FerroOrange,Fe2+检测探针(二价铁离子检测探针),是Spy-LHP的类似物,可用于检测脂质过氧化物 (LPO),Liperfluo会被脂质过氧化物特异性氧化而在乙醇等有机溶剂中发出很强的荧光。

FerroOrange Fe2+检测探针:
铁是生物体内最丰富的过渡金属元素,它参与各种生理过程活动。 近年来,活细胞中的游离铁受到广泛关注, 游离铁最常以其稳定的氧化还原态存在,即亚铁离子 (Fe2+) 和铁离子 (Fe3+)。对研究者来说,在研究细胞内的还原环境,金属转运蛋白和Fe2+的水溶性时,了解Fe2+的行为比了解Fe3+的行为更为重要。FerroOrange作为一种新型的荧光探针,可对活细胞内的Fe2+进行荧光成像。

FerroOrange 产品特点:
● 高灵敏度
● 可以与其他染料共染
FerroOrange 产品规格:
● 性状:可溶于乙腈,甲醇和二甲基亚砜。
● 纯度(HPLC):92.0%以上
● 荧光光谱:符合一致性

FerroOrange 实验案例:
HeLa cells treated with chelator of iron 2,2′-bipyridyl (Bpy) (100 μmol/L) or Ammonium iron (II) sulfate (100 μmol/L) were prepared. The change of intracellular Fe2+in HeLa cells was detected by the FerroOrange.

Ex/Em = 561 nm/570-620 nm, Scale bars 20 μm
Left Control
Middle Ammonium iron (II) sulfate and 2,2′-Bipyridyl (Bpy) treated
Right Ammonium iron (II) sulfate treated
The fluorescence intensity of FerroOrange was increased in HeLa cells treated with Ammonium iron (II) sulfate compared with the findings in untreated cells; conversely, its fluorescence intensity was decreased in cells treated with Bpy.

※ Plate Reader Assay

Ex/Em = 543 nm/ 580 nm
Left Control
Middle Ammonium iron (II) sulfate and 2,2′-Bipyridyl (Bpy) treated
Right Ammonium iron (II) sulfate treated
The change of intracellular Fe2+in HeLa cells was quantified by the FerroOrange.


Ex/Em = 543 nm/ 580 nm
2 μL of 1 mmol/L FerroOrange and 2 μL of 10 mmol/L from each metal were added to 1 mL of 50 mmol/L HEPES Buffer (pH7.4). The fluorescence intensity was measured after the reaction, for 1hr, at room temperature.

FerroOrange 应用
1. 监测亚细胞不稳定Fe2+的高通量方法
FerroOrange 可用于活细胞中不稳定的 Fe(II) 的基于 96 孔板的高含量成像。 在接下来的文章中,Hirayama 博士等人能够对包含 3399 种化合物的化学文库进行高通量筛选。
*FerroOrange 在参考文献中被称为“RhoNox-4”。
*FerroOrange 在 Hideko Nagasawa 博士和 Tasuku Hirayama 博士(岐阜药科大学)的指导下商业化。
2. 铁死亡研究中小鼠肝脏中亚铁离子(Fe2+)的检测
在以下文章中,使用 FerroOrange(Ferroptosis 研究)在小鼠肝脏中检测到亚铁离子 (Fe2+)。
* 以缺乏蛋氨酸胆碱的饮食喂养小鼠
Targeting Ferroptosis Alleviates Methionine-Choline Deficient (MCD)-diet Induced NASH by Suppressing Liver Lipotoxicity

Co-staining with Each Organelle Dye Reagent
FerroOrange was co-stained with each organelle’s dye reagents.
HeLa cells were stained with organelle’s dye and washed.
Then, FerroOrange was added to the cells and cells were observed under the fluorescent microscope.

Co-staining with ER Staining Dye

<Detection Condition>
FerroOrange: Ex. 561 nm, Em. 570-620 nm
ER Tracker Green (ER Dye): Ex. 488 nm, Em. 510-555 nm
Scale bars: 10 m

Co-staining with Mitochondrial staining Dye

<Detection Condition>
FerroOrange: Ex. 561 nm, Em. 570-620 nm
MitoBright Deep Red (Mitochondrial Dye): Ex. 640 nm, Em. 650-700 nm
Scale bars: 10 m

Co-staining with Golgi Complex Staining Dye

<Detection Condition>
FerroOrange: Ex. 561 nm, Em. 570-620 nm
BODIPY FL (Golgi Complex Staining Dye): Ex. 488 nm, Em. 510-555 nm
Scale bars: 10 m

Excitation and Emission Spectra

FerroOrange 常见问题
1. FerroOrange只会检测游离铁吗?还是某些如铁硫蛋白里的结合铁,都可以检测吗?
2. 染色时需要注意什么?

※ FerroOrange染色后的对培养基的更换。
※ 细胞难以染色(灵敏度低)时的办法。
使FerroOrange working solution浓度高于推荐的1 mol/l进行染色。建议在1-5 mol/l范围内染色。

3. 使用荧光酶标仪的操作步骤
1.在96孔黑板(透明底)上接种100 l HeLa细胞悬液,使其达到10,000 cells/well,在37℃ 5%CO2 培养箱中过夜培养。
2.样品C的细胞用MEM(不含FBS)100 l洗涤3次。
3.向样品C中添加100 μl硫酸铵铁(II)/MEM(不含FBS) (最终浓度: 100 mol/l),在37℃ 5%CO2培养箱中静置30分钟。
4.用100 l HBSS洗涤所有孔的细胞3次。
5.向样品A和C中添加100 μl的1 mol/l FerroOrange working solution ,向样品B中添加100 μl含有FerroOrange(最终浓度:1 mol/l)和Bpy(最终浓度:100 mol/l)的HBSS溶液,在37℃ 5%CO2培养箱中培养30分钟。
6.用多功能读板器检测各样品的荧光强度(Ex:543 nm,Em:580 nm)。



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