Yes i was actually waiting for a Japanese audio of this one i tried watching it on Chinese audio it just doesn't feel right xD
Wait, this is out? Why isn't it listed on upcoming anime lists :c... Wait...Maybe it doesn't technically count since it's Chinese? Idk. Edit: Tried seeing a bit of the Chinese audio to compare with this one.
Setting aside that the Chinese videos are 10 mins per episode, the actual content within the episode is completely different at times. Did they redo the actual show instead of just the voices..? Certain scenes are completely changed, and pretty large details too.
fck yeah japanese audio not ching chong ching comunist shit
哦,日本配音而不是那些ching chong ching (种族歧视词汇)的红色垃圾
While that is racist, I do agree chinese isn't the best sounding language in my opinion.
Saying Chinese is not a good sounding language is like saying Japanese is not a good sounding language. Both languages sound weird when you first hear it, but like every language, you'll get used to it.
This seems awful judging by this first episode and my taste in anime is crap as it is.
就第一集而言,它糟透了,就我的品位来看,这就是个废品。So happy this got a Japanese dub! ヽ(^◇^*)/This is VERY popular in China so I have high hopes for this anime ≧≦
很还信这个有了日本配音!ヽ(^◇^*)/这部番在中国很受欢迎,所以我对它寄予厚望 ≧≦(妹子期望值放低啊)I expected the the fox girl to land on him in some pervy way im glad I was wrong
Why is the sound effects so soft compared to the original? The hole in the wall that got broken through sounded more like a knock on the door.为什么音效和原版相比那么软?墙上被破开的那个洞听起来更像是敲门声。
Didn't really do it for me, I'll give it another try next week, but the comedy wasn't good for me and it felt all over the place.我不太喜欢,下周还会再试看一次。但是我实在对到处都是的喜剧部分不感兴趣。
(回复上一楼)Same with me.But I always watch 3 episodes before I drop the anime so let's see.The 1st episode was cringy for me especially the comedy.And I find the OP song weird..it doesn't match the scene at all.I wish it was more lively but maybe it's a Chinese thing.Rated the 1st episode as 6/10.
你和我想到一起去了,我通常是看三集再确定是否弃番,所以我们再看看吧。第一集对我来说,太过刻意讨好(这里不确定)了,尤其是喜剧部分。而且OP歌很奇怪...它一点都不与场景匹配。我希望它能够更生动点,但是或许这是中国的产品。给第一集打六分。The start is kinda slow. It gets much better around episode 22.Edit: Probably much sooner for the Japanese version since each episode is around 20 minutes long while the Chinese episodes are around 10 minutes long.开场节奏很慢,但从22集起就好多了。或许日本版应该更快一些,它的一集简直是中国版的两倍长。
That would mean episode 11 of the Japanese dub :/ I'm not sure I'll stick around for that long if it continues like this episode.也就是说在日本版的第11集。那我可不确定到那时候我还会在坚持,如果后续质量和第一集持平的话。
I can't believe it, but the Chinese audio is actually better. Yuechu's Japanese VA's voice is too deep and serious most of the time, so it sounds weird when he plays the sillier parts of the MC. Susu's Japanese VA doesn't sound as aloof as she's suppose to be. The Chinese VAs, on the other hand, actually nailed it.
Well, it's alright, Feel a little rush, the comedy are over the places,I'll give it 3 ep before dropping it嗯,还可以,觉得有点太快了,笑点真是到处都是,在弃掉之前,我想先试着看看前三集。
Huh... So the animation itself looks different in the Chinese version as well. And this Japanese version is lacking in sound effects :x Hopefully that gets fixed.呵...制作和中国版差异很大,日本版的音效上有缺陷,希望能够补好点吧。
the way this anime throws jokes at you every five seconds and the kind of jokes it throws at you reminds me too much of American cartoons. in other words its shit. ive heard it might get better in 5 eps so ill give it that long to pull me in but holy shit i was expecting alot more.
I always watch anime in Japanese audio,but this time,I think Chinese voice actor makes a better job.Japanese voice maker doesn't pay too much emotion on this,I feel我平时更喜欢日文配音,但是这次,我认为中国配音演员更胜一筹,日本配音感觉没啥感情。
Could she not sound like she's seven years old? That'd be great.能不能别让她听起来像是七岁的孩子?这样谈恋爱就好多了。
Chinese anime??so boring...中国动漫??真是够无聊的
I have absolutely no idea what is happening here.我完全没明白发生了什么(还有几个人回复无法跟上情节发展
What is even happening? LOL. I AM BEYOND CONFUSED.都发生了什么?我彻底懵逼了。


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