot be loved so set me free 我无法被爱,故纵我自由

I cannot deliver your love 我不能回馈你的爱

Or caress your soul so 也无法抚慰你心灵,故

Turn that page for me 忘记我的过去

I cannot embrace the touch that you give 我不能与你相拥

I cannot find solace in your words 也无以慰言相藉

I cannot deliver you your love 我不能回馈你的爱

Or caress your soul 也无法抚慰你心灵



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