Driving through the bustling area of Chancheng District in Foshan, then making a turn, we arrive at an industrial agglomeration zone. The workspace of Fan Anqi, a Chinese master of arts and crafts and ceramic artist, is located in the factory area of Datang Ceramic Company, right here.
In 1989, Fan Anqi graduated from middle school and came to work at a pottery factory in Shiwan, Foshan, from Fujian province, beginning her connection with pottery. Speaking of her first encounter with pottery, Fan Anqi still remembers it vividly. "At that time, I was drawn to the various colorful glazes here, thinking that there are still such beautiful things in this world. This was the first time the word 'pottery' came into my world."
At first, Fan worked in various positions at the pottery factoryto accumulate basic skills, such as throwing, trimming, and glazing. Having been interested in fine arts since childhood, she was eager to read and copy various paintings in her spare time to enrich herself. By chance, Fan met pottery master Zhong Rurongin 1994 and became his disciple, which allowed her to understand what pottery creation was for the first time.
"Seeing Zhong press and knead the clay with his hands, combined with the use of some tools, the mud immediately came to life, as if it was the scene of Nuwa (a mother goddess in China) creating humans from clay in mythology. After shaping and blowing it, a new 'life' appears. That's the vivid feeling pottery has brought me," Fan Anqi said while gesturing.
Fan made rapid progress in professional skills. In 1995, she and several partners opened a pottery factory together. The current factory area was chosen after several relocations by herself, which is close to the city center yet surrounded by green mountains, offering tranquility amidst the hustle and bustle. In her opinion, "mountains convey a unique spirituality."
"My own workspace is located by the mountain, quiet and conducive to creation," Fan's workspace is situated in a corner of the exhibition hall, covering an area of about ten square meters, with various finished or unfinished works displayed on shelves and worktables. "I actually didn't consider too much at that time. I just created following my feelings and emotions."
Foshan is the birthplace of Cantonese opera, and Foshan's ceramic sculptures are mostly inspired by traditional opera. Drawing from this, Fan incorporated opera elements into her early character modeling. She has been constantly pondering how to present the "new Shiwanceramic sculptures" with her own innovative concepts and ideas, leaning towards a natural expression of materials in the modeling. "Clay is soft, resilient, with a natural affinity, which is used to connect humans with clay."
"In traditional Shiwanceramic sculptures, people would use tools to polish the face, making it very smooth, referring to a traditional Shiwan technique. However, I prefer to use my fingers and fingerprints, without any tools, letting the clay reveal itself through a single touch or press."
"Art integrated into life and life becoming artistic is what I have been striving for. Art should be truthful, kind, and beautiful, with contemporary relevance and individuality, as well as inheritance. That is the mission of artists," according to Fan.
“艺术生活化、生活艺术化是我一直在努力做的。艺术要有真善美,要有当代性与个性,还要有传承,这就是艺术工作者的使命。” 范安琪说。(更多新闻资讯,请关注羊城派 pai.ycwb.com)
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