Former International Olympic Committee (IOC) president Jacques Rogge has passed away at the age of 79, the IOC announced on Sunday.国际奥委会8月29日宣布,国际奥委会前主席雅克·罗格逝世,享年79岁。
"It is with great sadness that the International Olympic Committee announces the passing of former IOC President Count Jacques Rogge. He was 79 years old," said an IOC statement.国际奥委会在一份声明中表示:“我们满怀悲痛地宣布国际奥委会前主席雅克·罗格伯爵逝世,享年79岁。”
Rogge was the eighth president of the IOC, from 2001 to 2013, after which he became Honorary President.罗格在2001年至2013年间担任第八任国际奥委会主席,此后成为国际奥委会名誉主席。
Rogge was an orthopaedic surgeon with a degree in sports medicine.罗格曾是一位拥有运动医学学位的骨科医生。
A life-long sports fan and an accomplished athlete, Rogge was a Belgian rugby champion and represented his country on the national team. He was a 16-time Belgian national champion and a world champion in sailing. He also competed in sailing at three editions of the Olympic Games, in 1968, 1972 and 1976, in the Finn class.他一生热爱体育事业,是一位颇有成就的运动员。他是比利时橄榄球冠军,曾代表国家队参赛。他曾获得16次全国帆船冠军和一次世界帆船冠军。他还参加了1968年、1972年和1976年三届奥运会的芬兰人级帆船比赛。
After his career as an athlete he became president of the Belgian and European Olympic Committees, and was elected president of the IOC in 2001. After his IOC presidency, he also served as a Special Envoy for Youth, Refugees and Sport to the United Nations.罗格在结束运动员生涯后成为比利时和欧洲奥林匹克委员会主席,并于2001年当选为国际奥委会主席。在卸任国际奥委会主席后,他还担任了联合国青年、难民和体育问题特使。
Remembering his life, IOC President Thomas Bach recalled: "First and foremost, Jacques loved sport and being with athletes - and he transmitted this passion to everyone who knew him. His joy in sport was infectious.回忆罗格的一生,国际奥委会主席托马斯·巴赫表示:“首先,罗格热爱运动,喜欢与运动员在一起——他把这种热情传递给了每一个认识他的人。他在运动中的快乐很有感染力。
"He was an accomplished President, helping to modernize and transform the IOC. He will be remembered particularly for championing youth sport and for inaugurating the Youth Olympic Games. He was also a fierce proponent of clean sport, and fought tirelessly against the evils of doping.“他是一位成就卓著的主席,他帮助国际奥委会实现了现代化和转型。他将因倡导青年体育运动和举办青年奥林匹克运动会而被人们铭记。他也是纯净体育的坚定支持者,并坚持不懈与兴奋剂罪恶作斗争。
"The entire Olympic Movement will deeply mourn the loss of a great friend and a passionate fan of sport."“整个奥林匹克运动都将为失去一位伟大的朋友和一位热情的体育爱好者而深感悲痛。”
As a mark of respect, the Olympic flag will be flown at half-mast for five days at Olympic House, at The Olympic Museum and at all IOC properties, and the IOC invites all National Olympic Committees and International Federations to join in this gesture of remembrance and honor.为向罗格表示敬意,奥林匹克大厦、奥林匹克博物馆和国际奥委会的所有属地都将连续五天降半旗。国际奥委会邀请所有国家奥委会和国际单项体育联合会加入这一缅怀纪念之举。


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