12月24日6时48分,“湖南造”首列CJ6动车组从长株潭城铁株洲南站缓缓驶出。 何丽丽 摄
The photo, taken at 6:48 on December 24, showed that the first of CJ6 EMUs made in Hunan was slowly exiting from zhuzhou South Station. Photo by He Lili
湖南日报·新湖南客户端12月24日讯(记者 李伟锋 李永亮 通讯员 梁超)“又快又稳!”24日6时48分,长株潭城铁株洲南站,C7852次列车缓缓驶出,快速向长沙奔去。这是上线运营的“湖南造”首列CJ6动车组,长株潭城市群城际轨道交通公交化建设再迈坚实一步。
"Fast and stable!" At 6:48 on the 24th, Changzhutan City Railway Zhuzhou South Station, the C7852 train slowly left and rushed to Changsha. This is the first CJ6 EMU of "made in Hunan" that has been put into operation online, and the construction of intercity rail transit transit in Changsha Zhuzhou Xiangtan Urban Agglomeration takes another solid step.
CJ6 EMU is jointly established and developed by Hunan Intercity Railway Co., Ltd. and CRRC Zhuzhou Electric Locomotive Co., Ltd. The design speed of the car is 160km / h, with a rated capacity of 681 passengers and a maximum capacity of 897 passengers. During the peak passenger flow, it can quickly form a marshalling of 8 cars, or even quickly expand to a 16 car long formation, so as to maximize the utilization efficiency. With the characteristics of fast start and fast stop, the whole vehicle includes 20 double open sliding doors with large opening, which can realize the rapid boarding, landing and evacuation of passengers, and meet the demand of large passenger capacity of intercity passenger transportation. The EMU has completed one year and 600000 km operation assessment, with high safety and reliability.
Zhou Qinghe, Secretary of the Party committee and chairman of CRRC Zhuzhou Locomotive Co., Ltd., said that the CJ6 EMU is made in Hunan, which is conducive to upgrading the rail transit equipment industry in our province and promoting the integration of Changsha, Zhuzhou and Xiangtan. At the same time, the model enriches the product pedigree of China's intercity EMU and provides support for the diversity of intercity railway equipment.