拨乱反正 相互尊重 合作共赢Righting the Wrongs and Committing to Mutual Respect and Win-win Cooperation
——王毅国务委员在“对话合作,管控分歧—推动中美关系重回正轨”蓝厅论坛开幕式上的致辞(北京,2021年2月22日)Speech by State Councilor Wang YiAt the Opening of Lanting Forum on Promoting Dialogue and Cooperation and Managing Differences: Bringing China-US Relations Back to the Right TrackBeijing, 22 February 2021
各位嘉宾,各位朋友:Distinguished Guests,Friends,
大家好!中国新春佳节之际,中美各界有识之士在蓝厅交流互动,共商两国关系的未来,具有重要意义。首先,我谨代表中国外交部,向各位长期关心支持中美关系的朋友们致以新春的祝福!Good morning and good evening. During the Chinese Spring Festival season, visionary people from China and the United States are gathering at Lanting to discuss the future of China-US relations. This is indeed very important. Let me begin by extending, on behalf of the Foreign Ministry, our New Year greetings to all the friends who have been caring for and supporting China-US relations over the years.
冬去春来,季节的变换启示我们,再寒冷的冬天也会过去,希望的春天总会到来。面对全球疫情、经济衰退、气候变化这样前所未有的共同挑战,人类社会不应丧失信心,而应展现勇气、团结和责任。中美作为两个大国,首先应做好自己的事情,同时也要为人类共同利益开展合作,这是国际社会的期盼,也是大国应有的担当。As we bid farewell to winter and usher in spring, the change of seasons shows that the chills of winter will eventually melt away and the hopes of spring are just around the corner. Humanity must not lose confidence facing the unprecedented common challenges of the global pandemic, economic recession and climate change. We must stand up to them with courage, solidarity and responsibility. As two major countries, China and the United States should first take care of their own stuff and at the same time, they should also work together for the common good of humankind. This is the expectation of the international community and the due responsibility of major countries.
就在中国人民辞旧迎新的除夕,习近平主席同拜登总统进行了首次通话。这次通话中,习近平主席阐明了中方愿本着不冲突不对抗、相互尊重、合作共赢精神,与美方聚焦合作,管控分歧,推动中美关系健康稳定发展的原则立场。两国元首长时间深入交换意见,一致认为中美要增进相互了解,避免误解误判;要彼此坦诚相待,不搞冲突对抗;要畅通沟通渠道,推进交流合作。这次极为重要的通话为处于十字路口的中美关系指明了方向,也为两国乃至世界传递了今年春天第一个令人鼓舞的消息。On the Lunar New Year's eve, President Xi Jinping and President Joe Biden had their first telephone call. President Xi underscored China's principled position that it is willing to work with the Unites States, in the spirit of no conflict, no confrontation, mutual respect and win-win cooperation, to focus on cooperation, manage differences, and promote sound and steady development of China-US relations. The two Presidents had in-depth exchange of views at length, and agreed that the two countries should enhance mutual understanding and avoid misperception and miscalculation; they should treat each other with candor and sincerity and not seek conflict or confrontation; and they should unclog communication channels and facilitate exchange and cooperation. This very important phone call has oriented China-US relations that had been struggling to ascertain its bearings at a crossroads. It has also sent out the first encouraging news of this spring for the two countries and the whole world.
过去几年,中美关系脱离了正常轨道,陷入建交以来最为困难的局面。其根源在于美国前政府出于自身政治需要,对中国的走向和政策作出了严重误判和歪曲解释,借此出台的各种遏制打压行径,给两国关系造成了难以估量的伤害。今天,中美关系要拨乱反正,重回正轨,首先需要打破由各种对华错误认知而人为砌起的高墙,真正客观准确地了解中国、认识中国、读懂中国。In the past few years, China-US relations deviated from the normal track, and ran into the biggest difficulties since the establishment of diplomatic ties. The root cause was that the previous US administration, out of its own political needs, seriously distorted China's future path and policy, and on that basis, took various measures to suppress and contain China, which inflicted immeasurable damage to bilateral relations. Today, to right the wrongs and bring the relationship back to the right track, the walls of misperceptions must be torn down first to clear the way for knowing, observing, and understanding China as it is.
中国是始终坚持并发展人民民主的国家。长期以来,西方国家在民主这个问题上对中国有着严重歪曲误解。实际上,民主并不是少数国家的专利,而是全人类的共同价值。实现民主的形式丰富多彩,没有固定模式,也不存在标准答案。真正的民主必须扎根本国土壤、服务本国人民。中国实行的社会主义民主政治,坚持中国共产党领导、人民当家作主、依法治国三者的有机统一。这是一种全过程的民主,坚持所有重大立法决策都要依照程序、经过民主酝酿,并通过科学、民主决策产生。这是一种最广泛的民主,坚持众人的事情由众人商量,努力找到符合全社会意愿的最大公约数。比如,中国政府在制定“十四五”规划时,注重征求各方意见,仅网上就收集到100多万条意见建议。事实已证明,中国的社会主义民主政治体现了人民的意志、符合中国的国情,得到人民的拥护,为人类政治文明进步作出了独特和重要贡献。China is a country that always upholds and promotes people's democracy. Over a long time, Western countries have either seriously distorted or misunderstood China on democracy. In fact, democracy is not a patent of a few countries. It is a common value of humanity. There are various ways to realize democracy, and there is no fixed model or standard answer. True democracy must be rooted in the realities of a country and serve its people. The socialist democracy practiced by China upholds the organic unity of the leadership of the Communist Party of China (CPC), the running of the country by the people, and law-based governance. It is a whole-process democracy. Important legislation and policy-making must go through set procedures and extensive discussions, and the final decision must be made on the basis of scientific and democratic deliberations. It is the most representative democracy where people's matters are widely consulted for the greatest common denominator that suits the will of the whole society. For example, when drafting the 14th Five-year Plan, the Chinese government placed importance on the views from various sectors, and collected over one million comments and recommendations from online channels alone. Facts have shown that China's socialist democracy embodies the will of the people and fits the country's realities. It is thus endorsed by the people, and has made special, important contributions to the progress of political civilization of humankind.
中国是始终保护并促进人权发展的国家。作为世界上最大的发展中国家,中国奉行以人民为中心的理念,将生存权、发展权作为首要的基本人权,努力促进经济、社会、文化权利和公民政治权利全面协调发展。新中国成立70多年来,中国人均国内生产总值从不到30美元提升到超过1万美元,8亿以上人口实现脱贫,在中华民族几千年历史上首次消灭了绝对贫困。新疆、西藏等少数民族聚居地区更是中国人权进步的典范。过去60多年来,新疆经济总量增长了200多倍,人均生产总值增长了近40倍,人均预期寿命由30岁提高到72岁。在抗击新冠肺炎疫情中,中国全力保障每一个人的生命健康权,不惜一切代价,以最快速度遏制了疫情蔓延,以最大努力提高了治愈率、降低了死亡率,并为社会经济生活迅速恢复提供了保障。China is a country that is always committed to protecting and promoting human rights. As the largest developing country, China takes a people-centered approach to human rights. We believe that the rights to subsistence and development are basic human rights of paramount importance. At the same time, we strive for comprehensive and coordinated development of economic, social and cultural rights as well as civil and political rights. Over the past 70 plus years since the founding of the People's Republic, China's per capita GDP has risen from less than US$30 to over US$10,000. More than 800 million people have been lifted out of poverty. We have eliminated abject poverty for the first time in China's thousands years of history. Places inhabited by ethnic minorities, such as Xinjiang and Tibet, have stood out as shining examples of China's human rights progress.In the past 60 years and more, Xinjiang's GDP expanded by over 200 times, with per capita GDP growing by nearly 40 times. And its average life expectancy increased from 30 to 72. In fighting COVID-19, we have made the utmost efforts to protect the right to life and health for each and every Chinese, and at all cost, we have curbed the spread of the virus in the fastest possible speed, and have done our best to raise the cure rate and lower the fatality rate. This has made it possible for the society and the economy to recover quickly.
中国是始终珍惜和捍卫世界和平的国家。中国的发展得益于世界和平,又通过自身发展回馈世界和平。过去70多年,我们从未主动挑起过一场战争,从未侵占过别国一寸土地,倡导对话弥合分歧,谈判化解争端。我们无意输出意识形态,不做颠覆任何国家政权的事情,一直坚持走对话而不对抗、结伴而不结盟的国与国交往新路。我们积极参与斡旋热点问题,是承担联合国会费和维和摊款第二位的国家,是安理会常任理事国中派遣维和部队最多的国家。China is a country that always values and safeguards world peace. China has benefited from world peace in its development, and has contributed to world peace in turn with its development. In the past 70 years and more, we didn't provoke any war or occupy one inch of foreign territory. We seek to settle differences through dialogue and resolve disputes through negotiation. We have no intention to export ideology. Nor do we attempt to overturn the government of any country. We always stay on the new path of state-to-state relations to seek dialogue instead of confrontation and teaming up instead of ganging up. We actively participate in the good offices on hotspot issues. China is the second largest contributor to the UN's regular budget and peacekeeping assessment. It is also the largest contributor of peacekeepers among the five permanent members of the UN Security Council.
中国是始终倡导和践行合作共赢的国家。合作共赢是中国对外交往的重要原则。我们坚持正确义利观,真心诚意帮助发展中国家,不附带任何政治条件,不把自己的意志强加于人。我们提出“一带一路”倡议7年多来,与合作伙伴国家货物贸易总额超过了7.8万亿美元,对合作伙伴国家直接投资超过了1100亿美元,为促进当地人民就业、经济发展发挥了重要作用。在世界经济衰退逆风中,中国连续三年主动举办进口博览会,让各国分享中国的市场机遇。当前,中国正在新发展理念指引下,加紧构建以国内大循环为主体、国内国际双循环相互促进的新发展格局,深入推进高水平对外开放,这将为世界各国提供更大市场空间,创造更多发展机遇。China is a country that always advocates and pursues win-win cooperation. We take win-win cooperation as an important principle in our diplomacy. We believe in shared interests and common good. We help fellow developing countries with sincerity and good faith, and we do not attach political strings or impose our wills. In the past seven years since we launched the Belt and Road Initiative, China's trade in goods with partner countries surpassed US$7.8 trillion, and direct investment in those countries topped US$110 billion. All this has been helpful for local employment and economic growth. Despite the global economic recession, China has hosted international import expos for three years to share with other countries the Chinese market opportunities. At the moment, China is following the new development vision, fostering a new development paradigm featuring "dual circulations", with domestic circulation as the mainstay and domestic and international circulations reinforcing each other, and advancing opening-up at a higher level. This means a bigger market and more development opportunities for other countries.
中国是始终奉行和维护多边主义的国家。多边主义是中国的坚定选择。今年是新中国恢复联合国合法席位50周年。50年来,我们捍卫联合国宪章的宗旨和原则,支持联合国的权威和应有作用;主张国家不分大小一律平等,坚定推进国际关系民主化。我们从不搞针对特定国家的小圈子,从不在联合国授权外搞单边行动。过去几年,在单边主义、保护主义肆虐之时,中国毫不犹豫地站出来予以抵制,以实际行动维护国际关系基本准则,维护广大发展中国家共同利益。联合国秘书长古特雷斯表示,中国已成为多边主义的最重要支柱和促进世界和平与发展不可或缺、值得信赖的重要力量。China is a country that always practices and upholds multilateralism. China firmly believes in multilateralism. This year marks the 50th anniversary of the restoration of China's lawful seat at the United Nations. During these five decades, China has upheld the purposes and principles of the UN Charter, supported the UN in exercising its authority and playing its due role. We believe that all countries are equal, regardless of their size. And we firmly promote greater democracy in international relations. We never seek to form small circles targeted at other countries. We never take actions unilaterally outside the authorization by the UN. When unilateralism and protectionism ran amok in the last few years, China immediately stepped forward to resist the tendency, and took concrete actions to uphold the basic norms of international relations and safeguard the common interests of developing countries. As UN Secretary-General António Guterres put it, China has become a backbone of multilateralism and an indispensable and trustworthy force for world peace and development.
对于中国而言,今年是具有划时代意义的一年。我们将迎来中国共产党百年华诞。自1936年埃德加·斯诺访问延安算起,美国人民了解中国共产党至少已有85年了。从中国革命到改革开放,从全面建成小康到全面建设现代化,中国共产党致力于中华民族的千秋伟业,百年恰是风华正茂。我们知道,美国新一届政府正在审视评估对外政策。希望美方的政策制定者能够顺应历史潮流,看清世界大势,摒弃各种偏见,避免无端猜忌,推动对华政策回归理性,实现中美关系健康稳定发展。China now is in an epoch-making year. We will celebrate the centenary of the CPC. The American people have come to know about the CPC for at least 85 years since Edgar Snow visited Yan'an in 1936. From the revolution years to reform and opening-up, from completing the building of a moderately prosperous society to fully building a modern socialist country, the CPC is always committed to the eternal great cause of the Chinese nation. It is showing even stronger vigor and vitality at its 100th anniversary.We know that the new US administration is reviewing and assessing its foreign policy. We hope that U.S policy makers will keep pace with the time, see clearly the trend of the world, abandon biases, give up unwarranted suspicions, and move to bring the China policy back to reason to ensure a healthy and steady development of China-US relations.
如何推动中美关系重回正轨?How to bring China-US relations back to the right track?
50年前,基辛格博士破冰访华,中美领导人以非凡政治魄力共同打开关闭几十年的交往大门。50年后的今天,我们应本着对两国和世界负责任的态度,再次作出明智和正确的抉择。中方认为:Fifty years ago, Dr. Henry Kissinger made the ice-breaking visit to China, and with extraordinary political resolve, leaders of China and the United States jointly reopened the door of interaction which had been closed for decades. Fifty years later today, we must, with the sense of responsibility for the two countries and the world, make once again the sensible and right decision. Here are some key points of China's position.
首先要相互尊重,不干涉彼此内政。这是国际交往的基本准则。一个有礼貌的绅士,绝不会把自己的刀叉伸到别人的盘子里。孔子所说的己所不欲勿施于人,也早已在世界上被广为接受。对于中美这样的大国而言,更应相互尊重,不能总想着改变对方,压制对方,甚至打倒对方。这样的企图从来没能得逞,今后也不可能,只会无谓地制造矛盾甚至冲突。First, it is important to respect each other and not to interfere in each other's internal affairs. This is a basic norm governing international relations. A good-mannered gentleman never thrusts his knife and fork into the food on someone else's plate. Similarly, "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you", a teaching by Confucius, is widely accepted around the world. For major countries like China and the United States, there is a greater need to respect each other, rather than being fixated on remodeling, suppressing or even defeating the other. Such attempts have not succeeded, and never will. They will only cause problems and even conflicts unnecessarily.
建交以来,中方一贯尊重美国人民的自主选择,乐见美国保持良好发展势头,从不干涉美国的内政。我们无意挑战或取代美国,愿与美国和平共处,共同发展。同样,我们希望美方也能够尊重中国的核心利益、民族尊严和发展权利,停止对中国共产党和中国政治制度的抹黑诋毁,停止纵容甚至支持“台独”分裂势力的错误言行,停止在香港、新疆、西藏等中国内部事务上损害中国主权和安全。做到了真正的相互尊重,中美关系改善和发展才能行稳致远。Since the establishment of diplomatic ties, China has all along respected the choices made by the American people, welcomed the strong growth momentum of the United States, and never interfered in its internal affairs. We have no intention to challenge or replace the United States. We are ready to have peaceful coexistence and seek common development with the United States. Likewise, we hope the United States will respect China's core interests, national dignity, and rights to development. We urge the United States to stop smearing the CPC and China's political system, stop conniving at or even supporting the erroneous words and actions of separatist forces for "Taiwan independence", and stop undermining China's sovereignty and security on internal affairs concerning Hong Kong, Xinjiang and Tibet. Only with true mutual respect can China-US relations achieve steady improvement and growth in the long run.
二要加强对话,妥善管控矛盾分歧。中美社会制度不同、发展阶段有别、历史文化各异,双方存在矛盾和分歧很自然,关键是要通过对话增进相互了解,不能任由分歧定义两国的关系。过去几年美方几乎中断了两国各层级的对话,成为中美关系不断恶化的重要原因之一。Second, it is important to step up dialogue and properly manage the differences. Given the differences between our two countries in social system, development stage, history and culture, it is natural for us to have disagreements. What is crucial is to enhance mutual understanding through dialogue and not allow our relations to be defined by disagreements. Over the past few years, the United States basically cut off bilateral dialogue at all levels. And this was one of the main reasons for the deterioration of China-US relations.
当前,双方应按照两国元首除夕通话精神,切实从两国人民的根本福祉出发,以发展的眼光、开放的胸襟和包容的精神,激活或建立各领域、各层面的对话机制,就双边关系中的广泛问题以及重大国际和地区问题坦诚对话,准确把握彼此的政策意图,厘清中美关系的主要症结,探寻管控敏感问题、化解风险障碍的有效途径。中方进行对话的大门始终是敞开的,我们愿随时与美方进行开诚布公的沟通,开展解决问题的对话。At present, both sides should follow up on the phone call between the two Presidents on the eve of the Chinese New Year, act in the fundamental interests of the two peoples, take a forward-looking, open-minded and inclusive attitude, and reactivate or establish dialogue mechanisms in various areas and at various levels. The two sides should engage in candid dialogues on a broad range of issues in bilateral relations and on major regional and international issues, so as to get a clear understanding of each other's policy intentions, sort out the critical issues in China-US relations, and explore effective ways to manage sensitive issues, ward off risks and remove obstacles. China is, as always, open to dialogue. We stand ready to have candid communication with the US side, and engage in dialogues aimed at solving problems.
三要相向而行,重启两国互利合作。合则两利,斗则俱伤,这是中美建交以来被历史和实践反复证明的真理。面对此起彼伏的地区热点和层出不穷的全球性挑战,中美需要合作的领域不是变少了,而是更多了。可以合作空间不是变窄了,而是更宽了。双方比以往更有能力办成有利于两国和世界的大事。Third, it is important to move in the same direction to restart mutually beneficial cooperation. Both countries gain from cooperation and lose from confrontation. This has been proved time and again by history and by practices since the diplomatic relationship was established. With regional hotspot issues and global challenges emerging one after another, areas for China-US cooperation are expanding rather than shrinking, and the prospects for interaction are broadening rather than narrowing. More than ever China and the United States are more capable of getting big things done to the benefit of the two countries and the world at large.
当前形势下,双方可由易到难,积极互动,积累善意。经贸合作是中美关系重要组成部分。尽管遭遇疫情影响,去年中美贸易额仍然逆势增长,体现出两国经贸关系的互利本质和内生动力。中国乐见美在华企业获得更大成功,将继续采取有力措施改善中国营商环境,同时希望美方尽快调整政策,放弃对中国产品加征不合理关税,放弃对中国企业和科研教育机构实施各种单边制裁,放弃对中国科技进步进行无理打压,为两国合作提供必要条件。抗击新冠疫情、应对气候变化、推动世界经济复苏是眼下国际社会最紧迫的三大任务,作为负责任大国,中方愿意在这三个领域同美国协调政策,加强合作,携手为世界作出积极贡献。Under the current circumstances, the two sides may start from easier things, interact actively, and build up goodwill. Economic cooperation and trade is an important part of China-US relations. Despite COVID-19, two-way trade expanded last year against headwinds, reflecting the win-win nature and intrinsic vitality of bilateral trade ties. China welcomes greater success of US businesses in China, and will continue to take effective measures to improve our business environment. At the same time, we hope that the US side will adjust its policies as soon as possible, among others, remove unreasonable tariffs on Chinese goods, lift its unilateral sanctions on Chinese companies and research and educational institutes, and abandon irrational suppression of China's technological progress, so as to create necessary conditions for China-US cooperation. COVID-19, climate change and world economic recovery are the three most pressing tasks for the international community. As a major responsible country, China is ready to coordinate policies and work with the United States in these three areas for the good of the whole world.
四要扫除障碍,恢复中美各领域交流。中美建交40多年来,两国各界建立了深厚联系,双方迄今已建立50对友好省州和232对友好城市,中国已连续10年成为美国最大外国留学生来源国。但过去几年这些正常交往受到严重破坏,中国赴美交流、留学人数急剧减少,两国交往的社会和民意基础遭到不应有的“毒化”。Fourth, it is important to clear the path for the resumption of bilateral exchanges in all areas. Over the past 40-odd years of diplomatic relations, various sectors of the two countries have forged deep bonds. There are 50 pairs of sister provinces/states and 232 pairs of sister cities. China had been the biggest source of international students in the United States for ten years in a row. However, these normal exchanges were seriously disrupted in the past few years. The number of Chinese visitors to the United States, either for exchange programs or study, had plummeted. The social foundation of bilateral relations was "poisoned", which should not be allowed to happen in the first place.
国之交在于民相亲。中美两国人民有着友好交往传统,两国民间交流不应受到政治关系起伏的左右。已经离开我们的美国著名中国问题专家傅高义先生,直到生命的最后时刻仍呼吁要采取理性对华政策,参与起草《中国不是敌人》公开信,得到众多知名人士联署支持。我们希望美方尽快解除对中方教育、文化、新闻、侨务等团体在美活动的各种限制,解除对美国地方政府及各界对华交往的阻吓,鼓励和支持两国恢复高校、研究机构、留学生等正常的人文交流项目。中方愿意相向而行,以开放态度共同为两国人民的相互往来营造良好环境。People-to-people friendship holds the key to state-to-state relations. The Chinese and American peoples enjoy a long-standing friendship, which should stay immune to the ups and downs in the political dimension of the relations. The late Professor Ezra Vogel, a prominent China scholar, called for a rational China policy till the last days of his life. He co-authored the open letter, entitled "China is not an enemy", and it was co-signed by many well-known people. We hope that the US side will act as early as possible to lift its restrictions on Chinese educational and cultural groups, media outlets and institutions for overseas Chinese affairs in the United States, remove its obstructions for US subnational governments and social sectors to engage with China, and encourage and support the resumption of normal exchange programs between universities, research institutes and of students. China is ready to work with the United States with an open mind to build a good environment for people-to-people exchanges.
中美关系的未来归根到底掌握在两国人民手中,中美关系的改善也始终离不开两国各界的支持推动。我衷心希望此次蓝厅论坛能够成为坦诚交流、凝聚共识的平台,为两国关系的改善发展建言献策,贡献智慧。双方共同努力,推动中美关系这艘巨轮尽快回归健康发展的航道,驶入海阔天空的美好明天!In the final analysis, the future of China-US relationship is in the hands of the two peoples. Its improvement always requires support of the two societies. I sincerely hope that today's Lanting Forum will be a platform for candid discussions and consensus building as well as a source of vision, insight and wisdom for a better China-US relationship. I hope that the two sides will work together to steer the giant ship of China-US relations back to the course of sound development toward a bright future with boundless prospects.
谢谢大家!Thank you!


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