"A real downright snorter, Mr. MacDonald!" he kept repeating. "We'll have the pressmen down like flies when they understand it. I'm hoping we will get our work done before they get poking their noses intoit and messing up all the trails. There has been nothing like this that I can remember. There are some bits that will come home to you, Mr. Holmes, or I am mistaken. And you also, Dr. Watson; for the medicos will have a word to say before we finish. ”
poke one’s nose into sth:poke在这里是“伸、探"的意思,这条短语可以直译为“把鼻子插进……",这里引申为“干涉,干预,探听,管闲事”等。 通常这种喜欢干预、探听别人事情的人都是不受欢迎的。
You shouldn't poke your nose into things that don't concern you.
Don't poke your nose into one's personal affairs.