Spring is a miraculous experience. The whole world comes alive after the winter in which it seemed that everything was dead. The world comes filled with color and the scent of delicious greenery. The world that seemed so dull and cold has come alive once again. Little did we know that beneath the cold hard ground the plants and trees were preparing for rebirth. Spring gives us hope for rejuvenation in our own lives as well. Spring is a time to renew the excitement and zest for life that lives inside.
1st‘Lines Written in Early Spring‘ byWilliam Wordsworth
Lines Written in Early Spring _William Wordsworth
Girl Lying on Grassland with Flowers
I heard a thousand blended notes,While in a grove I sate reclined,In that sweet mood when pleasant thoughtsBring sad thoughts to the mind.To her fair works did Nature linkThe human soul that through me ran;And much it grieved my heart to thinkWhat man has made of man.Through primrose tufts, in that green bower,The periwinkle trailed its wreaths;And ’tis my faith that every flowerEnjoys the air it breathes.The birds around me hopped and played,Their thoughts I cannot measure: —But the least motion which they madeIt seemed a thrill of pleasure.The budding twigs spread out their fan,To catch the breezy air;And I must think, do all I can,That there was pleasure there.If this belief from heaven be sent,If such be Nature’s holy plan,Have I not reason to lamentWhat man has made of man?写于早春 - 威廉·华兹华斯 作 / 王佐良 译我躺卧在树林之中,听着融谐的千万声音,闲适的情绪,愉快的思想,却带来了忧心忡忡。大自然把她的美好事物通过我联系人的灵魂,而我痛心万分,想起了人怎样对待着人。那边绿荫中的樱草花丛,有长春花在把花圈编织,我深信每朵花不论大小,都能享受它呼吸的空气。四围的鸟儿跳了又耍,我不知道它们想些什么,但它们每个细微的动作,似乎都激起心头的欢乐。萌芽的嫩枝张臂如扇,捕捉那阵阵的清风,使我没法不深切地感到,它们也自有欢欣,如果上天叫我这样相信,如果这是大自然的用心,难道我没有理由悲叹人怎样对待着人?
William Wordsworth, Lines Written in Early Spring. The Romantic poets often wrote about spring, and Wordsworth’s ‘Lines Written in Early Spring’, whilst not his best-known poem, is a fine example of Romantic poetry about the season. Once more, Wordsworth’s enjoyment of spring is tinged somewhat by an inner sadness, especially when he reflects on ‘what man has made of man’. 威廉华兹华斯的《写于早春》。浪漫诗歌有很多描写春天的,华兹华斯的这首《写于早春》虽不是他最为出名的作品,却也是抒怀春天的浪漫诗佳作。值得一提的是,华兹华斯本诗抒发乐享春天的愉悦,却也夹杂着内心的悲悯,尤其表露在“人都对人做了什么”这一句上。
2ndWilliam Blake, Spring
Kids Enjoying Spring
Sound the flute!Now it’s mute!Bird’s delight,Day and night,Nightingale,In the dale,Lark in sky, —Merrily,Merrily merrily, to welcome in the year.Little boy,Full of joy;Little girl,Sweet and small;Cock does crow,So do you;Merry voice,Infant noise;Merrily, merrily, to welcome in the year.Little lamb,Here I am;Come and lickMy white neck;Let me pullYour soft wool;Let me kissYour soft face;Merrily, merrily, to welcome in the year.威廉·布莱克 作 / 张炽恒 译吹起长笛!正当沉寂。鸟儿嘻闹白天夜里;夜莺夜莺溪谷中鸣,云雀凌空,欢乐地,欢乐地,欢乐地,迎接新年。小男孩儿欢天喜地,小女生儿可爱伶俐,雄鸡欢叫,你也欢叫;欢乐之声,童之喧声,欢乐地,欢乐地,迎接新年。小羊羔儿,我在这儿,过来舔舔我雪白的脖儿,让我拉拉你柔软的毛儿。让我亲亲你柔软的脸儿,欢乐地,欢乐地我们迎接新年。
William Blake, ‘Spring‘. First published in Blake’s Songs of Innocence in 1789,‘Spring’ has the ring of a medieval song about it. The poem celebrates the joy of spring through focusing on some of Blake’s favorite aspects of the season.威廉布莱克的《春》,1789年首次发表于他的诗集《纯真之歌》之中。《春》充满中世纪歌曲的韵调。诗歌通过描写诗人喜爱的一些春天的场景来表达对新春欢愉的赞颂.
3rdA. E. Housman, Loveliest of trees, the cherry now
woman standing in front of blossom
Loveliest of trees, the cherry nowIs hung with bloom along the bough,And stands about the woodland rideWearing white for Eastertide.Now, of my threescore years and ten,Twenty will not come again,And take from seventy springs a score,It only leaves me fifty more.And since to look at things in bloomFifty springs are little room,About the woodlands I will goTo see the cherry hung with snow.
最可爱的树 -赫斯曼樱桃树儿最美丽, 枝头繁花正佳期,风仪卓立林道边, 迎接复活着素衣。人间一晃七十载, 二十光景不再来,七十春秋减二十, 仅剩五十余徘徊。要赏世间美景绚, 五十光阴犹叹短,我将林中去漫步, 樱花若雪枝头妍。
A. E. Housman, ‘Loveliest of trees, the cherry now‘. The second poem from Housman’s bestselling 1896 volume A Shropshire Lad (a self-published debut that went on to become a sensation), ‘Loveliest of trees’ has many of Housman’s trademark touches: formal metre and rhyme, and a sense of melancholy. The speaker of the poem, at twenty years of age, reflects that he has seen twenty springs come and go, and will probably only see fifty more. So, best make the most of it. 《最可爱的树》选自豪斯曼最畅销诗选集《什罗普郡一少年》(1896),该诗集系诗人自费出版,上市后引起轰动。《最可爱的树》有着诸多豪斯曼的风格:工整的韵律中抒写一种忧愁。诗中主人翁在二十几许的年纪,感怀已经看到二十多次春来春去,余生也就剩下50来次了,因此作者感慨要及时行乐。
4th Gerard Manley Hopkins, Spring
Woman Looking Back
Nothing is so beautiful as Spring –When weeds, in wheels, shoot long and lovely and lush;Thrush’s eggs look little low heavens, and thrushThrough the echoing timber does so rinse and wringThe ear, it strikes like lightnings to hear him sing;The glassy peartree leaves and blooms, they brushThe descending blue; that blue is all in a rushWith richness; the racing lambs too have fair their fling.What is all this juice and all this joy?A strain of the earth’s sweet being in the beginningIn Eden garden. – Have, get, before it cloy,Before it cloud, Christ, lord, and sour with sinning,Innocent mind and Mayday in girl and boy,Most, O maid’s child, thy choice and worthy the winning.周琰 译没有什么像春天这么美 —当野草,长着轮子,绽放,修长、动人、盈盈;画眉鸟的蛋仿佛小而低的天穹,而画眉穿透回响的树林,洗涤并拧紧耳朵,听到他歌唱就像闪电劈空;晶亮的梨树叶子和繁花,它们轻拂沉降的蓝,那蓝色一阵急奔极为饱满;赛跑的绵羊也冲得漂亮。所有这盈润所有这欢乐是什么?大地美好的存在在开初在伊甸园的些许。— 拥有,获得,在它餍足之前,在它阴翳,在基督,主,因罪孽而变苦之前天真的心灵,和女孩男孩的五月天,最美,哦少女的孩子,你的选择和赢得的相称。
Gerard Manley Hopkins, ‘Spring‘. The poet and Jesuit priest Gerard Manley Hopkins (1844-89) wrote many sonnets, including ‘The Windhover’ and ‘God’s Grandeur’. ‘Spring’ is not as widely known as those, which is a shame – it’s a powerful evocation of the beauty of spring. It is that season, Hopkins reminds us, ‘When weeds, in wheels, shoot long and lovely and lush’. (Few poets could use assonance and alliteration as vibrantly as Hopkins.) 诗人及耶稣会牧师杰拉德曼利霍普金斯写了很多十四行诗,包括《红隼》《上帝的荣耀》等。可惜《春》的知名度并不如以上两首 – 这首诗其实浓墨重彩地重现了春天地美丽。霍普金斯替我们写到春天:当野草,长着轮子,绽放,修长、动人、盈盈;(很少有诗人可以像霍普金斯一样灵活运用谐音及首字押韵技巧)assonance /snns/ N the use of the same vowel sound with different consonants or the same consonant with different vowels in successive words or stressed syllables, as in a line of verse. Examples are time and light or mystery and mastery 谐音; 半谐音 alliteration /ltren/ N-VAR Alliteration is the use in speech or writing of several words close together that all begin with the same letter or sound. 押头韵 [技术]
5th Emily Dickinson, A Light Exists in Spring
Woman in Falling Pose Photo
A Light exists in SpringNot present on the YearAt any other period –When March is scarcely hereA Color stands abroadOn Solitary FieldsThat Science cannot overtakeBut Human Nature feels.It waits upon the Lawn,It shows the furthest TreeUpon the furthest Slope you knowIt almost speaks to you.Then as Horizons stepOr Noons report awayWithout the Formula of soundIt passes and we stay –A quality of lossAffecting our ContentAs Trade had suddenly encroachedUpon a Sacrament.春日里的光一年的其他时间从不存在除了珍稀的三月天光色延展在孤独的山顶科学不能但人天生就能感受光色在草地上等待它也在密林深处出现在山坡上倾身甚至对我说话当地平线却步或是正午退去光并无公式它经过,而人留下一种迷失的品性令人动容在这圣礼之上交易的公平已然遭受侵犯
Emily Dickinson, A Light Exists in Spring. Written in around 1864 but not published until 1896 (as with many of Dickinson’s poems), ‘A Light Exists in Spring’ beautifully captures the way that spring slowly appears in our consciousness, like a light in the distance. The final stanza of Dickinson’s poem also seems to acknowledge what we now call ‘SAD’ or Seasonal Affective Disorder, with the passing of spring affecting our contentedness. 写于1864年左右,直到1896年(同狄金森其他诗篇一样)才发表。《春日里的光》以一种十分优美的笔触捕捉到春天是怎样在我们的意识中苏醒,就像远处的光芒一样。狄金森在本诗的最后一节似乎承认了现代人称之为季节性情绪失调的惆怅感 – 因春天的过去而感到怅然若失。
6th Alfred, Lord Tennyson, Canto CXV from In Memoriam
grassland in Spring
Now fades the last long streak of snow,Now burgeons every maze of quickAbout the flowering squares, and thickBy ashen roots the violets blow.Now rings the woodland loud and long,The distance takes a lovelier hue,And drown'd in yonder living blueThe lark becomes a sightless song.Now dance the lights on lawn and lea,The flocks are whiter down the vale,And milkier every milky sailOn winding stream or distant sea;Where now the seamew pipes, or divesIn yonder greening gleam, and flyThe happy birds, that change their skyTo build and brood; that live their livesFrom land to land; and in my breastSpring wakens too; and my regretBecomes an April violet,And buds and blossoms like the rest.如今最后的积雪巳融化,一道道山植树篱像幽径傍着田野爆嫩芽,紫香堇在榇树的根边密密开花。如今树林的喧声响又长,远景添上了秀美的色泽,云雀在盈盈的蓝天隐没,变成视界外的一曲歌唱。如今阳光欢舞在牧草上,山谷里羊群更显得洁白,每张帆更白得像是牛奶——扬在蜿蜒的江河、远海上;如今那里的海鸥在尖叫,在绿闪闪的波光中扎下,还有鸟幸福地四处为家,正飞往另一方天下筑巢和繁衍;于是我的心坎上春天也苏醒,而我的抱恨就变成一株四月紫香堇,同万物一样在爆芽、开放。
Alfred, Lord Tennyson, Canto CXV from In Memoriam. This canto from Alfred, Lord Tennyson‘s long elegy In Memoriam A. H. H. (1850) – written in memory of his friend Arthur Henry Hallam who died young – offers a more bittersweet take on the arrival of spring. What grows in the speaker’s breast as spring comes into blossom is regret – regret that his dear friend is gone, that spring is a reminder that the world continues to turn and life carries on, but Tennyson’s friend does not return. One of the best poems in a great long poetic sequence. 本段选自丁尼生长篇诗《悼念》- 是为纪念诗人英年早逝的好朋友亚瑟 亨利赫拉姆而作,写到一个令人喜忧参半的春的降临。春来百花争艳,然而诗人确是满腹遗憾,他为朋友的早逝感到惋惜,春来仅仅是告诉他世界依然翻转,生活仍然继续,可朋友却一去不复返了。是诗歌的历史上最佳长篇之一。
7th William Shakespeare, Sonnet 98.
Lonely Girl Looking at a Far Place
From you have I been absent in the spring,When proud pied April dress’d in all his trimHath put a spirit of youth in everything,That heavy Saturn laugh’d and leap’d with him.Yet nor the lays of birds nor the sweet smellOf different flowers in odour and in hueCould make me any summer’s story tell,Or from their proud lap pluck them where they grew;Nor did I wonder at the lily’s white,Nor praise the deep vermilion in the rose;They were but sweet, but figures of delight,Drawn after you, you pattern of all those.Yet seem’d it winter still, and, you away,As with your shadow I with these did play.王阳明的花薛定谔的猫 译与君相离,正值春季四月降临,盛装出席万物复苏,青春洋溢沉稳农神,雀跃欢愉百鸟鸣啼,群芳馥郁斗艳争奇,何等恣意绽放枝头,无心撷取闷闷不乐,郁郁不语百合洁白,未觉着迷玫瑰绯丽,亦难嘉许纵或甜美,令人颜霁却无不是,仿汝形迹自你离去,世界止息余我一人,在严冬里与春相嬉,别无所欲只为追你,倩影一缕
William Shakespeare, Sonnet 98. One of the sonnets addressed to the ‘Fair Youth’, this poem sees Shakespeare bemoaning the fact that he could not appreciate all the beauty of spring around him because he was absent from the young man. As a consequence, spring seemed like a winter to him. This is not as famous as, say, Sonnet 18 (‘Shall I compare thee to a summer’s day?’), which is a shame – it’s a wonderful evocation of spring, and, as with Tennyson, it’s a bittersweet poem about the season. 十四行诗第98首,是献给莎翁情人“公正的年轻人”的众多十四行诗其中一首,这首诗表达了莎翁因情人不在身边而无法领略美妙春景的哀婉之情,春天对于他来说就像冬天一样。这一首不如第18首出名(我可你将你比夏日吗?),真是可惜,其实这一首也表达了对春天的呼唤,也和丁尼生的诗一样,对春天怀着既爱又恨的复杂情感。
8th Christina Rossetti, Spring Quiet
Gone were but the Winter,Come were but the Spring,I would go to a covertWhere the birds sing;Where in the whitethornSingeth a thrush,And a robin singsIn the holly-bush.Full of fresh scentsAre the budding boughsArching high overA cool green house:Full of sweet scents,And whispering airWhich sayeth softly:"We spread no snare;"Here dwell in safety,Here dwell alone,With a clear streamAnd a mossy stone."Here the sun shinethMost shadily;Here is heard an echoOf the far sea,Though far off it be."春之静谧 克里斯蒂娜·罗塞蒂作 / 辛献云 译寒冬褪尽,春回大地,我要去那幽幽丛林听鸟啭莺啼;山楂枝头上歌鸫在鸣唱,冬青树丛中知更鸟歌亦忙。清新的芬芳是覆满吐绿的枝舒展高耸为盖下有绿舍荫凉;甜蜜的芬芳伴着风儿的细语在耳畔柔声讲:我们不设罗网;这里宁静又安详,幽居独处最相宜,可以清泉为伴还有石上苔痕苍苍。这里阳光明媚,处处树影斑驳;这里可以聆听大海遥远的回响纵然相隔路迢迢
Christina Rossetti, Spring This poem describes the way life begins all over again in the spring, and does so through the use of some beautifully vivid images. 全诗描绘了一幅冬去春来、大地回暖、万象更新的清丽画面
9th Philip Larkin,The Trees
Tree Branches in Spring
The trees are coming into leafLike something almost being said;The recent buds relax and spread,Their greenness is a kind of grief.Is it that they are born againAnd we grow old? No, they die too,Their yearly trick of looking newIs written down in rings of grain.Yet still the unresting castles threshIn fullgrown thickness every May.Last year is dead, they seem to say,Begin afresh, afresh, afresh.文/菲利普·拉金,译/陈黎、张芬龄树正在长叶子仿佛在告诉我们什么;新芽松弛,伸展,它们的绿是一种悲哀。是不是它们新生而我们老去?不,它们也会死。它们年年变新的诡计写在一环环的谷粒中。然而这些不安的城堡仍然在每年五月饱满厚实地打谷。去年已死,它们似乎在说,重新,重新,重新开始吧。
Philip Larkin, ‘The Trees‘. This first appeared in Larkin’s final volume, High Windows, in 1974. As well as his trenchantly sardonic poems about aspects of modern life, Larkin was also a great nature poet, and The Treesis a fine brief lyric about the cycle of the seasons but also the sense that each spring is not just a rebirth, but also a reminder of death. 本诗首次出现在拉尔金的最后诗集《高窗》(1974)中。拉尔金不光擅长写作尖锐讽刺的现代诗,他也是一位擅长描写自然的诗人,《树》便是用极为简练的语言描述了四季的更替,向人传递了春天不仅让人看到复苏,它还使人想起事物消亡的感悟。
10th Dear One Absent This Long While By Lisa Olstein
Woman in Flowers Alone
It has been so wet stones glaze in moss;everything blooms coldly.I expect you. I thought one night it was youat the base of the drive, you at the foot of the stairs,you in a shiver of light, but each timeleaves in wind revealed themselves,the retreating shadow of a fox, daybreak.We expect you, cat and I, bluebirds and I, the stove.In May we dreamed of wreaths burning on bonfiresover which young men and women leapt.June efforts quietly.I’ve planted vegetables along each garden wallso even if spring continues to disappointwe can say at least the lettuce loved the rain.I have new gloves and a new hoe.I practice eulogies. He was a hawkwith white feathered legs. She had the quiet ribsof a salamander crossing the old pony post road.Yours is the name the leaves chatterat the edge of the unrabbited woods.致迟迟不归的亲爱的你 丽莎·奥尔斯坦青苔已经把石头染得这么湿,万物都在盛开寒冷的花朵。我在盼你。有一个夜晚我觉得你来了你在车道上,你在台阶下,你在颤抖的光影中,但每次,最终显现的都是树叶,是狐狸退缩的影子,然后是黎明来临。我们盼着你,猫咪和我,蓝鸟和我,还有火炉。五月我们梦见花环在青年男女跳过的篝火中燃烧。六月我默默流汗。我已经沿着花园的每面墙种满菜蔬。这样即使春天在连串的失望中度过,我们也至少可以说莴笋爱着雨水。我有了新手套和新锄头。我在练习赞美诗。他是游隼长着白羽的鹰足。她有着正穿过矮马驿路的蝾螈的安静的肋骨。你的名字是树叶呢喃在没有野兔的树林的边缘。


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