你不是一个人!英语中还专门有描述这种状态的术语,“书后忧伤综合征”(post-book blues)或“剧后忧伤综合征”(post-series blues),中文网络上被称作“完结综合征”。
We all have those pangs of stress around the last few episodes of our current favorite TV show, about the junction where there will be no “Next Episode” button to click. For many hours, days, and weeks, we invest ourselves in the plot, characters, and the world of the show, only to realize that it — after all — exists inside a screen. 在最喜欢的电视剧快到尾声的时候,我们都有过这种苦闷之感,因为即将没有“下一集”的按钮可点击了。在过去的几小时、几天和几周的时间里,我们全情投入到一部剧的剧情、人物和那个世界中,却意识到它终究只存在于一方屏幕中。
You get a story, escapism, possibly even life-changing revelations. In return they get your undivided attention. But what happens when you finally re-emerge from that transaction? The longer it goes on for, the harder the end seems to be.你获得了一个好故事、一个逃离现实的世界,甚至可能是改变人生的重要启示。作为回报,这些故事获得了你全心全意的关注。然而,当你从这场交换中大梦初醒时,会发生什么?你沉浸其中的时间越长,离别就越难以面对。
It's a sense of loss that you feel at the end of a book and you're grieving. It's like saying goodbye to so many friends you've made, because you've got to know this person over the course of the book and now there's no more connection, and this is why sequels do so well – it's that continuity.在读完一本书后,你会感受到一种失落感,就像和你结识的许多朋友告别一样。因为你在读这本书的过程中与角色相识,而合上书后你们之间却再无瓜葛。这也是为什么续集往往能获得成功的原因,因为它有这种情感上的连续性。
One key to emotional connection is the all-important protagonist. It's why some people deliberately don't finish certain books, because either they may not want to know what happens to a favourite character, or the end of a special read is worth prolonging…forever.这种情感联系的关键之一是剧中至关重要的主角。这也是为什么有些人故意不读完某些书,因为他们可能不想知道喜欢的角色发生了什么,或者想将这段阅读旅程的结尾无限延长......直到永远。
Fiction and non-fiction stories have always been there to help catch our fall during troubled times. It's pure, healthy escapism. 在人生困顿的时刻,虚构和非虚构类的故事总能在我们坠落时稳稳地接住我们。这是一种纯粹的、健康的逃避主义。
Perhaps the best way to get over the post-book or post-series blues is to be grateful for what you've learnt, and enjoy where your imagination has taken you.也许度过完结综合征最好的办法是感激你所获得的,享受那片任由想象力翱翔的天空。
Watch all the accompanying content around the show观看周边内容
We're talking interviews, behind-the-scenes, bloopers, cast reunions, memes and more. 这包括采访、幕后故事、花絮、演员重聚、表情包等。
The digital world is endless, and if you're willing to dig a little deeper, there are high chances you will stumble across related content that fulfills you in the same way that the show did. 数字世界是无止境的,如果你愿意挖得更深入一点,很有可能会遇到和剧集一样让你获得满足感的周边内容。
This may also help spam your brain with the show till it can take no more, eventually causing you to willingly step away from your screen. 这也可以让你的大脑一直被剧集内容充斥,直到你无法承受,最终心甘情愿地放下屏幕。
Join a community for people with similar interests加入相同兴趣小组
Anyone who's dealt with post-series blues will know the itch of discussing your obsession with your friends. 任何经历过完结综合征的人都了解那种渴望与朋友讨论这部剧的感觉。
Enter digital platforms that host communities for people with similar interests. It doesn't matter if your interests are mainstream or niche, these platforms will indulge you with fan theories, interpretations, reviews, and memes for practically all kinds of genres.你可以加入有相似兴趣的人的网络社群,不论你对这部剧的兴趣是主流的还是小众的,这些平台都可以为你提供各种类型的粉丝分析、剧集解读、评论和网络梗等。
Find a similar show to watch找一部类似的剧看
Now is probably a great time to do some introspection and identify what really moved you about the show. 现在可能是时候思考,找出这部剧真正打动你的地方。
Is it something about that particular genre that interests you? Do you gravitate towards character-driven series? Is it the way the show has been directed? 你是对特定题材的剧感兴趣吗?你是否倾向于角色驱动的电视剧?你是喜欢这部剧的导演方式吗?
This exercise can be your guiding light for the looming question that's bound to follow — what to watch next. 这些思考可以成为你的指路灯,帮助你解决接下来必然出现的问题:下一部剧该看什么。
Watch shows and movies of the same cast看同样演员阵容的剧
Sometimes, it's the characters of a show that you get attached to, and more often than not, you'll find that actors have a penchant for certain genres. 有时,你是被剧中的角色所吸引,很多时候你会发现演员们对某些类型的剧有偏好。
Watching your favorite actors in different contexts can give you the reassurance that there's an ocean of arresting content out there that awaits you.在不同的剧中观看你最喜欢的演员,可以让你放心,还有海量吸引你的内容在等着你。
Keep the legacy alive向更多人安利这部作品
Get your friends and family to watch that show you're obsessing over. If they're anything like you, chances are they'll thank you for it. 让你的家人和朋友看这部让你着迷的剧。如果他们和你有共同之处,他们很有可能会为此感谢你。
Not only have you now recruited companions to relate your emotional journey, but you've also successfully contributed to the legacy of this deserving show. 这样你不仅招募到了同伴来共鸣于你的情感历程,而且还成功地为这部值得一看的剧集做出了贡献。
(来源:中国日报双语新闻微信 编辑:朱迪齐 左卓 实习生张玺)