金刻羽:You have been very busy working with your institute on advising governments, rallying governments, thinking about strategies to fight the global pandemic. So I'm particularly interested in three aspects of your vision. First is technology, you have urged governments to embrace the levers of technology tofight the pandemic. Would you elaborate on this first?
BLAIR:We've really, for our institute, repurposed everything towards COVID, both working on what the right response should be of governments, like my own in the UK, but also working in Africa, in the MiddleEast, and other countries around the world.
And one of the things that has struck us particularly is how important it is for the countries to understand that we are living through a technology revolution. What's happened with COVID is that all those changes that were there before COVID are there now, but with greater acceleration, and greater intensification. So it's even more important, I think, now, for countries to understand what technological change can do for them. And that's what we've learned during the course of COVID.
For example, in the way we're having this discussion now, because people have shifted to doing online working and in large number, we've learnedthrough some of the innovations during the course of COVID, where we've had to accelerate the development of rapid test, the rapeutics, vaccines, of course. But I think it's got a far wider implication. And countries are beginning to understand, for example, in healthcare, the importance of good data, the importance of using that data. So, in my view, the single biggest challenge for politics in the world today, is to understand this technology revolution,master it, and harness it.
金刻羽:Absolutely, let me share a little bit about our experience using technology in China, it's been actually tremendous policy tool for not only fighting the pandemic from a public health perspective, but also helping with the economic and financial recovery. And as you know, China's technological ecosystem is vast and deep. And, you know, this crisis, it's been so asymmetricin hitting different groups of people, And the optimal response is to get the specific policies to specific groups, we call it precision targeting. Technology can do that. We've been giving medical insurance for healthworkers, lowering the cost of capital for exporting firms, reducing the costfor logistics companies, you know, tailoring the policies for different groups.And you can do that with technology.
And I feel that there is so much that China can share in terms of its experience, in terms of that capacity with the rest of the world. you've worked with African countries where they've seen leap frogs in technology, that it's actually the advanced countries in the West, that's a little bit behind that they're not, you know, collectively using these tools, as you say, you know, using this pandemic as an opportunity to make that leap frog.
BLAIR:Yeah, I think I think this is this is True.And it's a big challenge for Western governments and policymakers. one of the things my institute works on is that in the Western countries, and indeed, many of the developing world countries, where in policy makers and change makers sit in two different groups. So the people making public policy and the people changing the world, they're not in dialogue with each other. And one of our ambitions is to get people into that dialogue, and make people understand.
So for example, there's a huge challenge for the Western world today, because we are throwing everything at economic recovery. The support systems and the amount of money being spent on support during this pandemic is enormous. I mean, it's enormous. trillion dollars has been spent in support in Asia, in the West, monetary policy, fiscal policy is being completely reordered in order to try and get our way through this economic downturn. But at the same time, that could cause us enormous problems of in debtedness. And if for any reason, inflation came back in the system, then we would face real challenges. So one of the things we should be looking at is how do we cut cost? How do we manage that to make our services, public services, in healthcare, for example, much more efficient?
Technology is the way to do that. So technology, if we harness this revolution, in the right way, it gives us the opportunity to reorder the expenditures of the state and the interaction of the citizens with the state. So this is, to me, this is just a fundamental consequence. And I think the issue, certainly the challenge for Western politics now, is can it get back to a leadership that's thinking long term, taking decisions for the long term, whilst we operate within an environment politically, which pushes everything towards short term reactive policy?
And the challenge for Britain, post Brexit, is, we're going to have to create in our country, a really vibrant modern economy, in which you're attracting the best minds around the world, and in which your education system, particularly higher education, has to interact with the business sector, to produce, you know, technological innovation. And I think that in certain areas,for example, biotech, we're well placed to do that. But it's going to require big structural change to make sure we are fully competitive.
金刻羽:You mentioned global leadership. Now, that's a second aspect of your vision that you've been very outspoken about. Tell me why, when the world needs it the most, are we not seeing global coordination and global leadership? Is this incapacity? Or is it simply a lack of will?
BLAIR:I think it's, it's more of a lack of will? Yeah. Because the need is completely obvious. And I've never come across an issue politically, which touches everybody. this pandemics touched everybody. Everybody has had to change their way of living and working and interacting with others, including their own families resulted. So it's inevitable that the political leaders should look first at the situation in their own countries. That's a given.
But it is also so obvious that since it's a global pandemic, and since we all face the same basic challenges, we may deal with it differently, but the challenges are essentially the same. How do you stop the disease spreading, control it, and eradicate it? It's incredible to me that there has not been more global coordination over things like, how you develop the most effective testing capability, rapid tests, about how you accelerate the production, distribution of therapeutics and vaccines, and about how you make sure that you're sharing best practice, how you share data on the disease. Now, there has been certain amount of cooperation. But it's been largely on a basis that is your people just getting together, called clinicians working together and sharing protocolsand so on. And, you know, certainly initiatives like the COVAX Initiativeto getvaccines out to the developing world.
But you look in vain for a big, you know, global leadership push to say, okay, whatever our differences around, you know, 50 other things, onthese things, we can cooperate together. We just practicing, for example, because in our country, certainly, it might be rapid testing is an essential part of controlling the disease. Supposing we got together as countries, main countries at the beginning of this crisis, and said, we're going to incentivize the development of rapid, easy to use on the spot tests, we could probably shorten the period for the development of these tests by several months. I don'tunderstand why we haven't done it.
金刻羽:So what do you think, what in your view, are some of the fundamental causes of this lack of global leadership and coordination? And also, of course, China, China could play a big role here and in to some extent it has. But there could be more coordination. So tell me, why do you think that is?
BLAIR:I think you've got two basic challenges to overcome. One is that many countries, literally America, very become very introspective, focused on their own internal affairs. And then secondly, you know, frankly the relationship between the US and China, West and China, you would agree. is a big challenge, because it's going to require to repair this will require changes from both sides. And it's, it's not going to be easy. Now, what I've been trying to say my institute paper on this in recent months, is that, first of all, we've got to recognize we are in a new world in which the power of China has now risen, it's evident, it's obvious. And the power of China and its position in the world as a major world leader, is inevitable and right. It should be, both for reasons of size, history and economy and so on. The question, though, is, obviously is that rise of China's happened, These changes on the China side, the speech changes on the west side, and there's now much more confrontational atmosphere.
Now, I think there's no point to being you know, naive about this. I think this would be true, by the way, irrespective happens in the American presidential election, there are going to be areas of genuine confrontation. And, and those areas are clear that pretty well known to bothsides and, that confrontation is important that it doesn't get out of hand, but it's going to be real.
Secondly, there will be areas of competition. And technology is probably one of them in which there will be a real sense of China and the Westcompeting. You know, the next generation of technological innovation is going to be something of a race, and it will be highly competitive. So those areas of computation competition, they're clear.
What I think is important is also to reserve some space, at least for cooperation around the things that are going to be absolutely necessary for us to cooperate upon, climate change, the global pandemic, stabilizing the world economy, these are areas where there's no way we're going to have a solution without China. And we need at least to keep the lines of communicationand engagement sufficient that we can have a genuine dialogue upon these questions. And I think it's going to require an what I would call strategy onboth sides, and by strategy, I’m a great believer in political strategy, which means not a series of reactions to events, but a framework within which you can govern the relationship in a stable manner, accepting that there are going tobe real areas of confrontation and competition.
But as I say, making it clear of persuading also public that it is necessary to have areas of cooperation,right.
金刻羽:Now, I'm a believer that both sides need strategic empathy, the ability to see from theother side's perspective, and that is lacking. on the lack of leadership, we've kind of seen that even before the pandemic, in places like Europe, one of the central Western challenges is this estrangement between the ruling elites and the broader public. And that disconnection isbecoming ever more apparent, whether it's manifested through income inequality, but also fairness of opportunity, and also political persuasions and attitudes about globalization, or about technology. So it seems like there's nothing they can agree about. The division is so big, there's nothing they can agree about, exceptto have a common competitor outside and a common rival, which also has become abipartisan theme, that is a central problem.
BLAIR:And that's what gets populist leaders elected, the popular agenda, that is somehow driving also, of course, importantly, shaping domestic politics, also foreign policy,causing, to some degree, this lack of global coordination. If they can't agree about the benefits about globalization, global coordination among the leaders, that will be a big problem. And that just seems to me like afundamental root cause. So Western societies are very divided at the moment. And they're divided in a way that's both economic and cultural. And the economic is very obvious, because a proportion of the population has not seen the economic benefits that it used to perceive, each generation will always do better in terms of living standards than the last.
So that generational promise, if you like, it's been somewhat ruptured. But secondly, there's a deep cultural divide, and a generational divide. And that services, particularly around issues like immigration, and then also around cultural questions of race, inequality, and so on. And the combination of all these things, of an older generation often feeling they've lost control over changes happening in their lives. And an issue, certainly in the US, of stagnating incomes, the combination has been to produce anger directed that the system and the system has not been very good at adjusting tothis. The trouble is, what populists do,because there's nothing wrong with being popular, by the way, there's a difference between being popular and being apopulist.But I define populism essentially, as riding the anger, rather than providing the answer.In other words, what the populist does, is it takes something like immigration and exploits the issue rather than deals with the issue. So thequestion is, can we recover? Can we get our mojo back in western politics, andit might be critical to that is to reignite a sense of optimism.
Basically, countries become angry when the people are pessimistic. And the problem is fascinating to me, when I'm working in some of the poorest countries of the world, I find more optimism about the future than I do in my own.when we have a standard of living way, way above those poorer countries? what is missing from Western politics is leadership that can explain to people that the challenges we're going to face through globalization,which is, by the way, driven by people, and they're not by governments, it's driven by people, that we can overcome the challenges of globalization, the changes intechnology, and we can harness them for the public good. And in doing so we can revive that generational promise.
That's what's missing from Western politics. And until you get back to a sense of optimism that we can make the future work for us. It's very difficult. And part of making that future work for us is to say, yes, you know,the West is not going to dominate the world any more. And there is going to berising power in the east, it's risen. Okay, China, India in time, and Indonesia, you know, Vietnam, Philippines, these are significant population, these countries are going to be powerful countries in the future, we've got to be,we've got to also find a way of being comfortable with that and thinking,there's opportunities that come with it, not just the loss of place.
So these are big challenges, and they require infarsighted leadership that is prepared to say things, you know, I will say the test of the leader is not when they tell you what you want to hear, any fool can do that and become popular.The test of the leader is how they tell you the difficult things that need to be done for the long term of the country.
金刻羽:And the sooner there is leadership back in the West, the sooner thatthe leadership takes care of its people, and addresses some of the fundamental issues within their societies, the better it is also for foreign policy and global coordination. That's that's what I believe in. But on that China's risehas been, in our view, a great opportunity for the world. But there have been misgivings about its rise by both sides. And it's very important to dispel these misgivings, So what advice would you give a rising nation, keen to be engaging in the global arena, about how to better communicate about itself, and its trajectory, and to engage with the world?
BLAIR:You've got to distinguish between two different sentiments in the West. One sentiment is, you know, all the theories about when there's a new power, the old powers get worried, and then there's a potential for conflict. And you know, that historically, that is true, but the degree of interaction of China with the world today, even with all this talk of decoupling, the interaction is so enormous. Then I think Western sentiment is not, at least I believe the majority Western sentiment, is not hostile, to the recognition that China's power is a fact, that’s a justified fact, China's gotto decide what it is going to be saying to the West. is it going to look for ways of engagement, recognize the West concerns, some of them may derive from an anxiety about the Chinese power, it's important. This is why dialogue is important, it's important to have a frank dialogue. It's also important that we keep cultural exchange between people. And I am, you know, an opponent of the notion of decoupling, I think it's a very dangerous thing for us to do.
The best way is to find ways that we can engage in a respectful dialogue. Yes, that's my ambition. it takes Western politicians with strategic thinking for the course it requires strategic thinking on the part of the Chinese leadership. So we should talk more and do more together? I think yes, you can take an issue like climate change, and really work together on what is the solution to climate change. It's the science and technology that allows us to consume sustainably about climate change, okay.
What China does is important, what America does is important, what Europe does is important. But here's the thing, the population of Africa will double in the next 30 years, that population wants development, they want to consume. Now, we can't say to those, that young African population, I'm sorry, you can't consume, this is going to cause a problem in supply. we’ve got to show how we can consume sustainably. And that's, that's a challenge of innovation and invention. China working with the West on that will be a fantastic thing.
金刻羽:And I think China's very much ready and prepared and already playing an important global role on climate change, on potential fight against terrorism, on being an anchor in the financial system, And just this time, during COVID is acted recently as lender of last supply, being the supplier when the supply chains and production capacities have broken down. So Tony, what do you see as the future of UK-China relations and China’s relationship with Europe?
BLAIR:I think that Europe could play an important role in ensuring that, what I call that strategic framework, and how do we engage Chinais, constructed on behalf of the West. And I think the UK is wiping out that the European Union structure. The UK is very much within that European strain of thinking, if you like. And that doesn't mean to say that the Europeans will want in any way to weaken the strength of their alliance with the US, particularly around security questions.
But the the Europeans will, I think, want to see that we have got away of advancing the relationship with China that doesn't go towards what people, I think, in a very glib way to call, sort of Cold War sentiment. I think Europe can play a part in shaping a more productive dialogue. And I hope so. And I think it's important that UK also plays its part in that. And because otherwise, frankly, the most important bilateral relationship between of the 21st century, which is US and China, is going to take its course without any European influence. And I think it's in the interest of Europe to be part of that dialogue, very important that it is, infact.


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