中央经济工作会议明确,抓紧制定2030年前碳排放达峰行动方案,支持有条件的地方率先达峰。China will seize time to formulate an action plan for peaking carbon dioxide emissions before 2030. The country will support areas with favorable conditions to peak the emissions ahead of the schedule, according to the statement released after the annual Central Economic Work Conference.
【重要讲话】在气候变化挑战面前,人类命运与共,单边主义没有出路。我们只有坚持多边主义,讲团结、促合作,才能互利共赢,福泽各国人民。中方欢迎各国支持《巴黎协定》、为应对气候变化作出更大贡献。In meeting the climate challenge, no one can be aloof and unilateralism will get us nowhere. Only by upholding multilateralism, unity and cooperation can we deliver shared benefits and win-win for all nations. China welcomes all countries’ support for the Paris Agreement and their greater contribution to tackling climate change.——2020年12月12日,习近平在气候雄心峰会上的讲话
创新、协调、绿色、开放、共享的新发展理念innovative, coordinated, green and open development for all
国家自主贡献Intended Nationally Determined Contributions