On March 29th, China's State Council Information Office held a Guangdong-themed press conference on "Promoting High-quality Development." Guangdong Province proposed to develop new quality productivity forces based on local conditions to inject vitality into high-quality development.
What are the advantages of Guangdong in developing new quality productivity forces?
How can we further promote the formation of new quality productivity forces?
In response to these specific questions, Jiang Yuhao, director of the National Governance Research Center of the Institute of Public Policy (IPP) at South China University of Technology, was interviewed by Yangcheng Evening News. He expressed great confidence in Guangdong's development of new quality productivity forces.
Guangdong has a solid foundation for developing new quality productivityforces. Jiang Yuhao said, "Guangdong has a solid manufacturing base, strong scientific research capabilities in universities, and in recent years has also tapped into the innovation resources of Hong Kong and Macao. In addition, Guangdong Province is implementing policies to support parallel exploration of multiple technological routes, which will facilitate the development of more emerging industries. In terms of industrial layout, relying on the Guangzhou and Shenzhen metropolitan areas, Guangdong has established a diversified industrial ecology. In summary, Guangdong's development of new quality productivity has very promising prospects."
The transformation and upgrading of traditional manufacturing industries are the main cradles for cultivating new quality productivityforces. Jiang Yuhao stated that in recent years, many traditional manufacturing industries in Guangdong have been transformed and upgraded through innovation and digitalization, achieving good results. "The toy industry in Shantou, for example, has upgraded the entire process from sales to after-sales service through digital means."
The scientific and technological resources of Hong Kong and Macao will also help Guangdong develop new quality productivityforces. Jiang Yuhao said, "Hong Kong is home to many top universities and scientists, and their research results have a strong demand for transformation in the mainland. Guangdong has a strong manufacturing industry that can translate these high-end research results into actual applications. Cooperation between Guangdong and Hong Kong can achieve win-win results."
Jiang Yuhao also gave suggestions for future cooperation in the Guangdong, Hong Kong, and Macao Greater Bay Area. He said that there are still some issues hampering the integration of regulations between Guangdong Province and Hong Kong and Macao, which need further exploration. "I understand that the next-generation Internet National Engineering Center in Nansha, Guangzhou, is promoting data interoperability among Guangdong, Hong Kong, and Macao, which is one of the explorations."
Source: Yangcheng Evening News
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