一、我知道会输 但还想搏一搏。
I know I will lose, but I still want to have a fight.
二、这个世界恶意太多 我已经不想撑下去了。
There is too much malice in this world. I don't want to carry on any longer.
三、乱糟糟的生活 乱糟糟的情绪 无论我怎么逃避 生活还是不放过我。
The chaotic life, the chaotic mood, no matter how I escape from life or don't leave me alone
四、你永远不会知道 一个表面看起来正常的人 会崩溃在哪个夜晚。
You will never know on which night a seemingly normal person will collapse.
五、机场比婚礼的殿堂见证了更多真诚的吻 医院的墙比教堂听到了更多的祈祷。
The airport witnessed more sincere kisses to the hospital wall than the wedding hall and heard more prayers than the church.
六、以前浸湿枕头的是汗水 现在浸湿枕头的是泪水 对吧。
It used to be sweat that soaked the pillow, but now it is tears that soaked the pillow, right
七、当你心中满是荒凉 人间便似绝望刑场。
When your heart is filled with desolation, the world is like a desperate execution ground.
八、表面的若无其事都是装的 我怕真实面目会吓到你。
Everything on the surface is fake. I'm afraid the real thing will scare you
九、深情不负只是个笑话 谁会在乎配角的感受。
Affectionate irresponsibility is just a joke. Who cares about the feelings of supporting actors?
十、爱过头了 就只剩下卑微了。
Too much love leaves only humble
十一、说不尽的心酸 只能笑着疼。
I can't say enough sadness, I can only laugh and hurt.
What about loathe to give up, is not only can leave
十三、我们在回忆里买醉 在现实中颓废。
We get drunk in our memories and decadent in reality
十四、面无表情的擦肩而过 都是假的。
It's all fake to pass by with a straight face
十五、陪伴与懂得 比爱情更重要。
Companion and understanding are more important than love
十六、不想装了 我好累。
Don't want to pretend I'm so tired
No one knows how helpless I am now.
Tears seem to be disobedient and always come out inexplicably.
I thought no one would leave me as long as I kept laughing.
Copywriting is the only true place I can express
二十一、别人都快乐死了 我的快乐死掉了。
Everyone else is happy and dead. My happiness is dead
二十二、带着某些瞬间会突然袭来的心痛 努力地生活 笑着说再见。
Live hard and say goodbye with a smile with the heartache that will suddenly hit in some moments
Disappointments for no reason at all, emotions really make me fed up.
二十四、离开就是路人 无论曾经多在乎。
Leaving is no matter how much passers-by once cared.
二十五、破零不能重圆 世界太大也难遇见。
Breaking Zero Can't Round Up World Too Big to Meet
Losing and staying up late have become habits.
二十七、时间会慢慢沉淀 有些人会在心底慢慢模糊。
Time will slowly precipitate, some people will slowly blur in the bottom of their hearts
I keep loving you from a lot of people
It is really important to meet people who are in step.
三十、人们总是忽然相爱 忽然就不爱了。
People always fall in love suddenly and suddenly don't love