At 8:30 AM on September 26th, train G9726 departed from Guangzhou East Station, making its way eastward along the newly constructed Guangzhou-Shanwei high-speed railway. About 73 minutes later, it arrived at Shanwei Station. This marks the official opening and commencement of operations for the Guangzhou-Shanwei high-speed railway.
On the maiden voyage of this high-speed railway, the dining car company organized a special event titled "Autumn Harvest, Fresh Food in Shanwei." The event featured displays of local delicacies, tea-tasting sessions, and performances of Shanwei folk songs. The unique tea offerings presented during the tasting received high praise from many passengers. The Shanwei folk song performance, on the other hand, ignited a lively sing-along among the locals from Chaoshan, creating a warm and enthusiastic atmosphere onboard.
Ms. Lu, a 60-year-old passenger, traveled with a tour group from Huizhou to experience the high-speed railway. She expressed her appreciation for the ride and said, "I'm delighted to witness another significant milestone in the history of Guangdong's railways. This Fuxing bullet train is spacious and provides a comfortable and smooth ride."
Following the opening of the high-speed railway, the travel time on high-speed trains between Guangzhou East Station and Shanwei Station will be reduced from the current 140 minutes to about 70 minutes. The new railway will serve as a rapid passenger transport gateway, fostering deeper integration of the eastern part of Guangdong into the GBA and accelerating the "internal circulation" of the GBA's economy. It will also expedite industrial relocation to the eastern Guangdong region, contributing to rural revitalization efforts in the area.
9月26日8时30分,G9726次高铁列车从广州东站缓缓开出,途经新建广汕高铁一路向东驶去,约73分钟后到达汕尾站。这是广汕高铁开行的首趟高铁列车,标志着广汕高铁正式开通运营。动车餐饮公司在首趟列车上,开展了“金秋硕果 广汕当‘鲜’”主题活动,包含特色美食展示、茶饮品尝、汕尾话童谣表演等环节。茶饮品尝活动中展出的特色茶饮得到不少旅客的好评,而汕尾话童谣表演更是引发不少潮汕当地人的大合唱,现场气氛热烈欢腾。
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