A strict wife A windy, dark night, Xiaowang went home from the night shift, When he passed a remote path, Suddenly a masked gangster sprang out from the side, Crab him by the collar and said relentless, "Take out your money! Xiaoping gingerly took out his wallet and was robbed by the gangster. There was no money in it. Then gangster yelled at him,"There is your money?" He answered, "It's on my wife," the gangster asked him again,"where is your cards of the bank?" He said, "It's on my wife!" The gangster asked, "What are you doing with your wallet?" Answered,"Packing my wife's picture with wallet," the gangster pats Xiaowang's shoulder and silence to gone.
一个风高夜黑晚上,小王下夜班回家,路过一偏僻小道时,突然从旁面窜出一个蒙面劫匪,抓住他的衣领,恶狠狠地说:“把钱拿出来!” 小王战兢兢拿出钱包,被劫匪一把抢过去,一看里面没钱,于是对他吼道:“钱呢?”答:“在我媳妇手里。” 劫匪又问:“银行卡呢?” 答:“在我媳妇手里。” 问:“那你要钱包干啥?” 答:“装我媳妇照片。” 劫匪拍拍他的肩膀,默默地走了。