Unit 1 The Way to Success
Section A
Language focus
3 Words in use
l whereby 2 pursuit 3 inhibit 4 maintain 5 patriotic 6 transcended 7 endeavors 8 dedication 9 prestige 10 nominate
4 Word building
Words learned New words formed
inhabitant inhabit
participate participant
attend attendant
pollute pollutant
descend descendant
contest contestant
tolerate tolerant
result resultant
neglect neglectful
resource resourceful
boast boastful
respect respectful
l resultant 2 tolerant 3 pollutants 4 inhabited 5 contestants 6 descendants 7 attendants 8 respectful 9 participants 10 neglectful
11 resourceful 12 boastful
6 Banked cloze
1 F 2 G 3 H 4 J 5 E 6 A 7 N 8 I 9 K l0 M
7 Expressions in use
l removed from 2 failed in 3 in the pursuit of 4 deviated from 5 precludes; from 6 triumph over 7 work their way into 8 written off
9 Translation
Nowadays, many young people no longer choose "stable" jobs. Instead, they prefer to start their own businesses and realize their self-value through their own wisdom and efforts. Young entrepreneurship is the source of national economic vitality in the future. The success of entrepreneurs not only creates fortune, increases job opportunities, improves people's life, but it is also good for the country in the long term. Entrepreneurs are a driving force in upgrading China's economy. Especially for the time being, our country is encouraging people to start their own businesses and make innovations and giving policy support for medium and small businesses. This further arouses young people's enthusiasm to start their own businesses.
Section B
2 Denotation: a large project, especially one that is difficult
Connotation: Les Brown took his dream as an enterprise, a lifelong career, to which he attached great importance. At the same time, to become a DJ was by no means an easy job.
3 Denotation: take in or absorb liquid
Connotation: Soak up implies that Les Brown was eager to seize every chance to learn something new in order to be better prepared to become a DJ in the future.
4 Denotation: take or hold sb./sth. with your hand suddenly
Connotation: Grab in this context means to pick up the phone in a very quick movement, implying a sense of anxiety.
5 Denotation: turn over into a different position with a sudden quick movement
Connotation: Flip shows that Les Brown had become quite familiar with the machine because he practiced a lot in his free time.
6 Denotation: move, drive or push forward or in a particular direction
Connotation: Propel here suggests that Les Brown was driven to go forward by his strong determination and adequate preparation.
1 C 2 B 3 A 4 D 5 D 6 B 7 C 8 D
3 (OPEN)
1 indulge 2 propelling 3 aggravated 4 dazzled 5 alleviating
6 renowned 7 eloquent 8 destined 9 scorned 10 applause
1 up 2 in 3 on 4 up 5 to/for 6 on 7 as 8 out
1 He always prefers to start early rather than leave everything to the last minute.
2 She prefers to be the boss, to be in charge and to organize others rather than be organized by someone
whom she may not even rate very highly
3 My brother preferred to take the whole blame himself rather than allow it to fall on the innocent.
1 Try as he would
2 Search as they would
3 Try as we might
1 1) repeated 2) overwhelming 3) immense
2 1) heroic 2) sound 3) substantial
3 1) attained 2) fueled 3) achieve
1 sudden opportunity 2 immense obstacles 3 amazing determination
4 profound difficulties 5 overwhelming failures 6 poverty-stricken
7 substantial hardships 8 repeated misfortunes 9 sheer persistence
10 dazzle…audience 11 achieve fame 12 strong will
Unit 2 beat your fear
Section A
Words in use
I intervene 2 underestimate 3 recede 4 deem 5 bleak
6 appraise 7 paralyzed 8 symptoms 9 dismay 10 brink
Word building
Wordy learned New words formed
dominate dominance
avoid avoidance
rely reliance
acquaint acquaintance
clear clearance
annoy annoyance
admit admittance
resemble resemblance
assure assrsrance
bore bored
privilege privileged
distract distracted
1 bored 2 privileged 3 assurance 4 dominance 5 avoidance
6 acquaintance 7 reliance 8 clearance 9 distracted 10 annoyance
11 admittance 12 resemblance
Banked cloze
1 K 2 D 3 H 4 J 5 I 6 O 7 G 8 A 9 N 10 C
Expressions in use
I pulled to a stop 2 black out 3 pop up 4 stopped short
5 plowed through 6 threw himself into 7 let yourself go 8 grabbed for
Realizing the great national rejuvenation, which we define as the Chinese Dream, has been the greatest Chinese expectation since modem times. It basically means achieving prosperity for the country, renewal of the nation and happiness for the people, thus ensuring that every enterprising Chinese carries, generation after generation, the firm conviction that a better life is accomplished through persistent effort. People should achieve their prosperity through diligence, courage, creativity and determination instead of aid from society or other people. Each individual is a participant and a designer in the cause of realizing the Chinese Dream, for it is a dream not only for the entire nation but also for every Chinese.
Section B
Reading skills
1 "Knowing grins" implies that they regarded bumping as a common occurrence in flight.
2 Based on our prior knowledge about what happens, if there is something wrong with the nose-wheel steering and the whole landing gear system, we can infer that the passengers and the crew were all in danger, and it was highly possible that the plane would crash.
3 This sentence shows that the mother's gaze at the child displayed a deep care and which calmed down the child in order to keep her from being influenced by the outside dangers, implying that the mother's love was so great that it could help the little child all the outside fears
4 This paragraph tells a simple truth that their survival from the possible air crash was a miracle, and a lot of luck.
Reading comprehension
Understanding the text
1 A 2 D 3C 4B 5 D 6C 7D 8A
Critical thinking
1·Love generates strength and confidence which help to overcome our inner fear.
Love is able to bring into full play the most courageous acts in the world, and love can conquer our inner fear.
Becoming a more loving person toward others will help you to transcend your fear. Becoming more loving toward yourself will help you to heal your fear.
2 Apart from love, I believe, there are many other factors that can help us cope with challenges in life. Some of them are listed as follows:
Confidence may strengthen our determination to handle any difficulties we are confronted with.
A sense of purpose in our life is critical when we feel lost under the great pressure of troubles.
A strong social network is also useful. Maybe our problems could be easily solved by the joint efforts from our social network composed of relatives, friends, colleagues, etc
Optimism can always make us filled with hope, helping us muster courage when we are tortured by frustrations.
Necessary problem-solving skills and strategies are most crucial to our performance when we are facing challenges.
3 Tips to keep fear away during exams:
Prepare well in advance and do not mug up(突击学习).
Make time to relax.
Revise properly. In order to prevent anxiety, the last few weeks before the examination should be spent revising each subject.
Be flexible during the exam. During the exam, if you get tensed or blank after seeing difficult questions, skip them for the time being and attempt questions which you find easier. Once you have completed them, go back to the difficult ones. In this way, you will be able to answer them confidently.
4 The following are something that can be done to help overcome fear:
It can be important to visit with a qualified therapist who can help the survivor identify the root causes of the fear and address those underlying reasons for the fear response.
Support groups can be helpful as can a trusted friend who extends compassion in the face of the survivor's fear. This type of response can go a long way in helping victims work through their fear.
Language focus
Words in use
1 vertical 2 evaporate 3 plight 4 intent 5 abort
6 vulnerable 7 proximity 8 evoke 9 lofty 10 necessitate
Expressions in use
1 in the event of 2 immune to 3 settled back 4 on board
5 in / into position 6 was; stunned by 7 for sure 8 hint of
Sentence structure
1 Nothing excites me as much as a brilliant movie with an interesting plot, fantastic acting, wild visuals and a strong script.
2 Over the course of her entire life, she'd longed for nothing as much as knowledge about her mother.
3 Her daughter is at a state hospital and wants nothing as much as to be part of a family.
1 In teaching practice, it is essential that we (should) teach students proper grammar, sentence structures, and writing skills.
2 It is important that students (should) be given opportunities to express their perspectives to cultivate their responsibility and independence.
3 It is crucial that the younger generation (should) pursue an active and positive role in promoting environmental protection.
Collocation Warm-up
1 massive 2 incredible 3 terrible 4 relaxed 5 absolutely 6 unremarkable
1 emotionally impossible 2 amazing power 3 visibly frightened 4 incredible impact 5 impromptu rescues 6 instantaneously hysterical 7 calm confidence 8 true courage9 massive waves 10 would-be rescuer 11 vicious waves 12 rough water
Unit Three Section A Unit 3 Audrey Hepburn — A true angel in this world
1 integral 2 cherish 3 afflicted 4 noteworthy 5 portray 6 compliment 7 domain 8 anonymous 9 conscientious 10 perpetual
4. words learned new words formed
general generalize
normal normalize
public publicize
minimum minimize
immune immunize
mobile mobilize
invest investor
dictate dictator
conquer conqueror
investigate investigator
moderate moderator
elevator elevate
1 normalize 2 moderator
3 immunized 4 investors
5 mobilize 6 conqueror
7 elevate 8 publicizes
9 investigator 10 minimized
11 generalize 12 dictator
1C 2I 3F 4L 5A 6H 7K 8N 9E l0B
1 embark on 2 be deprived of 3 turn down 4 taken captive 5 live on 6 share in 7 was stricken by 8 led by example
1 0.
Ink and wash painting, one of the unique traditional art forms of China, is representative of Chinese painting. It began around the time of the Tang Dynasty, and then prospered in the Song and Yuan dynasties. With a history of over one thousand years, it has experienced constant development, improvement and perfection. The tools and materials used to create ink and wash painting, i.e, brushes, rice paper, and ink, are characteristic of Chinese culture and closely related to the features of the paintings. For example, the mixing of water and ink creates different shades of dryness, wetness, thickness and thinness. The integration and infiltration of water, ink, and rice paper enables such paintings to convey rich images, and hence to achieve unique aesthetic effects. Ink and wash painting holds a high status in the history of Chinese painting, and it is even regarded as the criterion to evaluate the artistic level of Oriental paintings.
Section B
Reading Skills
1 F 2O 3F 4O 5O 6F 7F 8O
1D 2C 3D 4A 5B 6C 7D 8D
1 skeptical 2 coincidence 3 mounted 4 contrive 5 simulated 6 manifest 7 divert 8 infected 9 upgraded 10 temperament
1 on 2 in 3 as 4 into 5 to 6 to 7 with 8 under/ on
l It is not his carefree attitude that made him seem eccentric: it is his conspicuous interest in film that made his classmates shun and mock him.
2 It is not his experience in filmmaking that sabotaged transfer attempts; it is his poor grades that forced film schools to withhold acceptance.
3 It is not because things are difficult that we fail to dare: it is because we do not dare that things are difficult.
1 In this way, he deprives himself of the capacity to see things as they are.
2 In general, the main objective of scientists is to understand the world as it is.
3 A student should learn to accept people as they are and not to
try to change them.
1 internationally famous 2 rigorous schedule
3 jeopardize hope 4 emotionally draining
5 physically dangerous 6 overwhelming misery 7 perpetually signify 8 conspicuous interest 9 repeatedly try
1 internationally 2 committed 3 compassionate 4 repeatedly 5 thrill 6 terrific 7overwhelming 8 desperate 9 physically 10 rectified 11 personal 12 emotionally
Unit 4 Let’s go
Section A
3 Words in use
l compulsory 2 contemplate 3 imprisoned 4 globalize 5 offset
6 groan 7 stubborn 8 cluster 9 ambiguity 10 consoled
4 Word building
Words learned New words formed
respect respectable
negotiate negotiable
distinguish distinguishable
available avail
attribute attributable
profit profitable
renew renewable
memory memorize
author authorize
visual visualize
stable stabilize
social socialize
l profitable 2 renewable 3 authorized 4 negotiable 5 visualize 6 socialize
7 attributable 8 respectable 9 avail 10 stabilize 11 distinguishable 12 memorize
6 Banked cloze
1 E 2 M 3 K 4 I 5 F 6 A 7 C 8 H 9 L l0 N
7 Expressions in use
l settle for 2 more often than not 3 mingled with 4 traded for
5 was saturated with 6 are open to 7 endowed with 8 make up for
9 Translation
Lijiang is a mountainous city in northwest Yunnan Province. The old town of Lijiang, located at the foot of Jade Dragon Snow Mountain, is a town of scenic beauty and known for its history and culture. It’s also a well-preserved old town with features of ethnic minorities. The construction work of the old town was started from the Southern Song Dynasty about 800 years from now. Not only does Lijiang boast a long history, but also it boasts many ethnic minorities who make up over a half of the total population in the region. With the booming of Lijiang tourism, the old town of Lijiang is receiving a growing number of tourists from home and abroad. In December 1997, the old town succeeded in applying to be named a World Cultural Heritage Site, filling the gap of lacking a noted historical and cultural city in China on the World Cultural Heritage List.
Section B
1 C 2 A 3 B 4 D 5 A 6 D 7 C 8 B
3 (OPEN)
1 ethnic 2 conceive 3 presumed 4 despised 5 irritate
6 disregarded 7 downside 8 venerable 9 susceptible 10 suppress
1 from/against 2 from 3 with 4 into 5 to 6 into 7 for 8 off
1 The day following was, as it turned out, the last of Mr. Wraxall’s stay at Raback.
2 As it turned out, the war went on for more than four years, with horrible losses of personnel and material on both sides.
3 Madigan had been studying Mr. Barrett for a couple of months, but as it turned out, the man was rather mysterious..
1 took his behavior with a smile
2 took it with gratitude
3 took it with a deep bow
1 overly fearful 2 disorienting diversity 3 solo travel
4 swap stories 5 globalized world 6 foreign travel
1 exotic places 2 lovely dream 3 multinational excursions
4 pleasant experiences 5 foreign travel 6 valuable open-mindedness
7 ample opportunities 8 disorienting diversity 9 local folklore
10 swap stories 11 modern aviation 12 credible insights
Unit 5 when work is a pleasure
Words in use
1 gauged 2 dedicate 3 commonplace
4 suffice 5 revenue 6 simultaneous
7 incentive 8 prone 9 innovations
10 fostered
Word building
Words learned new words formed
real realism
imperial imperialism
commercial commercialism
human humanism
terror terrorism
recruit recruitment
resent resentment
enroll enrollment
refresh refreshment
ship shipment
enforce enforcement
1 refreshment 2 shipment 3 enforcement 4 commercialism
5realism 6 recruitment 7 enrollment(s) 8 imperialism
9 resentment 10 terrorism 11 humanism
Banked cloze
1O 2F 3L 4C 5K
6 H 7 I 8N 9E 10M
Expressions in use
1 correlate with 2 refrain from 3 count down 4 slaving away
5 coincided with 6 contended with 7 be designated as 8 conformed to
英式下午茶的仪式可以迫溯到19世纪40年代,该传统是由之前英国的茶饮仪式和习惯发展而来的。茶最初在17世纪50年代晚期被引入英国,但由于价格昂贵,所以很长一段时间里,只有皇家和贵族才能享用。直到将近200多年之后,英国人才养成吃下午茶的习惯。在当时,英国人一日两餐: 快接近中午时分的丰盛早餐和晚上八点左右的晚餐。据说第七代贝德福德公爵夫人安娜开创了下午茶的传统,以此来缓解晚餐前的饥饿感。她邀请朋友和她一起在下午四五点钟吃下午茶。下午茶中包括茶和一些点心,比如精致的蛋糕及三明治。这些小巧的美食用精美的瓷器盛装。下午茶很快就流行开来,现在已经成为优雅英国生活方式的一个象征。正如小说家亨利詹姆斯写道的那样:“人生鲜有比全心全意享用下午茶这一仪式更惬意的时刻了。”
China is the hometown of tea and the birthplace of tea culture. Since ancient times, tea has been known as the "national drink" of China. In both the Chinese scholars' even daily necessities, namely music, chess, calligraphy, painting, poetry, wine and tea and common people's seven ones, namely firewood, rice, oil, salt, soy sauce, vinegar and tea. Tea is listed as one of the necessities. Meanwhile, China is a country with ancient civilization and a land of courtesy. The practice of making and serving tea is essential whenever there are guests or friends. With the development of cultural exchange, commerce and trade between China and other countries, Chinese tea and tea
cultural spread to the world. Today, a number of countries across the five continents grow tea plants, and many countries import tea from China. Chinese tea like Chinese silk and Chinaware, has become synonymous with China in the world.
Understanding the context
1C 2B 3D 4A
5B 6D 7B 8A
Words in use
1 rash 2 specialty 3 ponder 4 utilize
5 pierce 6 bias 7 ensure 8 impart
9 infectious 10 hospitality
Expressions in use
l out 2 on 3 away 4 to
5 to 6 in 7 away 8 up
Sentence structure
1 Although I am already very tall, I wear high heels all of the time, be it day or night.
2 A lower euro will actually help European exports become more affordable and more
competitive around the world, be they German automobiles or Italian leathers.
3 Every time there is a major news event, be it a natural disaster or a historic
moment, we take it for granted that there will be pictures and videos.
1 find himself eating foods he never heard of before
2 found herself faced with a math test
3 found herself standing in front of Tom's company
1 prideful 2 high 3 special 4 trivial
5 sole 6 friendly 7 cheerful 8 instant 9 charitable
1 unhappy 2 personally 3 optimum 4 truly
5 monetary 6 sole 7 personal 8 trivial
9 special 10 high 11 friendly 12 cheerful
Unit 6 War and peace
Language focus
Words in use
1 evacuated 2 stray 3 diluted
4 gigantic 5 standpoint 6 nutrition
7 inflicted 8 pervasive 9 naive
10 permeated
Word building
Words learned New words formed
moment momentary
supplement supplementary
custom customary
vision visionary
mission missionary
discipline disciplinary
complex complexity
fatal fatality
available availability
feasible feasibility
authentic authenticity
desirable desirability
1 visionary 2 fatality 3 availability 4 customary
5 feasibility 6 momentary 7 disciplinary 8 supplementary
9 missionary 11 complexity 12 desirability
Banked cloze
1H 2N 3O 4F 5C
6K 7M 8B 9E 10J
Expressions in use
1 flew at 2 wove her way through
3 radiated from 4 conceive of
5 was lined with 6 dive into
7 next to nothing 8 stayed down
The Art of War was written by Sun Wu, a famous ancient Chinese strategist. A classic work not only of military value but also of great philosophical significance, The Art of War is a precious heritage of brilliant ancient Chinese culture. Sun Wu disclosed in his book a series of military rules and principles, and put forward a complete system of military theory. His theory has been highly regarded by strategists since the Warring States Period and exerted strong impacts on their thought and practice. Moreover it has yielded a worldwide influence in the field of military thought, enjoying extremely high prestige.
Section B
Reading Skills
1 Who: Luis Dutarte
Where: at his home
When: ever since the arrival of the American
What: being curious about the military camp
Main idea: Ever since the arrival of the American military, Luis was quite curious about the military camp established below his home.
2 Who: Ronald Smith
Where: in France
When: after the war ended
What: trying hard to find Luis but always failed
Main idea: After the war ended, Ronald Smith tried hard in his search for Luis in France, but he always failed to find him.
Reading comprehension
Understanding the text
1B 2D 3D 4C
5A 6C 7B 8D
Language focus
Words in use
1 supervise 2petitioned 3 clutching
4 vicinity 5 fragrance 6 dispatched.
7dwelling 8 haunted 9 timid 10 encloses
Expressions in use
1 to/into 2 in 3 together 4 apart
5 with 6 off 7 with 8 off
Sentence structure
1 Henry refuses to change his mind because he holds that our advice is worth next to nothing.
2 Once a gambler is addicted, all the efforts to help him get rid of the bad habit will be worth next to nothing.
3 Your recommendation is worth next to nothing to those who do not want to listen.
1 There are too many things in your paper bag and it looks like it is going to burst.
2 Although we are supposed to finish this month, it looks like the work would stretch well into next year.
3 Gatherings of armed forces near the border looked like they planned to invade within the following few days.
1 A 2C 3 B 4B 5C 6B
1emotional intensity 2 brilliant sky
3 walked briskly 4 helplessly wandering
5 trembling voice 6 tremendous roar
7 deserted road 8 violently dipping
9 inevitable death 10 profound fatigue
11 pervasive threat 12 dangerous evil
Unit 8 The art of parenting
Section A
Words in use
1 indignation 2 provocative 3 militant 4 overlap 5 conferring
6 defiance 7 hesitant 8 milestone 9 cradled 10 preaching
Word building
Words learned new words formed
man manhood
mother motherhood
calculate calculation
complicate complication
imitate imitation
assassinate assassination
circulate circulation
accommodation accommodate
accuse accusation
defect defection
exhaust exhaustion
1 circulation 2 accusation 3 accommodate 4 defection 5 manhood 6 imitation 7 complication 8 exhaustion 9 assassination 10 calculations 11 motherhood
Banked cloze
1 J 2 L 3 C 4 O 5 K 6 G 7 A 8 H 9 E 10 D
Expressions in use
1 at their disposal 2 insulate him from 3 irrespective of
4 has a high opinion of 5 has authority over 6 for your part
7 get away with 8 dispense with 9 provide for
10 tiptoeing around
The CCTV Spring Festival Gala (Spring Festival Gala for short), which was started in 1983, has become an indispensable cultural consumer product and a cultural symbol in the cultural life of the Chinese people. Though it’s hard to satisfy the tastes of all the people, it has to be admitted that the Spring Festival Gala has become a “new custom” for the public that they can’t live without. The Spring Festival Gala is more than a gala; it is a ritual and a symbol, a culture and a label, and an emotion and a place where people entrust their hearts to. With the development of the times and the emerging of new media, the audiences are having more diversified choices and demands. Correspondingly, the Spring Festival Gala is also advancing with the time to satisfy the growing cultural needs of the people.
Section B
1 B 2 A 3 A 4 D 5 C 6 B 7 C 8 D
3 (Open)
Words in use
1 intermediate 2 sniff 3 contention 4 articulate 5 scrutiny
6 constrict 7 contempt 8 unanimous 9 rear 10 administer
Expressions in use
l to 2 through 3 off 4 down 5 to 6 out 7 under 8 in/back
Sentence structure
1 Admittedly, taking measures that are likely to increase the greenhouse effect will be morally graver than having done nothing to reduce it.
2 Admittedly, they are the perfect guides to keep you informed of the various things happening around you.
3 Admittedly, those who oppose to the viewpoint also have their reasons to a certain extent.
1 When the time comes to demonstrate your unique set of sporting skills and physical gifts
2 But when the time came to put some money into the home
3 When the time comes to pay for my classes
1 versatile 2 shatter 3 unquestioning 4 stony 5 hair-tearing 6 substandard
1 hair-tearing 2 negative 3 substandard 4 stony
5 perfect 6 unilateral 7 shatter 8 secretly
9 unquestioning 10 true 11 intensify 12 ultimate