医生的英语怎么说:doctor、medical practitioner、physician
Doctor n.医生,大夫;v.篡改,伪造;
Doctor Who神秘博士
Doctor Strange奇异博士 ; 奇怪博士 ; 怪奇博士
1. She later became a doctor.她后来当了医生。
2. The doctor tested her reflexes.医生检测了她的反射动作。
medical practitioner
例句:The new miracle medical practitioner was in town.城里来了一个神奇的医生。
Physician n.医生,(尤指)内科医生
例句:1.He was a consultant physician, a serious man dedicated to his calling.他是一名顾问医生,一个专注于其使命的严肃认真的人。2.I'm a practising physician trying to help people here and now.我眼下是一名尽力帮助别人的专业医师。
私人医生private doctor
飞行医生flying doctor
值班医生doctor on duty
全科医生general practitioners ; general practitioner ; General medical practitioner
外科医生Surgeon ; General Surgeon ; chirurgeon ; Surgeon Simulator
眼科医生oculist ; Ophthalmologist ; Optician ; eye-doctor
看医生Seeing a Doctor ; see a doctor ; see the doctor ; Visiting the Doctor
主治医生attending physician ; doctor in charge ; Attending ; attending doctor
全科医生制度the general practitioner system ; general practitioner system
牙科医生dentist ; dental surgeon ; odontologist ; Dental practitioners
心理医生Psychologist ; Psychiatrist ; shrink