
1. (尤指上课或工作)缺勤的;缺席的;不在场的

students who are regularly absent from school 经常缺课的学生

John has been absent from school/work for three days now. 约翰到现在已经旷课/旷工三天了。

We drank a toast to absent friends. 我们为没能来的朋友举杯祝福。

He was absent from work for two weeks.他两个星期没有上班了。

Local people were conspicuously absent from the meeting.当地人都没有到会,这引起了人们的关注。

Most pupils were absent from school at least once. 大部分学生至少缺过一次课。

How many of them are absent without permission? 他们中有多少人擅自缺席?

The pictures, too, were absent from the walls. 那些画也不在墙上了。

Any soldier failing to report would be considered absent without leave and punished accordingly. 士兵若未报到将被视为擅离职守而受处分。

They were talking about absent friends.他们当时在谈论着不在场的朋友们。

Most of the executives attended the meeting, but the company president was conspicuously absent. 大部分高管都出席了会议,可是公司总裁却没有出席,这一点非常引人注目。

If a child is absent, the teacher notes it down in the class register.

The teacher called the roll to see if any students were absent.

I was absent from work on that day.

2. 不存在的;没有的;缺乏的;缺少

Any sign of remorse was completely absent from her face. 她脸上没有一丝自责的神情。

Love was totally absent from his childhood. 他童年时根本没有受到疼爱。

He now played with a passion that had been strangely absent from his previous performance. 他现在满怀激情地演出,奇怪的是,以前演出时未见他有此激情。

He played with an abandon that was strangely absent from his performance last week. 他全身心地演出,奇怪的是,上星期演出时未见他如此投入。

Parental affection is absent from these children’s lives. 父母的慈爱与这些孩子的生活无缘。

Vegetation is almost entirely absent from the landscape.这张风景画上几乎看不到一点植物。

Of course such features are never totally absent in experimental work.

A major food source of squirrels and many finches is totally absent this year.

3. (表情,态度)心不在焉的;走神的;漫不经心地

an absent expression 心不在焉的神情

She looked up with an absent smile. 她带着心不在焉的笑容抬起头。

The dull, absent look on her face implied boredom. 她脸上呆滞、茫然的神情说明她觉得无聊了。

He listened with an absent air and kept glancing at the door. 他一副心不在焉的样子听着,不时地瞥一眼门。

‘Nothing,’ Rosie said in an absent way.”没什么,罗茜心不在焉地说。

He made an absent reply to her question as he continued to watch the TV.

There was an absent look on her face.她看起来心不在焉。

She just looked at him, curious as to why his absent expression was now missing, replaced by a foolish something.

verb [t]

absent yourself [formal](尤指上课或工作时)离开;缺席,缺勤,不在场

You cannot choose to absent yourself (from work/school) on a whim. 你不能随意旷工/旷课。

He had absented himself from the office for the day. 这一天他没有去办公室上班。

Halfway through the meal, he absented himself from the table. 吃到一半,他就离席了。

She was old enough to absent herself from the lunch table if she chose. 她长大了,可以自己做主不来吃午餐了。

Over the past few generations, economic migration has resulted in men absenting themselves from family life.


1. 〈正式,北美〉缺乏;没有;假设没有

Absent a detailed plan, the project was doomed from the start.

Absent further evidence, the police had no choice but to release him without charge. 没有进一步的证据,警察别无选择,只能无罪释放他。

Absent a willingness to negotiate, you can’t have collective bargaining.

Absent any objections, the plan will proceed.计划没有受到任何反对,将继续进行。

Absent such an agreement we can go no further.缺乏这样一个协定我们就没法继续。



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