




Project Background

成都正在高标准打造天府绿道,完善“轨道、公交、慢行”三网融合的城市绿色交通体系,到 2035 年绿色交通出行分担比例达 85% 。同时,打造 15 分钟社区生活服务圈,确保市民生活“小需求不出社区,大需求不远离社区”。

Chengdu is building the Tianfu Greenway to a high standard and improving the urban green transportation system integrating the three networks of “rail, bus, and slow travel”. By 2035, the proportion of green transportation travel will reach 85%. At the same time, a 15-minute community life service circle will be created to ensure that citizens' life "does not leave the community for small needs, and does not leave the community for large needs".


In this context, Shengxianhu Station, where the project is located, is located at the general station at the end of Metro Line 1 running through the urban area of Chengdu. The one station to the south is Chengdu Station, which can be transferred to Line 7 and the National Railway Line. . At the same time, Line 1 can be interchanged with multiple lines, covering the commuting area of Chengdu.

▲区位背景分析 Project Background Analysis


However, the green space on the north side, the water body, the high-grade road on the west side, and the vehicle depot on the east side of the project all form a natural barrier for the project, the accessibility is weak, and the external traffic connection is not smooth. form linkage. The low density of the road network inside the base, the large block size, and the difficulty of walking and other aspects make the area less attractive.


The project should give full play to the advantage of being close to Chengdu North Railway Station, relying on the economic and industrial advantages of the adjacent railway to form a crowd gathering, and at the same time, by creating a cultural and creative industry cluster, forming a core area of industry-city development, optimizing living facilities, and creating an integration of industry and city, livable and suitable for business. TOD community.

▲项目目标客群 Project Target Customers


Design Strategy


利用地铁 TOD 经济,设计区域交通公交化,激发发展新引擎。通过轨道带动沿线地价升值,吸引社会资本,加速城市建设进程,带来交通升级和产业发展。以地铁站和文化创意旅游综合体双点激活的方式逐步带动升仙湖片区的发展,优化生态景观,在其周边可开发用地注入创意、休闲旅游功能形成吸引点,以“点带孵化”模式推动整个升仙湖甚至成华区的改造发展,带来局部地块近期开发密度的适度提升。

Utilize the subway TOD economy, design regional transportation and public transportation, and stimulate a new engine for development. The railway will drive the appreciation of land prices along the route, attract social capital, accelerate the process of urban construction, and bring about transportation upgrades and industrial development. Gradually drive the development of Shengxianhu area by means of dual-point activation of subway stations and cultural and creative tourism complexes, optimize ecological landscapes, inject creativity and leisure tourism functions into surrounding developable land to form attractive points, and use the "point with incubation" model Promote the transformation and development of the entire Shengxianhu and even the Chenghua District, bringing about a moderate increase in the recent development density of local plots.


采用开放式TOD 枢纽设计理念,打通交通屏障,打造片区站城一体。以轨道交通为触媒,推动城区改造,更新城市面貌和形象;通过二、三层连廊连接各个发展区块,打造无缝衔接的车站地标建筑,丰富城市活力同时增加核心地块间可达性。

The open TOD hub design concept is adopted to break through traffic barriers and create an integration of station and city in the area. Use rail transit as a catalyst to promote urban transformation and update the city's appearance and image; connect various development blocks through the second and third floor corridors, create a seamless station landmark building, enrich the vitality of the city and increase the accessibility between core plots.

▲多层次连接 Multi-level Linkage



The station city green park system is introduced, combined with Shengxianhu Lake, to form an ecological network intertwined with blue and green, and reverse the experience of gray infrastructure facilities. Plan to form a pattern of small blocks and dense road network to create a dynamic landscape of the site.

▲用地布局调整对比 Landuse Adjustment Comparison
▲引入公园体系 Bringing in the Park System


Planning and Design


The plan strives to introduce a multi-functional urban commercial core circle into Shengxianhu Metro Station, create an innovative living center, and establish a model for a park city in West China. To create a smart hub, a beautiful vision of a green station city.


Adopting the spatial structure of "one core, one belt, two axes and multiple points", with Shengxianhu Lake as the comprehensive core of TOD, an ecological leisure belt is planned along the lake, and a dynamic waterfront commercial axis and an ecological green axis of the urban park are formed.

▲规划空间结构 Planning Spatial Structure
▲生态绿轴与水岸商业轴 Eco Green Axis and Waterfront Commercial Axis

以北部湖景为起点,引入湖水,形成水景观环路,并沿主水轴向四周渗透。在保证主绿化轴公园景观整体性的同时,设计屋顶花园,垂直绿化,退台花园,呼应绿色 TOD 的主要设计理念。

Starting from the northern lake landscape, the lake water is introduced to form a water landscape loop, which infiltrates around the main water axis. While ensuring the integrity of the main greening axis park landscape, the design of roof gardens, vertical greening, and terrace gardens echoes the main design concept of green TOD.

▲连续融合的开放空间系统 Continuous fusion of open space systems

采用快慢结合的 TOD 片区式开发,以车站建筑为核心,设置合理的功能分区,紧邻车站的区域设为活力商业区域,并且将临近景观视野较好的区域设为高端住宅区。各种商业形态在时间和空间上得以交错与互补满足不同消费人群的偏好与效用,使地铁带动的商圈在 24 小时内发生着满足不同人群的活动。充分利用地下空间,对接地铁人流,形成站厅商铺、通道商铺和地下商业街等多种商业业态。地上空间高密度开发,满足地铁带动多样化的商业及商务需求对土地空间的需求。结合多层次的二层空中景观连廊系统,形成创新的连续融合的开放空间生态系统。

The TOD area-style development that combines speed and slowness is adopted, with the station building as the core, and reasonable functional divisions are set up. The area adjacent to the station is set as a dynamic commercial area, and the area with a good view of the adjacent landscape is set as a high-end residential area. Various commercial forms can be interleaved and complemented in time and space to meet the preferences and utility of different consumer groups, so that the subway-driven business district has activities to meet different groups of people within 24 hours. Make full use of the underground space to connect with the flow of people in the subway, and form a variety of commercial formats such as station hall shops, channel shops and underground commercial streets. The high-density development of above-ground space meets the demand for land space driven by the diverse commercial and business needs of the subway. Combined with the multi-level two-story aerial landscape corridor system, an innovative continuous and integrated open space ecosystem is formed.

▲功能分区 Program Zones
▲总平面图 Overall Masterplan



Pedestrian-first transportation system


Implementing the TOD design concept, taking Shengxianhu subway station as the core, optimizing the external transportation system, and planning the roads in three levels to ensure the accessibility between various blocks. Secondly, integrate the bus hub transfer station, taxi station and Shengxianhu station to meet the transfer needs of the hub, and plan bus stations according to the appropriate service radius to improve bus coverage and quickly evacuate people. Build a complete slow-moving system, lay out walking paths and bicycle paths along the green corridor, and form an air corridor system on the second floor on the ground to optimize the way pedestrians pass. In the base, it is recommended to travel by foot, reduce the traffic flow, optimize the routes of private cars, and prohibit private cars from entering some roads within the project research scope, so as to reduce the impact of car use on the environment and traffic.

▲公交枢纽与立体慢行系统接驳 The connection between the bus hub and the multi-level slow-moving system

整体设计秉承站城一体的理念,分别对于城市风貌,天际线进行控制,通过裙房的设置,复合了多种功能,通过未来TOD 一体化设计所带来的人流红利,将会对片区产业进行整体的提升,升仙湖站将会成为成华区又一个生活枢纽,而改造后的片区内200 米高层将会结合片区特色发展成为地标式的建筑物,对于地标的建筑物进行有限度的艺术设计。

The overall design adheres to the concept of integrating the station and the city, and controls the urban style and skyline respectively. Through the setting of the podium, a variety of functions are combined. With the overall improvement, Shengxian Lake Station will become another living hub in Chenghua District, and the 200-meter high-rise in the renovated area will be developed into a landmark building in combination with the characteristics of the area, and limited art will be carried out on the landmark buildings. design.


Design Highlights - Green City Parks, Vibrant Waterfront Businesses


The scale effect of the flow of people generates economies of scope and promotes the derivation of diversified business models in the business circle. By opening up the direct connection between the development area on the east side of the station city and Shengxian Lake, an ecological development axis is formed, and corresponding required industries are arranged on both sides of the axis to create a comfortable and livable green complex space. Adopt the urban green wedge planning strategy, embed green into the base, strengthen the urban landscape, and build a three-dimensional greening system. Design commercial boxes along the river to gather popularity and create a commercial vitality space along the waterfront.

▲公园城市愿景 Park City Vision
▲剖透视图 Perspective Section
▲效果图 Rendering


Gateway Landmark


The 200-meter-high landmark tower is located on the west side of Shengxianhu Metro Station, in the square in front of the main entrance, forming a landmark image in front of the station. The main tower area is arranged around the central garden landscape and lake view to maximize the landscape and effectively reduce the negative impact of the parking section. The commercial podium and tower are designed with a setback, which perfectly combines the public open space and business, and is connected with the subway through the sky corridor to form a core business area.

▲核心区城市天际线 core area city skyline
▲效果图 Rendering


Renovation of Green Integrated Station Buildings


While retaining the original building structure of the subway station and the functions of the equipment on the first floor, the space inside the station and the circulation inside and outside the station are optimized. The second and third floors of the subway station are designed as open public commercial spaces, and are effectively connected to the surrounding plot buildings through connecting bridges to guide the flow of people. In line with the design concept of the overall park city, the building shading system is formed through the shape design of wooden louvers on the facade, and green plants are used as interior space decoration to create a model of green TOD integration.

▲车站空间示意 Station Space Axo Diagram
▲升仙湖地铁车站设计Shengxianhu Metro Station Design
▲效果图 Rendering







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