People line up for COVID-19 testing in Washington, DC, the United States, Jan 5, 2022. [Photo/Xinhua]
The true number of Covid infections in the United States may be double official figures, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reports.美国疾病控制和预防中心报告称,美国实际新冠感染人数可能是官方公布数字的两倍。
Official CDC figures, last updated January 31, list at least 74 million cases. Johns Hopkins University, which updates its Covid cases numbers multiple times every day, has logged 79 million cases.美疾控中心1月31日更新的官方数据显示,美国新冠确诊病例至少为7400万例。约翰斯·霍普金斯大学每天多次更新的数据显示,美国新冠确诊病例为7900万例。
Due to testing shortages, especially early on in the pandemic and during the Omicron surge, asymptomatic cases and people testing positive at home and then never reporting their case to officials, experts have long known that Covid cases are drastically being undercounted.此前专家们就已经意识到,由于缺乏检测,特别是疫情初期以及奥密克戎病例激增时期,无症状感染者和居家检测阳性的感染者未向政府报告,美国的新冠感染人数被大大低估了。
The CDC gathers this type of data using seroprevalence sampling estimates, where it works with local health authorities and officials in regions around America to estimate how many people have non-vaccine immunity to Covid.美疾控中心使用血清流行病学调查抽样估算美国新冠感染人数,该机构与各地卫生部门和官员合作,估算有多少人对新冠病毒具有非疫苗免疫力。
Data from 46 of 50 states, Washington D.C. and Puerto Rico was gathered for the estimate. Arizona, Nevada, North Dakota and Utah were the states not included.美国50个州的46个州、华盛顿特区和波多黎各自治邦收集了数据进行估算。亚利桑那州、内华达州、北达科他州和犹他州不包括在内。
After analyzing findings, the CDC reports that, as of January 31, 140,018,000 people have been infected in the US.经过分析调查,美疾控中心报告称,截至1月31日,美国已有140018000人感染新冠病毒。
This is just under half of the nation's total population, 43 percent, and nearly double the official case count - which also includes reinfections.这一数字占美国总人口的43%,几乎是官方公布确诊病例数的两倍,其中还包括再感染病例。
Wisconsin had the highest infection rate, with 56 percent of the states population likely catching Covid at some point over the past two years.威斯康星州的感染率最高,该州56%的人口可能在过去两年的某个时候感染新冠病毒。
In total, more than half of the population of 13 US states have likely been infected with the virus.总体上,美国有13个州的感染人数可能超过州总人口的一半。
Vermont has recorded the lowest infection rate, per the CDC data, with less than 18 percent of residents contracting the virus.根据美疾控中心的数据,佛蒙特州的感染率最低,该州只有不到18%的居民感染新冠病毒。
Severe undercounting of Covid cases has long been expected by health experts, as currently only people that are professionally tested, or receive a PCR test, are included in figures.长期以来,卫生专家一直认为新冠病毒感染人数存在严重漏报,因为目前官方数据只包括经过专业检测或接受PCR检测的人。
There are also many people that might know they are sick, likely with Covid, and just not bother to get tested.还有很多人可能知道自己生病了,可能感染了新冠病毒,只是懒得去做检测。
Around a third of Covid cases are also asymptomatic, meaning a person could be actively infected and have no idea.大约三分之一的感染者是无症状感染者,这意味着有人可能并未察觉自己感染了新冠病毒。


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