中日韩合作未来十年展望Trilateral Cooperation Vision for the Next Decade
值此中日韩合作20周年之际,中华人民共和国国务院总理李克强、日本国首相安倍晋三和大韩民国总统文在寅,于2019年12月24日在中国成都举行第八次中日韩领导人会议,回顾三国合作历程,展望未来合作前景。On the occasion of the twentieth anniversary of China-ROK-Japan Cooperation, Premier of the State Council of the People's Republic of China Li Keqiang, President of the Republic of Korea Moon Jae-in and Prime Minister of Japan Abe Shinzo held the Eighth Trilateral Summit on 24 December 2019, in Chengdu, China, to review the course of trilateral cooperation and look ahead to a brighter future.
我们忆及20年前,中日韩领导人高瞻远瞩,在亚洲金融危机寒流中开创了中日韩合作。20年来,三国不断增进互信、深化合作、共同发展。建立了21个部长级会议和70多个对话机制,成为三国深化合作的主要平台。2011年设立了中日韩合作秘书处,以进一步促进三国合作。三国贸易额从1999年的1300亿美元增至2018年的7200多亿美元,经济总量在全球占比从17%提升至24%。三国合作为促进地区和世界经济增长、引领区域一体化进程发挥了重要作用。We recalled that two decades ago, visionary leaders of China, the ROK and Japan launched the trilateral cooperation in the wake of the Asian financial crisis. Over the past 20 years, the three countries have constantly enhanced mutual trust, deepened cooperation, and pursued common development. We have established 21 ministerial meetings and more than 70 dialogue mechanisms, which have combined to serve as a main platform for discussions on greater cooperation among the three countries. We have also established the Trilateral Cooperation Secretariat in 2011 with the aim to further promote trilateral cooperation. Trade volume among the three countries increased from US$130 billion in 1999 to more than US$720 billion in 2018. The combined GDP of the three countries as a percentage of the global total rose from 17% to 24%. Trilateral cooperation has played an important role in promoting regional and global economic growth as well as driving regional integration process.
我们一致认为,未来十年将是国际形势深刻演变、世界经济新旧动能转换、科技革命与产业变革迅速发展的十年。各国利益和命运前所未有地紧密相连、深度交融。作为对亚洲和平与稳定负有重要责任的国家,中日韩应加强合作,与其他国家一道,为地区和国际社会面对的广泛问题作出积极和应有的贡献。加强中日韩合作符合三国和三国人民的共同利益,对地区和世界的和平与发展具有重要意义。我们重申,良好的双边关系是三国合作的重要基础,深化三国合作也有利于促进双边关系。我们重申三国之间有着过去的历史和长久的未来,将基于2018年三国领导人会议达成的共识继续合作。我们将从长远角度和战略高度规划三国合作,打造和平友好、互利共赢、引领未来的合作模式,使中日韩合作成为东亚和平稳定与地区合作的稳固平台和促进世界发展繁荣的重要力量。我们将继续共同努力,促进地区对话和互信,包括在三国合作框架下举办相关伙伴方参与的学术讨论。We shared the view that the next decade will witness profound changes in the international community, the emergence of new global growth drivers and rapid advance of the scientific and technological revolution and industrial transformation. The interests and future of all countries are more intertwined than ever before. It is increasingly important for us, as important countries responsible for peace and stability in Asia, to enhance trilateral cooperation and work together with other countries to make active and due contributions to a wide range of issues facing the region and the international community. Stronger trilateral cooperation serves the common interests of our countries and peoples, and will contribute significantly to the peace and development of the region and world. We reaffirmed that sound bilateral ties are an important foundation for the trilateral cooperation, and that the deepening of trilateral cooperation, in turn, contributes to each bilateral relationship. Reaffirming that the three countries share everlasting history and infinite future, we will continue to cooperate according to the common recognition reached at the 2018 Trilateral Summit. We should plan the trilateral cooperation from a long-term and strategic perspective and work to develop a future-oriented cooperation model featuring peace, friendship and mutual benefit to make the trilateral cooperation a platform for peace, stability and regional cooperation and an important force for world development and prosperity. We will keep our joint efforts to further enhance regional dialogue and trust, including holding academic discussions under framework of Trilateral Cooperation with participations from other relevant partners.
为此,我们一致同意:With this in mind, we jointly decided to:
一、共同提升三国合作水平。定期举行领导人会议和外长会有助于三国合作健康稳定发展,三国将共同为此营造积极氛围。我们认可中日韩合作秘书处取得的成绩,支持秘书处继续加强能力建设,一致认为中日韩合作基金将为促进三国合作的项目提供支持。I. Work together to improve trilateral cooperation. We concur on the significance of holding the Trilateral Summit and the Trilateral Foreign Ministers' Meeting on a regular basis to promote the healthy and stable development of trilateral cooperation. We will make joint efforts to create positive atmosphere for regularizing those meetings. We acknowledge the achievements made by the Trilateral Cooperation Secretariat (TCS) and support the continuous capacity-building of the TCS. We share the view that the Trilateral Cooperation Fund can provide support for projects aiming to promote trilateral cooperation.
二、维护持久和平安全。加强战略沟通,增进政治互信,本着相互尊重的精神,妥善管控分歧,发展长期和平友好关系。我们致力于朝鲜半岛完全无核化,重申维护半岛和东北亚和平稳定是我们的共同利益和责任。我们忆及《中日韩领导人关于2018朝韩领导人会晤的联合声明》。我们致力于实现半岛和平、安全和繁荣,强调只有通过包括对话和外交在内的国际合作,并根据联合国安理会有关决议全面解决各方关切才能实现朝鲜半岛的完全无核化和永久和平。中韩领导人希望日朝之间的绑架问题通过对话尽快得以解决。II. Maintain durable peace and security. We will enhance communication on strategic issues and political mutual trust, in the spirit of mutual respect, manage differences properly and develop long-term relations of peace and friendship. We are committed to the complete denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula. We reaffirm that maintaining peace and stability on the Korean Peninsula as well as in Northeast Asia is our common interest and responsibility. In this regard, we recall the Joint Statement on the '2018 Inter-Korean Summit' by the Leaders of Japan, the People's Republic of China and the Republic of Korea. Endeavoring to achieve peace, security and prosperity on the Korean Peninsula, we stress that it is only the international cooperation including dialogue and diplomacy on and the comprehensive resolution of concerns of the parties, in accordance with relevant United Nations Security Council Resolutions, that can achieve the complete denuclearization and permanent peace on the Korean Peninsula. The leaders of the People's Republic of China and the Republic of Korea hope that the abductions issue between Japan and the DPRK will be resolved through dialogue as soon as possible.
三、倡导开放共赢合作。视彼此发展为机遇,加强发展战略对接,提升合作水平。为此,我们将努力实现自由、公平、非歧视、透明、可预期和稳定的贸易投资环境,并保持市场开放。重申支持对世界贸易组织进行必要改革以改进其功能。III. Advocate open and win-win cooperation. Regarding each other's development as opportunities, we will synergize our development strategies and raise our cooperation to higher levels. To this end, the three countries will strive to realize a free, fair, non-discriminatory, transparent, predictable and stable trade and investment environment and to keep our markets open. We reaffirm our support for the necessary reform of the World Trade Organization to improve its functions.
我们一致认为以规则为基础的多边贸易体制具有重要作用,将致力于维护自由贸易和多边主义,强化现有国际规则,确保公平竞争以培育良好营商环境。我们重申在2019年《区域全面经济伙伴关系协定》(RCEP)领导人会议联合声明中的承诺。我们将在RCEP谈判成果的基础上,加快中日韩自贸协定谈判,力争达成全面、高质量、互惠且具有自身价值的自贸协定。Understanding the crucial role of a rules-based multilateral trading system, we uphold the spirit of free trade and multilateralism and will work together to enforce existing international rules and to ensure a level playing field to foster an enabling business environment. We reaffirm our commitment described in the Joint Leaders' Statement on the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership released in 2019. Building upon the RCEP negotiations, we will speed up the negotiations on the Trilateral Free Trade Agreement, aiming to realize a comprehensive, high-quality and mutually beneficial Trilateral Free Trade Agreement with its own value.
我们鼓励地方政府和企业通过现有机制开展更多三方合作。我们将探索新的合作领域和模式,共同促进经济全球化和自由贸易,为全球经济带来更大稳定和确定性。We encourage more trilateral cooperation among local governments as well as enterprises through existing mechanisms. We will explore new areas and models of cooperation, and work together to promote economic globalization and free trade, to bring greater stability and certainty to the global economy.
我们欢迎历届二十国集团(G20)领导人峰会包括大阪峰会成功举行以及取得的成果,将在G20框架下进一步加强合作、发挥领导力。Welcoming the successful holding and outcomes of G20 summits including the Osaka summit, the three countries will continue to enhance cooperation and show leadership under the frame of G20.
四、引领科技革命。推进科技创新合作,通过现有机制应对地区和全球问题,鼓励在数字经济和电信领域开展合作。我们将继续保持密切沟通协调,共同应对潜在的金融不稳定性。加强区域金融合作,包括强化清迈倡议多边化,提升东盟与中日韩宏观经济研究办公室的能力。IV. Lead the way in the scientific and technological revolution. We will advance science and innovation cooperation to address common regional and global issues through existing mechanisms. We will encourage cooperation on digital economy and telecommunication. We will continue a high degree of communication and coordination among the three countries to cope with possible financial instability. We will enhance the regional financial cooperation including by strengthening the Chiang Mai Initiative Multilateralisation (CMIM) and the capacity of ASEAN+3 Macroeconomic Research Office (AMRO).
五、促进包括交通、物流在内的地区互联互通和基础设施合作。基础设施为经济增长和繁荣提供动力。我们强调最大限度发挥基础设施的积极作用有利于实现可持续增长和发展,重视项目在经济、社会、财政、金融和环境方面的可持续性,重申根据普遍接受的国际原则,推进可持续、高质量基础设施建设,提升本地区贸易、投资和服务竞争力。V. Enhance regional connectivity and infrastructure cooperation including transport and logistics areas. Infrastructure is a driver of economic growth and prosperity. We stress the importance of maximizing the positive impact of infrastructure to achieve sustainable growth and development, as well as the importance of economic, social, financial, fiscal and environmental sustainability of projects, and reaffirm the need to promote sustainable, high quality infrastructure in line with broadly accepted international principles, to facilitate trade, investment and service competitiveness in the region.
六、重申致力于实现2030年可持续发展议程。强调消除包括极端贫困在内的一切形式和表现的贫困,是全球面临的最大挑战,也是可持续发展的必然要求。我们将进一步加强经济、社会和环境层面的合作。强调在循环经济、资源效率、农业、渔业和北极等领域开展合作的重要意义。将继续支持和鼓励各方共同努力,应对海洋塑料垃圾、空气污染、生物多样性丧失、外来物种入侵和跨境动物疫病等共同挑战。采取综合政策措施,促进积极健康老龄化。继续根据《2015-2030年仙台减灾框架》加强减灾合作,促进有可持续财政支持的全民健康覆盖。我们认识到采取切实可行行动应对气候变化的紧迫性,重申致力于全面落实《联合国气候变化框架公约》和《巴黎协定》。VI. Reaffirm our commitment to achieve the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. We stress that eradicating poverty in all its forms and dimensions, including extreme poverty, is the greatest global challenge and an indispensable requirement for sustainable development. We will further enhance our cooperation in economic, social and environmental dimensions. We underline the significance of cooperation in circular economy and resource efficiency, agriculture, forestry, fisheries, and arctic. We will continue to support and promote the joint efforts to tackle issues of common interest including marine plastic litter, air pollution, biodiversity loss, invasive alien species management, and trans-boundary animal diseases. We will promote healthy and active ageing through comprehensive policy measures. We will also continuously strengthen cooperation in disaster risk reduction in line with the "Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030" and universal health coverage supported by robust financing in a sustainable manner. We recognize the urgent need to address climate change by taking feasible and concrete actions. We reiterate our strong commitment to fully implementing the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change and Paris Agreement.
七、促进文明互鉴与民心相通。发扬东亚文化传统,促进东亚合作共赢。抓住三国相继举办奥运会和残奥会的历史性机遇,通过加强体育合作,弘扬友好协作精神。通过丰富多样的文化、教育、人员交流活动,持续增进三国人民相互理解和信任,为三国合作打下稳定、健康、友好的社会基础。积极推动旅游交流,深化民众互信。VII. Promote mutual learning in the fields of culture and people-to-people exchange. We will carry forward East Asia's cultural traditions, and foster East Asian win-win cooperation. Taking the historical moment of the Olympic and Paralympic Games held successively in the three countries, we will promote further the spirit of friendship and collaboration by enhancing sports cooperation. Through diverse cultural and educational exchange activities for people-to-people engagement, we will continue to enhance understanding and trust among our peoples, and lay a stable, healthy and friendly social foundation for the trilateral cooperation. We will actively promote tourism exchange and deepen the mutual trust among our peoples.
八、实现整体振兴与共同发展。拓展三国合作的深度和广度,充分发挥互补优势,使三国合作惠及其他国家和地区。推进“中日韩+X”合作,共同制定计划,采取联合行动,拓展与其他国家合作,缩小地区发展差距,实现共同发展。VIII. Achieve overall revitalization and common development. We will expand the depth and width of the trilateral cooperation, fully harness each other's comparative advantages, and extend the benefits of the trilateral cooperation to other countries and regions. We will advance the "Trilateral+X" cooperation, by jointly making plans and taking collective actions to expand cooperation with other countries, help narrow regional development gaps and achieve common development.


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