昨天傍晚,泰国王室办公室公布了一则令人惊讶的消息:泰国新任国王拉玛十世瓦吉拉隆功与国王护卫队副司令官苏蒂达提扎(Suthida Tidjai)结婚了!
图 via AFP/Getty Images
The surprise announcement was carried in the Royal Gazette, and footage from Wednesday’s wedding ceremony was later shown on the nightly Royal News segment aired on all Thai television channels.
▲Thai king surprises with royal wedding ahead of coronation (via Reuters)
截图 via Thai TV Pool
图 via AP
截图 via Thai TV Pool
It was also explained that the monarch had 'performed a royal wedding ceremony with General Suthida Vajiralongkorn Na Aydhaya in accordance to law and royal traditions in a full and righteous manner', which explains why the bride had to lay at her husband's feet.
▲Thai ruler's consort lays at his feet as he marries the former flight attendant in surprise move days before his coronation (via dailymail)
66岁的瓦吉拉隆功也被称为拉玛十世国王(King Rama X),在他尊敬的父亲普密蓬阿杜德国王(King Bhumibol Adulyadej)登基70年后,他于2016年10月成为宪法君主。在此之前他曾结过三次婚,共育有7个孩子。2014年他结束了与第三任妻子Srirasmi长达13年的婚姻。
那么苏蒂达是何方人物呢?据泰国当地媒体The Nation的报道,她出生于1978年6月3日,曾是泰国航空公司空姐。
In 2014, Vajiralongkorn appointed Suthida Tidjai, a former flight attendant for Thai Airways, as a deputy commander of his bodyguard unit.
Some royal observers and foreign media had linked Suthida romantically with the king, but the palace had previously never acknowledged a relationship between them.
The king made Suthida a full general in the Royal Thai Army in December 2016, and the deputy commander of the king’s personal guard in 2017. He also made her a Thanpuying, a royal title meaning Lady.
▲ Thai king surprises with royal wedding ahead of coronation (via Reuters)
图 via EPA
截图 via SCMP
资料:Reuters, dailymail, The Nation, SCMP