Life is short, life and death are difficult. Life is full of ups and downs, no one can be smooth sailing. Only in the most difficult moment can we realize the meaning of helplessness. Keep going your own way and don't care what others say. No matter when, I always have a grateful heart to face everything.
No matter how mad you are, you must be mad again. For whom, for the future, and for yourself who cries, you must be mad. The saddest thing in the world is that when the person who loved you in the past becomes everything to you, you are no longer important to her.
Don't be foolish enough to show others your cowardice and complain about your misery. Others will only laugh at your incompetence and will not pity you. The more you want to forget someone, the more you remember him. People's trouble is that memory is too good, if you can forget everything, every day is a new beginning, you say how good.
Lonely people, don't always be anxious to talk, missed feelings, don't always talk in a hurry, people have changed, distracted, easy to confuse themselves, many things, not for your purpose. Everyone you meet in life has a reason. All the mistakes and regrets you have made before are just for meeting the right person in the end.
Success is when you wake up, no matter where you are, no matter how old you are, you pop up quickly from bed, because you can't wait to do what you love to do, and you believe that you have talent to do. This work is greater and more sacred than yours. You can't wait to get up and jump into its arms.
Lonely heart, hiding the last parting, how much indifference, hiding a person's heart, hiding a person's tears, the expression of breakup, the bondage of love, but to inspire a person's sadness, wandering a person's mood.
Many people have told me to take care of themselves, but no one has ever said that I will take care of you in the future. If one day my white hair is no longer beautiful, will you caress my cheek and say to accompany me to the ends of the sea? If naive old, the sea really withered, I would only like to be with you thousands of reincarnation.
Later, I met people who were better than you, but unfortunately, when you left, took away my courage to love someone regardless of myself. Someday, someone will come into your world, read all your microblogs, spend every festival with you, listen to your favorite songs, have endless love words to you every day, just to make up for his lateness.
If you can't let go of it, if you are too grieving and too sad, if you don't love it, you will be hurt the most. Flashing information is full of happy expectations, cherished memories are never fading watercolor, the happiness of the soul is due to your existence, deep concern condenses sincere feelings! Wish: blessings are always there, friendship grows!
Whether it's for the right thing or for the right person, we just need to do our part well, not to establish intimate relationship with too many people, and do not pull out our hearts and hearts because of intimacy. Never say anything in a simple way, it should be suitable.
十一、 这一生总有很多事让人感觉无能为力,比如努力了还是上不去的成绩,比如用心了还是得不到的你。城市慷慨亮整夜光,如同少年不惧岁月长,她想要的不多,只是和别人的不一样。
In this life, there are always many things that people feel powerless, such as hard work or failing results, such as hard work or you can not get. The city is generous and bright all night, just like a teenager who is not afraid of years, she doesn't want much, just different from others.
No one will grow old just because of age. We all grow old because we give up our ideals. Age Agees the skin, but giving up enthusiasm Agees the soul. Life never hurts those who work hard, and all you have to do is face the past with the least regret, face the present with the least waste, and face the future with the most dreams.
A leaf, wherever it falls, is its destination, a flower, where it blooms, is its fragrance, and a person, wherever he goes, is his life. Feel at ease, peace of mind is home.
Man, do not be self-righteous, the earth left who will turn, from ancient times to the present, reckless people have no good end. Therefore, even if we are capable, we must remain modest and prudent, and do our own thing well. Gold will always shine.
Look at life calmly and be yourself quietly. Life is full of variables. How determined we are will have a direct impact on the direction of life. The so-called fixed force is the control over oneself.
Life is like a marathon. The key to success lies not in the instantaneous outbreak, but in the perseverance on the way. Even if you give up for thousands of reasons, you should give yourself a reason to stick to it.
No matter how strong a person is, there is always a soft place in his heart that can't be touched! It can't be revealed. Men need trust, acceptance, gratitude, praise, recognition and encouragement, while women need more care, understanding, respect, loyalty, consideration and comfort.
There will inevitably be regrets in one's life. I always want to get what I want, but there are so many disappointments; I always want to devote myself, but I get some reservations. Envy can not have, care can not be together, want to give up but unwilling to let go, want to forget but used to look back. In fact, life without regret is not life.
Kindness and love are free, but not cheap. Your kindness needs a little edge; your love needs some reason. Seeing people with eyes, after all, not everyone deserves them.
On the journey of life, the future is far and dark. Nevertheless, don't be afraid that there is a way ahead of the fearless. Don't bother about other people's lives. Take care of your own life first. Always stay in the confusion of waiting, always tired of that day, when waiting is no longer confused, the heart of that persistence is not so important.
The busiest day is "another day". Everyone says "another day is free to gather", but "another day" is never empty. The farthest one is "next time", everyone says "next time must come", but "next time" never comes. True alienation always wears warm clothes. Real enthusiasm is often alienated.
People's hearts, hearts, their choices, pay is true, gratitude is true, good-hearted, do not care about other people's words, do not care about the future, to master their own abilities, care about their own future. Many times, inadvertently know some afterwards, the surface pretends to be indifferent, with a smile to cover up, in fact, the heart is more painful than anything.
二十二、 无论多高的山,多长的路,都敌不过你一步一个脚印的坚持。只要试着摆正心态,踏实下来,试着把困难分成一个个小小的部分,然后挨个去击破,时间到了,就总会到达的。
No matter how high the mountains are or how long the road is, you can't match your perseverance step by step. As long as we try to put our minds right, get down to earth, try to divide the difficulties into small parts, and then break them one by one, the time will come.


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