今天选的是全国卷II阅读D篇,外刊原文出自Reader’s Digest(《读者文摘》)。《读者文摘》像是美国版的《知音》,选择的题材是人人关心的话题: 生活、家庭、婚姻、爱情、友谊、成就、健康、竞赛等。内容轻松有趣,题材经典隽永,它的语言朴实自然,简洁明了,生动形象。
标题:The Benefits of Small Talk 闲聊的好处
Don't underestimate the gift of the gab.别低估雄辩之才
small talk :polite friendly conversation about unimportant subjects 闲谈,聊天;例句:We stood around making small talk .我们站着闲聊。underestimate :to think or guess that something is smaller, cheaper, easier etc than it really is(对…)估计不足,低估,看轻;反义词 overestimate高估;gab :to talk continuously, usually about things that are not important 闲聊,喋喋不休 【非正式】the gift of the gab :an ability to speak confidently and to persuade people to do what you want 口才,辩才当我们想要赞美别人的好口才,就可以说:She has the gift of the gab .她口才很好/善于辞令/能说会道/有雄辩流利的口才/有三寸不烂之舌。除此之外还有以下几种方式:He is eloquent /has great powers of utterance/has a silver tongue.
第一段:We’ve all been there: in an elevator(lift), a waiting room, in line at the bank or on an airplane, surrounded by people who are, like us, deeply focused on their smartphones or, worse, struggling with the uncomfortable silence.
elevator和lift都表示电梯,前者是美式,后者是英式;be deeply focused on全神贯注于struggle with与…斗争、抗争uncomfortable 除了表示”不舒服的“,还可以表示” 尴尬的,不安的,不自在的“;an uncomfortable silence 令人尴尬的沉默、令人不安的沉寂参考译文:我们都遇到过这种情况:在电梯里、等候室,在银行排队或者排队登机时,周围的人和我们自己一样,注意力都放在手机上,或者比这更糟糕的是,我们都在令人尴尬的沉默中挣扎。
第二段:What’s the problem? It’s possible that we all have compromised conversational intelligence. It’s more likely that none of us initiate (start)a conversation because it’s awkward and challenging, or we think it’s annoying and unnecessary. But the next time you find yourself among strangers, consider that small talk is worth the trouble. The experts say it’s an invaluable social ritual (practice)that results in big benefits, both personal and professional.
compromise vi.妥协,让步; vt.放弃〔原则〕,在…方面妥协;(尤指因行为不很明智)使陷入危险,使受到怀疑;例如:Defeat at this stage would compromise their chances of reaching the finals of the competition. 在这个阶段的失败会减少他们进入决赛的机会。(compromise their chances= reduce their chances)intelligence智力;才智;智慧;词根助记:intel-在...之间,相互;lig-选择,收集;-ence名词后缀;例如a person of high/average/low intelligence 智力高的╱一般的╱低下的人conversational intelligence对话的智慧,对话力,也就是指口才initiate a conversation= start a conversationawkward令人尴尬的,使人难堪的;紧张的;不舒适的;其实就是第一段uncomfortable的同义替换,英文用词喜欢千变万化。sth. is worth the trouble.值得为某事做出努力,值得费神invaluable: means ‘very valuable or useful’极有用的;极宝贵的 ;要注意的是valuable是invaluable的近义词,valuable的反义词是valueless或worthless。ritual: n. 仪式;惯例;礼制; adj. 仪式的;例行的;礼节性的; religious rituals 宗教仪式参考译文:问题在哪里呢?我们都可能口才不好,更可能的情况是,我们彼此都不敢主动发起对话,因为那样既尴尬又具有挑战性,或者我们认为那样会招人烦、也没有必要。但是下次,当你发现自己和陌生人在一起时,考虑一下,闲聊是值得我们费力去做的。专家们说,闲聊是一种非常宝贵的社交礼仪,会给个人和职业带来巨大的好处。
It’s a startDismissing small talk as trivial(unimportant) is easy, but we can’t forget that deep relationships wouldn’t even exist if it weren’t for casual conversation. Small talk is the grease for social interaction, says Bernardo Carducci, director of the Shyness Research Institute at Indiana University Southeast. “Every great romance(love story) and each big business deal begins with small talk,” he explains. “The key to successful small talk is learning how to connect with others, not just communicate with them.” According to Carducci, exploring common ground in conversation-even about something as trivial as the weather or the long lineup-works toward forging bonds between humans.
dismiss sth as sth :to decide that sth is not important and not worth thinking or talking about 不予考虑;摒弃;对…不屑一提; 例如:He just laughed and dismissed my proposal as unrealistic. 他只是笑了笑,认为我的建议不切实际,拒绝考虑。dismiss还有多种意思,“去除,摒除(思想、感情等); 解雇;开除;解散”,法律英语中还表示“驳回;不受理”;举例:①Bryant was unfairly dismissed from his post. 布赖恩特被无理免职了。②At 12 o'clock the class was dismissed. 12点下课了。③The case was dismissed. 此案已被驳回。(表示“解雇”,除了dismiss,还可以用fire, sack, discharge, make a job/position redundant)trivial :not important or serious; not worth considering 不重要的;琐碎的;微不足道的;词根助记:tri-三;-vi-道路;-al形容词后缀
casual conversation“闲聊”的替换表达,包括上文的small talk和gab;grease润滑油romance爱情故事,高考试题使用了love storycommon ground共同基础;一致之处forge:to develop something new, especially a strong relationship with other people, groups, or countries 形成,缔造〔尤指与其他人、团体或国家形成牢固的关系〕;例如The two women had forged a close bond.这两个女人结下了亲密情谊。参考译文:将闲聊视为琐事是很容易的,但我们不能忘记,如果没有闲聊,亲密关系甚至不可能存在。印第安纳大学东南分校(Indiana University Southeast)害羞研究中心(Shyness Research Institute)主任贝尔纳多·卡杜西(Bernardo Carducci)说,闲聊是社交互动的润滑剂。他解释说:“每一段美好的恋情和每一笔大生意都是从闲聊开始的。闲聊是否成功,关键是学会如何与他人建立联系,而不仅仅是与他们交流。”根据卡杜奇的说法,在交谈中寻找共同点——即使是谈论天气或排得长长的队列这样微不足道的事情——有助于建立人与人之间的联系。


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