Feelings and Emotions Adjectives 感情和情绪形容词
English Adjectives to describe feelings and emotions. 英语用形容词来描述情感和情感。
Feelings and Emotions Adjectives 感情和情绪形容词
Happy 快乐Afraid 害怕Sad 悲伤的Hot 热Amused 逗乐Bored 无聊Anxious 焦虑Confident 自信Cold 冷Suspicious 可疑的Surprised 惊讶Loving 喜爱的Curious 好奇的Envious 羡慕Jealous 嫉妒Miserable 悲惨的Confused 困惑Stupid 愚蠢的Angry 愤怒的Sick 生病的Ashamed 羞愧Withdrawn 撤销Indifferent 冷漠Sorry 对不起Determined 确定Crazy 疯狂的Bashful 害羞的Depressed 抑郁Enraged 激怒了Frightened 害怕Interested 感兴趣Shy 害羞的Hopeful 充满希望Regretful 遗憾的Scared 害怕Stubborn 顽固的Thirsty 渴了Guilty 有罪Nervous 紧张Embarrassed 不好意思Disgusted 恶心Proud 骄傲Ecstatic 狂喜的Lonely 孤独的Frustrated 沮丧Hurt 伤害Hungry 饿了Tired 累了Smug 沾沾自喜Thoughtful 深思熟虑Pained 痛苦Optimistic 乐观Relieved 松了一口Puzzled 困惑Shocked 震惊了Joyful 快乐的Sleepy 困了Excited 兴奋Skeptical 怀疑的Bad 坏Worried 担心
Feelings and Emotions Adjectives | Picture 1 感情和情绪形容词
Feelings and Emotions Adjectives | Picture 2 感情和情绪形容词
Feelings and Emotions Adjectives | Picture 3 感情和情绪形容词
Physical Appearance Adjectives 外表的形容词
English Adjectives that are used for describing people’s looks and appearance. 用来描述人的外貌和外貌的英语形容词。
Physical Appearance Adjectives 外表的形容词
Describing General Appearance 描述一般外貌
Beautiful 美丽的Pretty 漂亮的Elegant 优雅的Funny 有趣的Cute 可爱的Handsome 英俊的Gorgeous 华丽的Ugly 丑陋的Attractive 有吸引力的
Describing Someone’s Age 描述某人的年龄
Young 年轻的Middle-aged 中年Old 老
Describing Someone’s Build 描述某人的构建
Well-Built 体格健美的Plump 丰满Thin 瘦Fat 脂肪Slim 苗条的
Describing Someone’s Height 描述一个人的高度
Short 矮的Medium-height 中等身高的Tall 高的
Describing Someone’s Eyes 描述某人的眼睛
Blue 蓝色Brown 棕色Small 小Big round 大圆Oval 椭圆Wear glasses 戴眼镜
Describing Someone’s Face 描述某人的脸
Round 轮Oval 椭圆Square正方形的Long 长
Describing Someone’s Nose 描述某人的鼻子
Straight 直Hooked 钩状的Long 长Small 小Turned-up 朝天鼻
Describing Someone’s Mouth 描述某人的嘴巴
Large 大Small 小
Describing Someone’s Lips 描述某人的嘴唇
Full 完整的Curved 弯曲的Thin 薄
Describing Someone’s Ears 描述某人的耳朵
Large 大Small 小
Physical Appearance Adjectives | Picture 1 外表的形容词
Physical Appearance Adjectives | Picture 2 外表的形容词
Opposite Adjectives 相反的形容词
Useful list of Opposite Adjectives illustrated with pictures. 用图片说明的对面形容词的有用列表。
Common Opposite Adjectives 常见的相反形容词
Slow – Fast 慢 - 快Thick – Thin 厚 - 薄Straight – Curly 直 - 卷曲的Light – Heavy 轻- 重Loose – Tight 松 - 紧Beautiful – Ugly 美丽 - 丑陋Big – Small 大 - 小Strong – Weak 强 - 弱Healthy – Sick 健康 - 生病Low – High 低 - 高Poor – Wealthy 穷人 - 富裕Short – Tall 矮 - 高Thin – Fat 瘦 - 脂肪Insane – Sane 疯狂的 - 健全的Bad – Good 不好 - 很好Straight – Crooked 直 - 弯曲Deep – Shallow 深 - 浅Dark – Light 暗 - 光Lazy – Hard-working 懒惰 - 努力工作Brave – Cowardly 勇敢 - 懦弱Cheap – Expensive 便宜 - 贵Distant – Near 遥远 - 近Modern – Ancient 现代 - 古代Delicious – Awful 美味的 - 糟糕的Wide – Narrow 宽 - 窄Talkative – Taciturn 喋喋不休 - 沉默寡言Healthy – Sick 健康 - 生病Careful – Careless 小心 - 粗心Pessimistic – Optimistic 悲观 - 乐观Tidy – Messy 整洁 - 凌乱Patient – Impatient 有耐性的 - 急躁的Friendly – Unfriendly 友好 - 不友好Cold – Hot 冷 - 热Dishonest – Honest 不诚实 - 诚实Happy – Unhappy 快乐 - 不开心Selfish – Generous 自私 - 慷慨
Common Opposite Adjectives | Picture 1 常见的相反形容词
Common Opposite Adjectives | Picture 2 常见的相反形容词


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