The orchids which grow in a secluded valley on the lower reaches of the Yangtze River donot have the beauty of the flutter of blossoming branches, but they have an air of eleganceand literary dignity. Their fragrance is exuded whether there are people to appreciate themor not, and the frost does not wither them; the orchid truly bears the name “Gentleman ofFlowers.”
The story goes that when the poet Qu Yuan was banished by King Huai of Chudue to the achinations of the king’s evil ministers, he took his beloved orchids andbamboo-strip books, and set up a school on Fairy Mountain. One day, the Orchid Goddessof Fairy Mountain, while floating on a cloud, happened to pass a thatched cottage. Inside,Qu Yuan was teaching a class, vigorously romoting righteous conduct for the Kingdomof Chu. The goddess stood outside the window quietly listening, particularly impressedby the poet’s deeply-felt patriotism. She knew that Qu Yuan had always loved orchids, sobefore she left she endowed three orchids which Qu Yuan had planted under the window with supernatural power.
One week later, Qu Yuan dragged his weak and sickly body to the school to teach anotherclass. This time, the theme was how evil men had brought ruin to their country andpeople. Qu Yuan became so emotionally enraged that blood gushed out of his mouth andsplashed on the orchids outside the window. The pupils were so upset at this that they hadto wipe tears from their eyes.
Early the next morning, the students were astonished to discover that the three orchidshad become a huge cluster. When Qu Yuan breathed the fresh odor of the orchids, hebecame healthier. The students were overjoyed and inspired by the orchids, and they togetherplanted more orchids all around the school.
Marvelous to relate, on the very first day these orchids produced sprigs, on the secondday soft buds, and on the third day branches and leaves. On the fourth day, the buds beganto sprout, and on the fifth day each one put forth new stems! Qu Yuan led his pupils toplant orchids by a local stream and in mountain gorges. Soon, the hills and valleys werefilled with the scent of orchids. The farmers of the area smiled, and said, “Twelve mu (Onemu equals 0.7 of a hectare) of land is called one wan. It seems that Master Qu has plantedthree wan with orchids. We should call this place Orchid Land.”
After that, three wan of orchids expanded to six wan, and then from six wan to ninewan, and the stream below Fairy Mountain got the name “Jiuwan (nine wan) Stream.”The orchids growing beside Jiuwan Stream increased in number year after year, and filledWestern Ling Gorge with their heady perfume. Their fragrance was wafted as far asGuizhou, and perfumed half the sky over the Kingdom of Chu!
In the end, Qu Yuan left the mountains, nurturing a burning desire to serve his countryin his breast. But, much to the surprise of the local people, on the first day of the fifthmonth by the lunar calendar that year, all the orchids, which had been growing so luxuriouslyby Jiuwan Stream and around Zhilan Village suddenly withered and died, leavingbehind only a faint hint of their fragrance – like sighs and tears. The villagers had a senseof foreboding and unease, as if something untoward had happened to Master Qu. Sureenough, two days later there came the dire news that Qu Yuan, overwhelmed by a senseof grievance, had thrown himself in the Miluo River, and died. He had sacrificed himselffor his country. The people were filled with grief, and the Orchid Goddess of Fairy Mountainwept till her eyes were swollen.
Qu Yuan wrote many poems throughout his life in praise of orchids. In his masterpiece Li Sao, we find a poem in which the orchid is called, “Fragrant Plant Beauty,” signifyinghis patriotic, pure and high-minded character, and because Qu Yuan’s qualitieswere so much like those of the orchid, people in ancient times honored him as the “OrchidGod.”
In the minds of the Chinese people the orchid has always been a symbol of a gentlemanlycharacter, and thus has been extolled down the generations. The pure nature of QuYuan was like that of the orchid, which “exudes its fragrance only in the service of thepeople” and “does not wither despite the frost.” He did not mingle with lowly men, andwas not tainted by them. He maintained his virtue, considering “all others are muddy,only I am pure” – just like the lofty nature of the orchid.


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