

If you want others to be honest, you must first be honest yourself.


Shiny things are not always gold, and pleasing words are not always kind words.


Laughter is the root of all evil.


Life without books is like life without sunlight; wisdom without books is like a bird without wings.


Life is a weaving shuttle.


Books are the nourishment of the world. Life without books is like life without sunlight; wisdom without books is like a bird without wings.


Those who waste time will be abandoned by time.


Survival or destruction, this is a question worth considering.


Life is short, and if wasted, it becomes too long.


There is a type of humble work endured with exceptional fortitude, and the lowest tasks often point to the loftiest goals.


My legs were trapped in a sea of blood long ago, and I couldn't escape. Trying to turn back felt like reaching the end of the road, sending shivers down my spine. There was no retreat, only a swampy path ahead, where I sank deeper and deeper.


If every day were a holiday throughout the year, wouldn't it be as exhausting as working tirelessly day after day?


Time is the most experienced judge that reviews all criminals.


The final outcome determines the success or failure of the work.


Love is a sigh that stirs up smoke; it's the purified spark in the lover's eyes; it's the waves stirred up by the lover's tears. It's the wisest form of madness, the bitter taste in one's throat, and the honey that remains out of reach.


Time will pierce the surface decorations of youth, carving deep and shallow lines on the beautiful forehead. It devours even the rarest of treasures. Beauty may be innate, but it cannot escape the sweeping scythe of time.


I only want to live the present moment earnestly, without caring whether it's good or bad.


I have no path, so I don't need eyes; when I can see, I also stumble. We often lose due to overconfidence, while our flaws can be beneficial.


To make a proud person see their true self, use the pride of others as a mirror. If you bow and kneel to them, you only feed their arrogance, bringing humiliation upon yourself.


Often, appearances are completely at odds with the essence of things, and people are easily deceived by surface decorations.


Without comparison, one's strengths cannot be seen. Without appreciative people, a crow's song is no different from a lark's. If a nightingale sings in the midst of noise during the day, people would never consider it more beautiful than the warbler. Many things can reach the pinnacle of excellence only when the right conditions are met, earning them a well-deserved appreciation.


A coward dies many times before their actual death, while a brave person dies only once. Among all the strange things in life, the fear of death and the love of life are the most peculiar.


Actions speak louder than words, and a fool's eyes are often wiser than their ears.


Doubt is enough to ruin one's endeavors. Often, a person loses opportunities for success due to hesitation in the face of challenges.


People are not born to carry chains but to unfurl their wings. Let there be no more crawling humanity. I want caterpillars to become butterflies, earthworms to transform into living flowers, and take flight.


Adversity can test a person's character, and extraordinary circumstances can reveal extraordinary integrity.


Honesty will bring you more benefits than corruption.


A flood can originate from tiny trickles.


You should use such thoughts to ease your misfortunes. Nothing can better refine a person's character than adversity.


Diligence is an invaluable treasure, and caution is a form of self-defense.


A person's life is short, but if lived in a base manner, it becomes too long.


Because she was born beautiful, she is pursued by men. Because she is a woman, she is captured by men.


Fools believe they are wise, while wise people know they can be foolish.


Life is prolonged through development, thanks to thoughts.


The most luxurious thing in my life is to meet you on the journey and then live together in harmony.


To be happy with a man, you should get to know him well without loving him too much. To be happy with a woman, you should love her a lot but not try to understand her completely.


Love everyone, trust a few, harm no one.


A kind heart is like gold.


No matter what talents or abilities a person possesses, if they do not share those talents with others, they are essentially empty. It's only through the praise and recognition gained by sharing those talents that they can truly understand their own value.


Regardless of how voraciously time devours everything, we must strive to earn our reputation while there's still breath in us, so that the scythe of time does not.


The ups and downs of life are like waves. If people can move forward without being deterred by the peaks and troughs, they can certainly achieve success and fame.


There is still no method in the world that can reveal a person's intentions from their face.


If the gods in the heavens observed people's actions, I believe the innocence of the guiltless could surely make the slander of the wicked feel ashamed, and the cruelest would tremble before forbearance.


Beauty! Where is your sincerity?


A weary traveler can sleep soundly on hard rocks, while a lazy person lying all day complains that even the softest pillow is too hard. - Shakespeare, Act III of "Cymbeline"

46、真理总会显露出来,杀人的手总会给人捉住。- 莎士比亚《威尼斯商人》第二幕

The truth will always come to light, and the hand of a murderer will always be caught. - Shakespeare, Act II of "The Merchant of Venice"

47、常道一成不变,持恒即为至德;人心不可测,择交当谨慎。- 莎士比亚《一报还一报》第三幕

The path of virtue remains constant, and perseverance is the essence of virtue. The human heart is inscrutable; choose your friends carefully. - Shakespeare, Act III of "Measure for Measure"

48、智慧越是遮掩,越是明亮。- 莎士比亚《一报还一报》第二幕

The more wisdom is concealed, the brighter it shines. - Shakespeare, Act II of "Measure for Measure"

49、黑夜无论怎样悠长,白昼总会到来的。- 莎士比亚《麦克白》第四幕

No matter how long the night, daylight will always come. - Shakespeare, Act IV of "Macbeth"

50、慈悲是高尚人格的真实标记。- 莎士比亚《泰特斯安德洛尼克斯》第一幕

Compassion is the true mark of a noble character. - Shakespeare, Act I of "Titus Andronicus"



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