别脱口而出“cherry flower”!
The cherry blossom came out early in Washington this year. 今年华盛顿的樱花开得很早.
I certainly know that, but I just want to see this year's sakura now!我当然知道,但是现在的心情就是想看看今年的樱花啊!
You have to cherry pick who is more competitive. life is a bowl of cherry 生活美好简单Living with his parents, he feels life is a bowl of cherry. the cherry on the cake 锦上添花Quote a proverb at the beginning, and it will make your essay like the cherry on the cake. never make two bites of a cherry
Please never make two bites of a cherry, you must submit the reoprt today. to have another bite at the cherry
She failed the exam but she will have another bite at the cherry next year.